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Everything posted by ReeFit

  1. Nice write up, i think i'm going to try this, add some of the marine garlic extract and then freeze it on a cookie sheet on wax paper in egg crate, think that would work?
  2. Luckily these are wholesale fish and only in the air for 6 hrs. Ocean to wholesaler to us. Makes the odds of survival go up. But I still acclimate slowly with drip lines, low light, reduce ammonia and clean qt tank with hiding spots
  3. your going to find all kinds of stuff in your tank especially if you have live rock. I got a pistol shrimp once off a live rock, i didn't even know i had him until about 2 months had gone by. I like to look at my tank once the lights have shut off about 2 hours. all kinds of stuff comes out. just use a red LED light so it doesn't scare stuff away.
  4. You know saltwater fish are rather amazingly intelligent, i'd wager that i'd be more likley to die first over a fish in the ocean if i was out in the reef snorkeling....(scary)
  5. yep they are good for the tank. i have many as well in most of my tanks. the fishonly tank seems to have the least, maybe i have something that likes to snack on them.
  6. and of coarse all the pretty fish seem to be the ich magnets.
  7. ReeFit


    Very good advise. sometimes one forgets not everyone uses a clean QT. I've read several articles on Ich treatments where they have you put a live rock or some things to make the fish feel less stressed, and a novice might just take that out of their display tank and stick it right back in after medicating it wondering why all their corals shrunk up, crabs go missing, extra hermit and snail shells around, etc.
  8. ReeFit

    reflector metal

    Yeah your going to want to hit up a sheet metal fabrication shop, there are several here in portland, it is called embossing and yes that is a pebble embossed effect.
  9. ReeFit


    Big T, no offense bro, I agree with most of what you've stated on your subsequent post. I was just clarifying points because they were not clear in your post. I mean no disrespect and just making some of my own assessments of his situation and what I would do in his case. Then its up to him obviously to pick and choose what he deems necessary. He also has alot of research to do on the topic as well. I also expect people like yourself to critic my answers as well or compare notes, etc. Cheers bud and welcome to the site.
  10. I have a hang on the back filter with biowheel that would probably do a 20Gal tank for 6 weeks u can borrow. it will need a new filter obviously. My 55G QT will be pushin overstocking as it is for a period of 6 weeks. I may setup my 120 as a QT for a bit instead. its in progress to becoming an SPS reef tank.
  11. ReeFit


    Ich sucks. not quarantining is really not an option unless you don't mind losing fish and $$. after my ich attack, i bought a 55 gallon tank to quarantine all my fish for 30 days prior to admittance into my main tanks. Nothing sucks more than losing $100's of fish because we got impatient and wanted to see the new fish swim around in the tank with its new friends. When i first got started i also over examined everything thinking that there was something wrong with the fish only hours after putting it in the tank. It literally can take weeks for some fish to get settled and acclimated, so i would treat for conditions that probably didn't really exist because i was trying to save a $15 fish when it was probably doomed to begin with right out of the LFS. I also try not to buy fish from the LFS if they have just arrived that day. Just my 1 cents. Let us know how the battle goes.
  12. ReeFit


    yes heavy garlic and check water quality. You really can't overdose garlic in their food, squirt it in there heavy and let it soak for 30min to an hour. It will make your tank smell funky but goes away eventually. don't overdose any kind of ich medicine especially if your tank is not established over 1yr. I lost 14 fish once due to medicating a new tank per manufacturers recommendations and it threw off the water chemistry so bad that i did more damage than good. my yellow tank miraculously made it out alive and was looking worse than your fish. It's back to full beauty, but only time will heal and the fish will hopefully build an immunity. be carefull not to change the water parameters. temp swings, ph swings and salinity will all make Ich even worse. I'd get that fish out of your main tank water supply before it infects the rest of the fish if it hasn't already. Good luck.
  13. If i can swing it. get me in touch with them and i'll get them the cash. what corals do you have? do you want to send up any more, i'd probably throw in another $30 to make it $80 total.
  14. Watch out mr cleaner shrimp, you've got competition.
  15. I'm not sure, i'm new to the forum and don't really know anyone yet.
  16. nah, it wouldn't be worth a trip down from vanc. for just the power heads. thanks though.
  17. make me a deal for the 2 koralia power heads, the maxi jet and the live rock.
  18. or you could always just continue to say your not a photographer and we can all just live with photos that are probably 10 times better than anything we could produce. :P
  19. Halides are killer, do you have pure actinics with the halides as well? I'd paint the back black so it pops even more. Looking good though!
  20. Hmm thats a tough one for sure...if i had to choose i might just take the anal fish over the damsel....man thats a tough one. I hate damsels. (scratch)
  21. Mine will also be up for sale when i get my 120g finished.
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