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Posts posted by Oregonic

  1. From doing a little research it apprars if I do get babies they will be hidden under the skirt of the females.  I have not come across any information from someone who has been able to grow babies to stable adulthood, maybe im just missing something. Anyone on here have any luck raising babies?

  2. 15 minutes ago, youcallmenny said:

     It is and no, don't change your water.  I would doubt it's going to cause any problems but the potential for new RFA's spawning definitely exists.  If they spawn you'll find babies hiding under the skirts of whichever flower was your female.  These have set genders and breed sexually iirc.

    Is there a way to tell if any of the others are female?  Also if there were to be babies what determines the color of the babies?

  3. 20 hours ago, ChrisQ said:

    They are in my area, this is where i got my valves, thankfully my experience was better. It was explained to me that these items they normally don't stock but i guess i showed up on the right day, even bought the one i didn't need at the time. The one i needed and the other were the only two in the store. 

    I'm also in need of another gate valve, i'll give them a visit and see what i can find out, if they don't have one/s in stock then i'm sure with a little politeness they'll get some to me fairly quickly. 

    Glad you had a good experience. Hopefully I had just caught them on a bad day and my experience was not the norm. Being the son of a pipe fitter I had remembered going in there many times as a kid, thats why I had given them a shot. 

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  4. On 5/11/2018 at 11:18 AM, Sailingeric said:

    Have you called George Moreland?  

    Went to George Morland when I was doing some plumbing to my tank and was treated horribly. Both employees I spike with made me feel as if I was wasting their time. I knew exactly what i needed and even showed them pics on my phone. The first guy kept grabbing me copper and brass fittings from the back, must have told him 3 times no metal what so ever.  He ended up getting all huffy puffy and passed me off to someone else. Second guy was just rude from the start. I ended up just walking away and sharing a few choice words on my way out. I will never support them again. Ended up ordering everything online. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Emerald525 said:

    The only thing I can think of would be a vermetid snail but they typically don't eat coral. They just send out a mucousy film out as a trap but this can cause zoas to retract and get tissue loss. Not sure if that's what you are dealing with.

    If it's a snail then superglueing over the hole will help or you could try adding a natural predator such as a coris wrasse but this will also eat feather dusters.

    Aptasia x or kalk paste kills them too.  I get them occasionally in my zoa garden and they always seem to make a few zoa heads melt away. 

  6. Ive been hit hard with cyano. I have tried manually removing but just keeps coming back. I should have some chemi clean showing up monday, worked great on my other tank over a year ago.  Hopefully it will have cleard up by next update so I can continue adding a few corals. Frogspawn and hammer have settled in nicely and opening fully now and mushroom continuing to grow.  




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  7. 3/31 Update

    Added a mushroom last weekend, it is looking happy and plump. Yesterday I fragged some frogspawn and a hammer I have in my 170 and threw them in. They have opened a little today but still pretty unhappy. Hopefully they will settle in over the next few days. Later this week I will add some zoa’s to the section with the mushroom.  Have a little patch of cyano but it appears to be going away over the last few days  




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  8. Me (Andy) and my beautiful goofy wife Kayt on our trips to Seattle and Vegas this year.  We enjoy kayaking, camping, disc golf, and anything outdoors.  I also play my share of video games and drink plenty of ipa’s.767B55CA-428F-468E-9865-13E985C6DE41.jpeg


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  9. On 3/9/2018 at 2:12 PM, Jack-the-reefer said:

    You can do anything you want as long as total volume doesn't exceed 5g. I'll be putting a sump on the betta falls. 

    Wish I would have read earlier posts a little closer, didnt see you were doing a betta falls :nooo:  I kind of feel like an [language filter] now. Sorry for doubling up on same tank.

    I am going for softies in lower section (mushroom and zoas)

    LPS in center (small hammer and frogspawn)

    SPS in top left (small frag of branching psammocora and red plating monti). Hopefully can keep up with alk/cal demand with a turkey baster water change every other day.  If I cant keep up will probably swap with flower nem. 

  10. 1AFCEAEE-8607-4C5A-9017-DCB8078C48AE.jpegHeres my pico. 

    Betta falls tank $49.99, 2 gallon total volume.

    10w heater $14.39

    Light is a e-live led spare I had for my freshwater tank. Not sure if it will be strong enough to grow much but worth a shot. Has 3 blue pucks, 2 cool white pucks and one hd puck installed on it. Pucks are interchangeable and i have a few extra blues and whites I could add if need be. Only thing havent figured out yet is how to mount the light.  Probably going to hang it from night stand using a few shelving brackets I have laying around tomorrow evening.

    total cost $64.38



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  11. “Inappropriate reefer” on youtube has one. Watching his videos had made me want a dedicated tank to keep one. He keeps a freshwater tank for ghost shrimp to feed him.  Heres a link to his how to keep video  


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  12. I was speaking with @albertareef at Holly’s frag sale this weekend and he had mentioned some additive that worked for him. He was unsure of what ot was called but said he would check. I have nitrates around 10 ppm and no matter how may water changes I do they seem to hover right at 10 ppm. 

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