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Everything posted by ciao

  1. How much did you sell it for then???
  2. how much for the lokani and what type it is? 20k? 30k? what is the size of the frag?
  3. LOL.....has anybody ever thought about starting a local "fish hospital" business for sick fish in the area? I know I would rather spend some money to somebody that might have more experience in treating fish to help cure it then messing around with them myself and perhaps killing them with my inexperience.
  4. Since I've never bought glass before, how much would glass this size usually cost? And how much more expensive is starfire glass then regular glass?
  5. So I'm really curious to know how many of my fellow hobbiest out there don't bother with using RO/DI water when making water changes? I know Brandon doesn't but I'm curious to know who else skips using them and what your results have been? If you can tell me why(money, lazy, etc.) you decided to skip the RO/DI water and where you are located geographically, I would appreciate it. Thanks
  6. I'm really curious, are these new zoas and chalices with these exotic names just hybrids of pure(ocean) strains? or are they just newly discovered varieties?
  7. Don't you need it to be non-tempered glass in order to be able to drill holes in it? If that is the case, what would be the work around for using such glass if you aren't able to drill into it to filter/skimm the water? Just curious
  8. Did you just highjack my thread???(threaten)(nono)
  9. So here is a picture of the zoa I'm looking for. I guess it is called Hells Angels on zoaid.com. If anybody has any leads I would love to get a hold of these. Thanks
  10. Does anybody have any or has access or can order some?? These look really cool. Saw a guy on reeffrontiers that had some for trade and that blue center with red around it gave a great effect
  11. ciao

    T5 Lights

    Not that I'm an expert since I'm in the same boat as you and just starting in this hobby, but I think you might want to just go the 72" route. I just bought a used 72" from dj_giamatti here and I think a one piece lighting system looks nice. The problem with multiple lights is that if you decide to hang them, it's that many more holes to drill up in your ceiling for one. Number 2, if you go with 2 light systems, then you will have more cables and extra power supplies that you will need to find room for. Just thought I would throw that out there as things to think about. Good luck and I hope we can talk sometime to see how we are both doing setting our tanks up!
  12. If your willing to drive down to St Johns Cathedral boat launch, there is a really good spot there by the Toyota drop off area. Most people refer to it as the "Toyota hold." If you need more help finding it, let me know.
  13. HAHA....it's all good. Actually I'm going to swing on by there tomorrow and take a look at what he has. I'll try to post some pictures here if I remember to bring along a camera or maybe use my camera phone. I talked to him earlier today on the phone and he said he does have some frags of it as well as a show piece. The frags I think he said were around 1 or 2 inches at ~$35? each. The show piece he said is around $200. It'll be nice to see it though and what other stuff he might have since it's relatively close to where I live......
  14. Hey! No mooching off of my find! LOL
  15. Hey thank Jason for posting that picture. I was really curious about that. Does anybody know of a store that could order one or has one?
  16. Out of curiosity, how much different does teh 20k differ from the 30k? Could you post a picture for reference sake?
  17. Would it be possible to get pictures of the rock to get a idea of the shape?
  18. By any chance, does anybody have a colony/frag of 30K leagues lokani for sale? I saw in in somebody's tank and think it looks really nice. PM me if you have any that you are willing to part with. Thanks
  19. Hey thanks Brandon for the great set of PFO lights you sold me! Haven't had time to try firing them up yet, but I'm sure they will work great. Talk about great condition and great price for a great set of PFO 72" MH lights! I couldn't resist for the price and the reputation of Brandon. I didn't hesitate to send him all the money before hand with the great reputation he has here on the board.Thanks for selling it to me at a price that wasn't going to kill my budget! Brandon is great and was a real help in helping me think in new directions as I get ready to set up my tank and the look I wan to have for the tank. I look forward to you coming over and helping me get this thing up and running. Good luck with the move and if you need any help moving anything, I'm there! More than happy to drive down to give you a hand if you need an extra pair of hands.
  20. What are the dimensions of the 29G? Might need one to use as a refugium if the dimensions work out. I assume both tanks haven't had copper used in them at all?
  21. This might be a stupid question, but I had to ask anyways. Are groupers and lionfish reef safe? Can somebody direct me to a link perhaps that could give me a list of reef safe fish and what combination of fish I can have that won't kill each other and not destroy my reef? Thanks
  22. Since I'm planning on making a trip next week down to Albany, I would be willing to be the "mule" for some people and help pick it up for them. I live in Beaverton near the Tanasbourne area and work up in Vancouver near the mall on Thurston street. I wouldn't mind hauling it up here and to work if anybody wants anything from Brandon but can't make the trip down there. The only thing I ask is that you take arrange payment with him so that I don't need to take money and keep track of who owes what and I'm stuck holding the merchandise until I get the money. My initial plans so far is to go down to Albany either on Monday or Tuesday but I should have more definite plans by Thursday or Friday.
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