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Posts posted by pdxmonkeyboy

  1. I thought of something else while reading the above about lids... 

    acrylic can NOT be used for lids.. the combination of heat from the lights and moisture will make it warp.  It WILL warp.  trust me.  You want polycarbonate. 

    Also, quality cast acrylic will not be destroyed by UV.  Acrylic is made form natural gas and it not subject to the degradation that a lot of other plastics do in UV.  For all intents and purposes, your cast acrylic will not become cloudy or yellow in your lifetime.    bombers from the 1950's have acrylic canopies and they are still crystal clear and they sit in the sun on the runways. 

    I don't know why this myth still hangs around, but it does.  Some people just regurgitate things without thinking. ...  got ich... give it some garlic...



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  2. Miles, do you have a decent table saw? There are basically two ways to cut acrylic for a tank.
    Table saw with diable laminate blade..$50
    Or a router with a good bit.

    You need a router anyways to trim the pieces when your done. I may be telling you what you already know.. but.

    The top and bottom are cut 1/4" larger than the rest of the tank so you can use that extra lip of material to glue them.

    On a tank that short, you may need clamps to apply a LITTLE pressure to the seam after you apply solvent.

    The keys to a beautiful joint are:
    1. Cleanliness..any dust will stop capillary action.
    2. Pins... pins between the joints to apply glue.
    3. Playing cards... you use these to shim the pieces so that all your pins have EVEN tension. Even the flattest table and acrylic will have a little wave to it.

    I would suggest the smaller gauge needle applicator from tapp. It needs to be squeezed to make solvent come out. It will make life easier for you.

    It is not a hard thing to do..I made an 8' acrylic tank that looks great, you just need to know a couple tricks.


    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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  3. The last place I would buy acrylic is tapp plastics.  They are SUCH a rip off.  For the price you pay for those strips of acrylic you could buy a whole sheet from professional plastics.  

    BTW.. you want 3/8 acrylic not 1/4". ESPECIALLY if this is your first tank build. 

    Good luck, looks like a cool project. 

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  4. So what is your latest and greatest opinion of the ocean swipe?  I was disheartened to hear that it didn't keep the algae completely gone, but maybe you have to clean the tank first?  


  5. 14 hours ago, Willapa said:

    This is turning out the be a great sale thread.....well at least for the onlookers! Maybe it's the curse of Jaggy?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    This is probably the biggest reason it hasn't sold already.  People come look at it and then they just get angry, butt their head against the glass, and leave. 

    Has anyone on the forum ever had a fish tank exorcism done?> 


    • Haha 1
  6. OK, this is weird. You are not going to believe this....   The guy from CL that was going to come pick up the tank dropped off the face of the earth!!   He was going to come at 6 yesterday...then... he ghosted me.  And I don't mean like Patrick Swazie ghosted me..like we made a clay pot together.. he just disappeared.



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    Ok folks.. the time has come to get serious and up your game...


    Seventy. Five. Gallon. Tank.


    That's right, and it comes with everything needed in order to get started and find out that you need more stuff!


    75 gallon glass tank, what brand you say? (Because you just want to ask and have no real intention of buying it) it is an Aquoan or something. Basically the pinnacle of mass produced factory tank. Built south of the wall? Maybe and with joints like this I wouldn't be surprised. You cant get these tanks just anywhere. These come from Petco.


    Artistic wooded stand. It's made of wood! Not just any wood... lumber grade wood. I can throw in some wet particle board if you want the full petco aquarium experience.


    Canister filter which works great. You dont even have to clean it for months it's so big. What's good about this is that if you wait long enough, when you open it up it smells like satan's diarrhea, in August, in a locked car sitting in the sun. It also kind of has a faint nose of expressed cat anal gland.


    It has glass hinged lids, and for a limited time, I will throw in a free heater!


    Lastly, it has LED lights that actually make your fish look good. The lights are strong enough to grow significant amounts of hair algae and will also likely support aptasia.


    Tank comes with some dirty sand and what I like to call "essence of Jaggy"


    This is posted on facebook and craigslist for $150 but because portland has the largest collection of cheap [language filter] reefers, I am willing to let it go for $100 if your a paid member.


    Single? Want to impress the ladies? Got a date lined up soon? All you need is this tank and a half dozen green chromis... and it's in the bag.




    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk





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  8. On 8/11/2019 at 8:19 AM, albertareef said:

    So is all that In your frag tank?  What did you do with all the rock. Yikes - that makes me tired just thinking about it!

    Not my frag tank, the coral is in an undisclosed location.  Although the presence of my fish may give the location away... 


    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Willapa said:

    Man, you went from thinking about moving to dropping the anchor. I assume you've already been house shopping pretty aggressively. Good luck and your current house is really unique and on a great lot, so don't imagine it'll take long to sell.

    Thanks Trevor.  It is indeed pretty rare to have an acre close to the city.  The downside is the price, as that pushes it out of most people 's reach.  It will sell, it is just a question of when.  

    I work in WA so moving to WA will give me an instant $8,000 a year salary bump (that is a big tank) LOL.  


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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