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Everything posted by sharoleb

  1. I have this fixture - 24" - for my 36bf and love it. Built in timer and one cord. http://www.marinedepot.com/AquaticLife_T5_HO_4_Lamp_Light_Fixtures_w_Lunar_LEDs_24_Inch_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures-AquaticLife-AK01035-FILTFIT54U-vi.html I'm saving for this one for my new 75: http://www.marinedepot.com/AquaticLife_T5_HO_6_Lamp_Light_Fixture_w_Lunar_LEDs_36_Inch_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures-AquaticLife-AK01191-FILTFIT56U-vi.html
  2. I'm out. When I got the frag 2 polyps never opened, then got gooey brown goop on them. I tried furan2 and TMPCC. The brown gooeyness spred to all polyps and also to my brand new armageddons. I tossed em all before it spread to the rest of my zoas. Good luck all.
  3. I'll let you know how many I want when you get the pricing info.
  4. I was just thinking about that last night. I intended to find your thread and ask if the buy ever happened, and if anyone needs to pass it on yet. I thought I had pretty much gotten rid of my aiptasia but I definitely did not. I'd go in on that group buy. Also - YUMAS!!! I would love to do a YUMA group buy. Or maybe some sweet FLORIDAS. Then maybe Grassi could help teach us to frag? (whistle)
  5. I don't know the specifics. She got them from a mechanic, they were purple w/ a white powdery film on them. She uses them cause she hates the gooey feel of the corals. I'll tell here to look at Walgreens. Thanks.
  6. +1: http://www.extremecorals.com/Merchan..._Code=Ricordia
  7. +1 on someone posting negative feedback. I have considered it before but didn't want to get flamed, wasn't sure how it would be rec'd. I got my Furan2 a while ago from Nick also, he is very helpful. I had avoided Upscales for the last 6 months for the same reason. However my husband went in just last week and ended up spending way too much $$ because of the great service he got.
  8. So when I started this hobby, one of the first things I was told was NO SOAPS before you put your hands in the tank. Basically I don’t use soap but I pretty much SCALD my hands/arms in very hot water for several minutes before I put my hands in the tank. I would really like to know what everyone else does. Do you have special soap? Regular soap? No Soap? Homemade soap? I am a big fan of lotion also, and when I’m at work I try not to use any if I know I’m going to be feeding the dendro, moving stuff, trading etc that night when I get home. Would love some input from the ladies on this one also. (Not that men don’t use lotion so please don’t be offended. It’s just that in my experience, well, they don’t.) (whistle)
  9. LOL that just makes me want it more! (plotting)
  10. how long have you had it in your tank?
  11. Ok, I'll pass for now. My last two really spendy ones died and the hubby would not appreciate me getting another expensive one just yet. I'm hoping to "practice" a little first. It is really georgous though!
  12. Are you selling this? If so how much?
  13. The oregon city store is definitely not the greatest for livestock. They are closest to me also and I only go there for dry goods when I need something quick. I was in there a couple weeks ago and asked if he ever got any yumas in (I am always on the hunt for yumas!) He tells me they are illegal to buy so he doesn't have them. (nutty) (scratch) DOH! (laugh) Upscales is also close to Oregon City.
  14. Noob - I have a mini baby blue tang in my 36 bf, have had him since about last October. Shortly after I added him I evicted my cleaner shrimp, and got a tank raised neon stripe goby. He eats the ick off of the fish. Latches on to the tang like the fish that clean sharks. I have never had a problem w/ ich - knock on wood!!! Maybe this is a fish to consider?
  15. my orange one never did attach. after a while I used it as a guinea pig and sliced it. they still never attached - they are still floating. DOH! the green one is awesome though. I am still interested in collecting other colors of yumas if anyone has any...
  16. That is a BEAUTIFUL rock!!! Very nice! How long have you had it? (sorry for the hijack)
  17. sounds like you're interested in a green yuma? I have one, love it. I would share, but only have one. I got mine from siskiyou, maybe she has more... http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15028
  18. I bought this one back in June for my 36 bowfront. So far I absolutely love it. ONE cord, it's the best. I purchased for $230 w/ free shipping. I noticed on marinedepot.com and petstore they are both $270 now. Maybe they will go back on sale soon? This comes w/ 4 t5 bulbs and the moonlights. http://www.petstore.com/AquaticLife_T5_HO_4_Lamp_Light_Fixtures_w_Lunar_LEDs_T5_T12_Fixtures_for_Aquariums-AquaticLife-AK01035-AQLIFUFL-vi.html
  19. 36 gallon bowfront - HOB Remora skimmer, HOB AquaClear 110 filter, Koralia 2 - 750 gph. Fish: Mini Blue Tang Convict Damsel Neon Stripe Goby I have 2 frags, one for wetgotjs. Both have 6 polyps. EDIT - one has 6 open polyps, one has 5 w/ a new nubbin that has yet to open. You can kinda see the nubbin in the second pic.
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