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Hewey McLovit

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Everything posted by Hewey McLovit

  1. I've got this crazy electric baby blue/purple cupping chalice in my tank that eats Hydrophora for lunch! And unfortunately almost everything else, but it's so kool!
  2. As my 1.5 year old would say, 'ooooooooohhhhh NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' Off with their heads!
  3. Alright i have to admit it's hard taking a photo by yourself and measuring, but mine is about .5cm shorter then this pic. My system is a 90 gallon corner tank dosing Alk, Ca and Mg. Currently running a Ice Cap 250 MH with 4 39w T5 (hoping to have my 55 light LED built in next two weeks) and Reef Octopus skimmer. The system in run on a Apex lite and will hook my LED up to dimmable switches to run off the Apex. The frag is currently about 16" from lights. Parameters ALK @ 9.0 Ca @430 Mg @ 1400 Salinity 1.023-4 Ph 8.1-8.25 NO3 <01 PO3 <.22 Temp 75-78.6
  4. Sorry for the delay with posting mine and too bad there is all this drama with them. Mine is Fading Sunset and it's a decent size and doing well. The color is better in real life but the orange in the center is no where near the original pics. Hopefully they will color up after recovering from the trauma. PS: If we all get 6-8 frags in a year, I have paid a lot more for much less!
  5. Can't wait, are they gonna be distributed randomly?
  6. Bill looks to me you might be 8? Can't quite tell with the pot splitting folks.
  7. Hommina, hommina, hommina! That is one envious tank!
  8. Sweet ride Noob, too bad it isn't an A4 2.0T, i would jump on it!
  9. Those frags look frackin awesome!! can't wait to see it in my tank!
  10. Wow nice tank and love the growth! Have you notice a significant change since you won the RO/DI unit? Looked surprisingly good b/f the RO/DI.
  11. Miles your tank is looking good and that's one beautiful fish! What's the name of the neon green chalice? Also, there is an orangeish monti (?) behind the picks of your potter in the back ground, do you know it's name? I have one that looks very similar but don't have a name.
  12. That's a beautiful set up, really love the rockscaping! There is so much potential, I think I'm jealous!!!(drooler)
  13. Welcome! Love the set up and the Jellyfish! "My brain is just a jellyfish in the ocean of my head."
  14. Miles i don't think you have enough Acans and Zoas in that tank! J-Dog has to be yanking your cord, nice wave!
  15. Noob i was talking to Bill at Reef LED Lights about the 'lightening storm that some you were talking about and he said it's typically not enough or too many LEDs on a driver. The minimum is 9 and max is either 13 or 15, depending on the driver. He is really helpful and has always picked up the phone when i have called. Here's a link for his drivers, i'm sure yours is on here. http://reefledlights.com/how-to-diy-led/driver-faqs/
  16. Wow Kim that is an amazing tank! I love to watch my clowns, when they aren't bullying, I can only imagine how enjoyable it must be with a whole tank of clowns and a brazillion anemones!
  17. Beautiful color! Are they on the ramp up cycle or are they on 'high noon' full cycle?
  18. Hewey McLovit

    Chalice ID

    Wow nice find! Clearly the LFS is extremely reasonable or doesn't know what they have! Wish i could find scores like that around PDX.
  19. Thank you! Do a Google search for Blue Cloves and let the games began! Nothing looks quite like what you have and people on other forums have a hard time getting clarification in Genius/Species of it. Perhaps i will grab a frag if our paths cross? From the brief surfing of the net, i haven't been able to find one that looks as 'dwarf' as yours. Yours really looks like an encrusted SPS to me.
  20. Great looking coral!! What's the name of that blueish SPS(?) that is all over the rock around the red planet?
  21. Steve, truly amazing thread and what a beautiful tank/set up, how can one not be envious!! I'm new to this forum and getting my feet wet, what a great tank to inspire us!! Thanks for the effort to post and update!
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