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Everything posted by batchelor

  1. for those of us that are electronically challenged, do they sell power adapters for those?
  2. if you two find a way to get together and help me out, that would be way cool. if not, maybe next time. thanks. sorry to be such a pita.
  3. i'm in eugene, are you headed this way any time soon? maybe to the may meeting?
  4. i want one, does that include shipping?
  5. Congratulations Clay! I think you should celebrate by getting some 5 year anniversary corals!
  6. hey newfisher, i used 2 4'' black abs pipes approx. 6feet tall, connected together at the bottom with 2 4" abs T's. it fits between my 90 gal reef and the wall. it holds about 8 gal, gravity fed to my sump. my wife calls it the twin towers.
  7. I too, would love to "Share The Love"
  8. Yeah, I know what you mean. My dad still lives in HB and never fails to mention the weather.
  9. "Lurkers" are people too. How do I get directions?
  10. Thats funny you mention Travis and Eric. I miss those guys. I went there every friday. I loved how you could pick a little something up for $20. You know what I mean?
  11. Thanks. No, not Nathan, Robert.
  12. No I haven't, this is my first tank since like '95. I got back into the hobby in '06. I needed something to keep me busy while my wife goes to nursing school.
  13. Hey oxx155, I'm new here but would like to attend the meeting and check out your set-up.
  14. Wow, I love the idea of a cold water tank, and going to the coast to collect "critters" That would be so cool. If I were you, I would brace the floor under the tank. You'll sleep better.
  15. I love how clean and organized your skimmer/sump area is, wish I could start over and plan ahead. Do you plan on running a chiller to help out with the heat from the MH's?
  16. So-Cal. Born and raised in Huntington Beach. Then out to Rancho Cucamonga.
  17. Thanks guys. Eugene yes, hippie no. Just another frick'n californian. Don't hate please. I'm not too good at this posting stuff, but I will give my best shot tomorrow and try to post some pics as well. Wish me luck.
  18. I'm really excited about finding you guys! Is it cool if I attend the April meeting @ oxx155's place? I have a 90 gal. mixed reef that I've been slowly putting together as money and the wife allows. After my lfs Liquid Sunshine closed, I thought I was all alone.
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