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Everything posted by bswe22

  1. Why not vacuum it out when you do your weekly water change? Bryan
  2. I like the frag rack extention idea on there. Bryan
  3. How are you going to attach it to the glass? Will silicone hold it? I have been thinking of making my overflows out of glass. Bryan
  4. Well you know, these corals are like drugs. They may even be more addicting than some. The things we do, the time and money spend on them. (naughty) Bryan
  5. I was going to make my overflows out of clear plastic or glass. I don't want to cast any shadows down into the tank. How big is your overflow going to be? Is it going from the bottom all the way to the top of the tank? I got the AquaticLife 6 bulb T5HO fixture for my 38 gal. The legs extend out a little past the edges of the tank but I am going to make something to adjust for that. I should be doing my overflows in the next week or two. I will put up pictures then. Bryan
  6. Re: Any glass blowers out there want to make some money- Jon, put my name on one. Thanks Buddy
  7. Yea, just let me know what my share of the shipping is and I will get it to the right person. If someone is going to ship Miles polyp down to him please include mine in that shippment. Bryan
  8. What does those Rep Power points mean anyway? How do you get them? Who gives then to you? Bryan
  9. Do you think I should drill the bottom or the back? Should I use a overflow box or just run the bulkhead and pvc? You can't drill the bottom of the tank. It is tempered glass. I am setting up the same tank and we just drilled mine last Sat. I put two holes in it on the top. One in each corner. I am going to make an overflow on both sides. I will post some pictures when I get it done. Bryan
  10. Do you think I should drill the bottom or the back? Should I use a overflow box or just run the bulkhead and pvc? you can't drill the bottom of the tank. It is tempered glass. I am setting up the same tank and we just drilled mine last Sat. I put two holes in it on the top. One in each corner. I am going to make an overflow on both sides. I will post some pictures when I get it done. Bryan
  11. I have found my TSB in the refugium. Who knows? They like hidding places. Sorry for the lose. Bryan
  12. bswe22

    Bleached Yuma

    Re: Bleached Yuma I am too new in the hobby to give ideas but I am going to learn all I can from all of this. I love Yums and plan on having a few. Bryan
  13. bswe22

    Max's 40b

    Re: Max's 40b They would want WAY to much for them. If they become a sponser, they will need to give a 40 percent discount just to make them reasonable. Bryan
  14. Please do because I really want to see this thing go together. Bryan
  15. Count me in on one of the ten you are having done. These look great. (rock2) Bryan
  16. Count me in for sure. Douglas, will you be there tomorrow at the meet and greet? Bryan
  17. I am in an upstairs apartment. I do not have anywhere to drill this thing. Anybody want to offer up their place? I can bring the tank to where ever need be. If not, we might have to do this another time. Bryan
  18. Miles, if you need any help don't hesitate to ask. Bryan
  19. bswe22

    RO/DI units

    Check with "newfisher" he is selling a good RO/DI unit with a new set of filters. Bryan
  20. My son and I will be there with a tank waiting for a new bulk head ready to be installed. (naughty) Bryan
  21. Wait a second, are these the same frags you have for sale in another thread? Is there now only five rainbows because I am going to pick one up from you? Or am I having desaveu?
  22. Are we on for Saturday? When and where? Who wants to do a tank drilling demo? I have a tank that needs a new hole in it. Its my 38 gallon. Bryan
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