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Higher Thinking

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Posts posted by Higher Thinking

  1. Manzanita is a California thing, but it creeps into the Oregon area. I can connect you with this guy that sells and ships manzanita all over. Great prices and shipping is usually around 20-25 depending on size.


    Additionally, there is the best hook up on the way to Newport. I don't know if the person is still there (he was selling his property the last time I was there), but on the Corvallis highway, about midway between Corvallis and Newport there is a house with a big sign that says "Exotic Wood Furniture." That guy sells awesome pieces of manzanita for really cheap. I've bought wood from him three times for my planted tanks. On a side note, his wood furniture is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Way out of my price range, but still great to look at.

  2. Have you tested that brass 3-way connection on the rodi unit? I bought one of those and hated it. Is that the one where you push the little pin inside the tube and then screw the nut on to clamp it down? I kept having my tubing burst off the nut every time I turned the pressure on.

  3. Hey there! Welcome to the forum. Check out the classified section to see what people are selling. You can likely find what you are looking for at a decent price.


    October 19th we are having our monthly club meeting that will feature a key note speaker with a specialty in cold water marine. You will not want to miss that!

  4. Keep an eye on them? And do u propose catching or scolding one that crosses those bad neighbor boundaries? When mine died I was grateful it happened before I had to tear my rockwork aparr to evict him

    Bad emerald crab, bad, bad! 37a648975f2f0f338ca3f8112853ca62.jpg

  5. Hey everyone,

    So I posted this before, but I wanted to see if there were more opinions. The Salifert test kit comes with a calibration fluid that is 6.7 dkh. You are suppose to add the titration fluid until it turns "from blue/green to an orange/red or pink color, whichever color is observed first)."


    This is my problem. When I use the calibration fluid and add enough fluid for it to be 6.7, it looks very purple.


    When testing my tank, I always continue adding until I get a legitimate pink color. The difference between purple and pink is not huge, but it is about 1.0 dkh. Here are some pictures. I added the benadryl so people could compare colors with some kind of constant. The purple is the calibration fluid and the pink is where I test to. Who uses these tests and what color do you shoot for? If I had a different test I'd compare them, but I only have Salifert.





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