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Everything posted by rgrcrain

  1. rgrcrain

    iPhone 4

    What do you do for a living, I try to sneak on here every 30mins for 5 mins at a time?
  2. HA, well I think I bought it with 3 and 2 months later there is 4. It might be a while. I did break off a couple of the bottom one, perhaps a trade for a Ding Dang?(naughty)
  3. I dont know that they have a name, its hard to tell from the pics but the little spots actually sparkle.
  4. I actually got that from DJL before they moved. They are tiny.
  5. heres a couple of my new favorites.
  6. Sure thats fine, and I did want both zoas. Just pm me your address and a good time and i will be there.
  7. I'll take the zoas and the milli. will you be home tomorrow, because I have to fly to California sunday.
  8. Heres a couple of mine. Pink rings. Green rings.
  9. Heres a picture of what one sponge is doing to my zoa's.
  10. Nice pics, what kind of fish is staring at the camera in the picture of your zoa garden?
  11. And if your not down with the duncans or the free euphylia. I've got the torch or octopus of whatever down at the bottom in this pic. Its got some nifty feather dusters that live in the center of each head.
  12. I wish I could attend, but I have to go to Oakland. Anyone attending who is over 5'5watch your head going up and down the stairs. The architect on their house came from "The Shire".
  13. + on a playoff + on loving College Football + on Oregon not having a QB (sorry guys)
  14. I'm just glad somebody could use the light, it was just sitting on my back porch collecting dust. I see the grey zoa's are open too, make sure you tell me if they turn into something spectacular.(rock2)
  15. Actually, I dont think the Big 12 needed anymore Baylor caliber teams, thats why they didn't call on the Pac-10
  16. Yeah, I was going to say something about this yesterday. Being from Kansas I grew up with the Big 8 and then the Big 12. Leave it to the Pac 10 to "recruit" some real teams since they dont have any of they're own.(laugh)
  17. Those pics are crazy, where did you get the diopter set?
  18. I'm draggin this to the top so maybe someone else might recognize what they are. They look sort of like the "Lunar Eclipse's" that are on ZOAID.com but not like any of the ones you guys are growing in the group buys.(scratch) I'm thinking about calling them "Lady Marmalade" or something and selling them for $50 a polyp.(laugh) I find myself staring at them more and more, they are.... my precious
  19. I might have been right about something... cool. I say grab him open his mouth and blow him up like a balloon.
  20. I had them. I would suck them off the rock with a turkey baster. Then I got a Melanarus wrasse and I havent seen them since.
  21. I've got 4 WH5's I pulled out of my canopy. 2 of them are still wired to 4 36w pc's. I could bring em' by and see what you got(naughty)
  22. I dont like the rain, but I also dont like the fact that the temp is going to skyrocket when its stops. Hot weather = Hot fish tank
  23. Thanks guys but believe me the camera is doing all the work. Miles, the corals are doing well. Yes its a 120, hey, I should start another thread to show off Shane's (USCGCWO) beautiful stand and canopy, and the sump that Dave(davey jones) and I designed Whohoo!!(rock2)
  24. pm sent, whats up with the 10 letter thing?
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