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Everything posted by moovinfast

  1. Figured I post a pic of the tank and placement. The one on the right is where I tried the k4 and then the k3. Tried to bounce it off the side glass. All the rock is off the walls in a U shape.
  2. I have 3 k4s in my 72gal and it seems perfect. But my 25 boggles me
  3. I have a 25 gallon cube tank that I needed some more flow in. It has a Seio 620 in it right now and was going to add a hydor powerhead. I ended up getting a k3 and a k4. I wanted to use the k4 in the 25 gallon along with the seio and try the K3 in our 10 gallon QT tank. But tried the k4 in the 25 gallon and it about pushed the fish out of the tank. I then tried the k3 and still seems like too much flow. Couldnt make it work and keep our anemone happy. Would a k2 be alot different? The seio 620 is rated at 620GPH and the k3 is 800GPH but seem way stronger than the seio. The k2 is rated at 600gph. Should I try a k2? Im guessing the k3 would be way too strong for the 10gallon qt tank now. Would I need a k1/nano or another k2?
  4. I have 2 small false percs in my large tank. They have taken to hosting some orange zoas during the day and at night they host a finger leather. They wedge themselves in it so well, you can hardly see them. I have lost of things for them to host too. Bubble coral, hammer, xenia, anemones, but no. They picked a finger leather. But on a good note, in my other tank we have 2 pink skunk clowns and a fire shrimp. And the fire shrimp has taken to cleaning them and they really like it.
  5. Congrats of the reefkeeper. I saw that on the site yesterday too. Too bad someone else here didnt win the other one. At least I was able to help someone in the club win.
  6. I agree on the 75 over the 55. I started with a 55 gallon but upgraded to the 72 before it was up and running. You will really want the extra width.
  7. I have the same thing with my peppermints and my cleaner shrimp. Pretty sure it all turns into fish food.
  8. Im looking for a heater for a 10gallon QT tank and also am looking for some power heads. Think I want one or two maxi jet 1200's and a k2 or a k3.
  9. Welcome. Glad you joined, you will be happy you did.
  10. The closest tap plastic to us is in Portland. I looked everywhere around here to weld-on 16 or acrylic cement and couldn't find any. My dad ended up picking up some for me from tap when he came for a visit
  11. Welcome. Nice to see another 72 bowfront.
  12. I agree with the the monoprice cables. Have only heard good things about them. Yon can notice a difference in cables on my parents tv. Blueray going to a pioneer elite. Even my mom could notice the difference in the blacks in movies between the cables.
  13. Glad to hear you shrimp is eating your aptasia. I think the other shrimp that is confused with a peppermint shrimp is the camel shrimp.
  14. I think there is a difference between HDMI cables. But unless you're a real videophile, I doubt anyone could really tell the difference. It also depends what you're running them to.
  15. When we first started our tank, we had some aptasia. We got 2 peppermint shrimp and they took care of it quickly.
  16. We just got our 2x250w HQI lights up and running. Check out hellolights . We got 2 of their 250w electronic ballast and reflector sets. Its a no name ballast, but it seems to be doing ok. Gets a little warm though. They are clearing them out. I think they are $89 for 1 electronic ballast and reflector with UV glass. And if you use the coupon code holiday09 you can save 10% . Should be good through Jan 4th
  17. I have a 48" 4x54w t5 light fixture that I no longer need since I upgraded to 2x250w MH. No name on the fixture, but I think its an Odyessa. Its an all in one unit with built in timer. Has the 4 t5 bulbs. Two white and two blue and each set is controlled individually. Also has moon lighting. I bought it new and have used it for 6 months. Now comes the problem with it. If it loses power, you have to take it apart and unplug and plug the built in timer to get everything to work again. Its not hard to do. Takes about 5 min. You just have to remove the bulbs, undo 4 screws and move the reflectors to get to the timer. Its easy, but it gets to be a pain after a while. We seem to lose power here alot. You might be able to bypass the time and just use the 3 switches on the back maybe? We were able to keep softies, lps, and sps near the top, and a carpet anemone at the bottom of our 72 gallon with this light. Will make a good little light for someone, if you don't lose power as often as we do. Was hoping to get $75. This pic is rather old, but it shows the light fixture.
  18. Looking good. Looks like you added more sand? How are the new fish doing?
  19. Oh man. I have a cleaner shrimp in tank 1. I put it as a cleaner fish. And tank 2 has a cleaner shrimp too I guess. The fire shrimp has taken to cleaning the skunk clowns. I think we're leaning towards a midas blenny in tank one and a yellow head jawfish for tank 2. Im a little weary of tangs and I dont really know why. I like them alot. Maybe its because I think they are more prone to getting ick from what Ive heard.
  20. We received a gift certificate from the holidays and we are thinking of adding 2 new fish or a clam and a fish. But we would like some ideas for fish. We were thinking of adding one new fish to each of our 2 tanks. Must be reef safe and prefer not too aggressive. Was thinking of maybe adding a jawfish, but not set on one yet. Tank 1 is a 72 gallon with: 120+ lbs of LR 3" of sand snails Hermits porcelain crab carpet anemone soft/lps/sps corals 1 coral beauty 2 Chrommies 2 small false percs 1 Jewel Blenny 1 skunk cleaner shrimp Tank 2 is a 25 gallon cube with: 30+ lbs of Live rock 2" of sand snails hermits softies and sps Long tent anemone RBTA 2 skunk clownfish 1 tail spot blenny 1 fire shrimp
  21. Do you just want it as accent lighting or as your main lighting for the tank. I think you would have to go with 3w CREE leds. Just one I think is rated at near 110 lumens. Stick with the cool white CREEs and the Royal Blue CREES. The royal blues really makes the colors stand out.
  22. Dang, I just ordered my float switches yesterday.
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