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Posts posted by Oregonic

  1. My female clownfish has this spot on her left side. She has had it for a few weeks but seems as healthy other then the spot. She is acting completely normal and is a pig as usual when it comes to feeding. I had originally thought it was a bite from a squabble with the male clown but its not going away. I have noticed she has finally started showing interest in a BTA the last week or so but has not completely committed to nestle into it. She just seems to be passing by, checking it out and occasionally quickly swimming throug it. Is it possible it stung her and causes a wound?  I thought they could just dive in if they ever decided they wanted the anemone to host them. I dont have a QT, how should I handle?


  2. Spoke with the customer service lead Jason this afternoon. I was very impressed by his professionalism. New flipper blades on the way already, received a tracking number in less then a hour after speaking with him. He also promised he was going to not only look into the reason the ball got dropped after I had made several attempts to have BRS correct the issue he also stated that he was going to look into ways to ensure this does not happen to others in the future. He made a great point that BRS hires hobbiest over those with a strong background in customer service, customer service can be taught, reef passion cannot.  Jason restored my faith in BRS.

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  3. Well I received a post on my R2R post this morning from the man Randy himself.  I also received an email from a guy named Jason who is the customer service lead at BRS along with his number so we can discuss the order. I will update here after I speak with him to what the outcome is.  Glad it looks like they will be able to resolve this.  I just wish it had never made it to the point where I had to publicly post this on either fourm.  We all know mistakes happen, and when they do the most important thing is a prompt resolution.


  4. I have had nothing but great experiences in the past. I have spent thousands of dollars with them over the last few years and never had any issues. This is the first time I have ever received anything damaged. Thats why I am surprised how they have handled this. It honestly is their loss, I will just spend my hard earned money elsewhere in the future.    

  5. I posted what is listed below on R2R the other day in hopes of getting BRS attention to resolve a shipping issue. I have got no response from them since. I did however receive a private message from someone else who had same issue.  I will never order from them again!


    I must start by saying I have had great experiences with BRS in the past. BRS also gives back to the community through education. I have learned so much from their videos and probably owe alot of the successes ive had with my tank to what I have learned from their videos. That being said the las order I made through them had been super frustrating. On Oct 19th I received an order of Aquaforest 123, some reagents for alk tester, some glue, a salifert nitrate test kit, and some flipper blades. Package arrived all thrown in one box that was barely holding together. The Aquaforest 123 must be about 30-40lbs of liquid and had beat up evething else packaged with it. Would have been very easy when packing to put all the little items in a separate box before placing in the lare box with the Aquaforest, most likely everything would have arrived in decent shape. The large box that everything was shipped in also was not reinforced with tape around the edges, so there were multiple holes in the bottom of my box. The flipper blades were missing, most likely fell out of one of the large holes on the bottom. The contents of the salifet test kit were not in their box either and the spoon for measuring the powder was MIA. That night Oct 19th I sent a email along with photos to BRS customer support and figured I would hear back promptly. Didnt hear back for a few days so I decided to call on Oct. 22nd thinking possibly they did not receive my email or it was just missed. Spoke with someone and he apologized and adked that I send the same email directly to his work email and he would take care of it asap. A few days go by so i call again on Oct. 25th. They guy I speak to this time says I see that the last person you spoke with made a note but was working in the warehouse today so he would handle it himself and asks if I can send him a copy of the email so I do. Today is now Nov. 1st and I have yet to hear any response from BRS and have already chalked up the flipper blades up as a loss. I was able to get a measuring spoon for the test kit from a buddy so got that covered. I will definitely be reconsidering who I order from in the future.





  6. Im leaning towards dinos due to tank always lacking phosphates and having high nitrates.  Always been off balance but since I started dosing phosphates nitrates have actually reduced on their own and all corals have coloed up and grown faster.  I does seem weird how this outbreak has been so delayed and never started till ratios of nitrates and phosphates have gotten closer to being in balance 🤷‍♂️  I have been slowly siphoning out sand with every water change but dont want to loose anymore since i have a goby and shimp that need a home, less then 1” average depth of sand. I think ill keep doing 20% weekly water changes till issue resolved and I can go back to every 2 weeks.  I think im going to order vibrant and give it a try.   

  7. Dont think this is cyano, had it once before and chemiclean took care of it. Dosed chemiclean about a week ago and had no effect. Ive tried siphoning the sand the last few water changes and it comes right back within 24 hours. Ive been hitting it with turkey baster daily for about a week and still appears again next day. I have plenty of water flow 2 gyres on a red sea e170, plus the return pump from aio chamber and I have a sump with a separate return.  Current parameters are alk 7.5, cal 450, mag 1500, salinity 34, nitrates 10, phosphates.02 (have to dose neo phos 2ml/day to keep detectable). I have a algae scrubber that has never produced lush hair algae but grows green, red and dark brown slime algae like a champ and has to be cleaned every 10-12 days. I do 10 gallon water changes every 2 weeks on average but have done it once a week for the last month to try to fight this. No changes or additions to tank in 3-4 months, other then loosing 2 hammers over the last 2 months not sure why everything else is doing great. Im stumped!


  8. Here is a picture with more white light.  Color still doent look exact but pretty close.  It is a dark brownish green. I have been trying to keep my hands out of the tank all the time except for every other week when doing water change. This Friday is water change night should i just leave it till then or pull it out now?  Im kind of interested to see what it does if I leave it but definitely dont want it to take over the tank. I have never really had much of an algae issue, tank is just over 2 years old. Dont want to start having an algae issue now but super curious at same time. 


  9. 6 hours ago, Sailingeric said:

    hard to tell with the blueish light, you could turn up the white for a better pic but it might be sea lettuce. 

    It is a dark green like kelp you would find here at the oregon coast.  I will turn up the whites tonight when I get home and take another photo. 

  10. 41 minutes ago, pdxmonkeyboy said:

    Son has some sweeeet corals. He has great prices but be warned, the numbers still add up quickly.


    If you are just starting with SPS then i would HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest getting some cheap run of the mill frags first and see how they receed and die first.


    Being excited about SPS when first starting goes something like this:


    1. these are awesome!!

    2. they look great.. this isnt that hard.

    3. huh, that looks weird. does that look weird, i think that is weird

    4. no,no,no!! what is happening

    5. google, google ,google, panic.

    6. $75 desk ornament.



    ask me how i know....


    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk





    So true...


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