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Everything posted by grassi

  1. Thanks Jason! We are also running a 10g Mixed, but it is slowly going to be a nano sps only tank. I'm running a 150w MH on top of it and most of the soft corals don't like all that light and there is not enought room to create some shade :-( I'm for the mixed too, and so is gonna be the 65g we started 2 months ago :-)
  2. Thanks! We should update the FTS pics. Now it looks even better :-) As filtration there is filter floss on top of chamber 2, sitting on some egg crate, then live rock rubble. I used to have a fuge with some cheato in chamber 2, but the submersible light failed 2 times. So now the cheato is into the display area. In chamber 2 there is also the input and output of a Remora nano skimmer hob. In chamber 3, where there was the blu sponge I run a bag of chemi pure elite. The rest of the filtration is the huge amount of LR in the display. The return pump was upgraded to a Maxy-Jet 900.
  3. How old are the bulbs in the Aquamedic? I know you used it for 2 months, was it new before that? What condition is the unit in? thanks!
  4. Hi, I still have some: http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13909 And I need snails/crabs :-) Alex
  5. No frogspawn or hammer. I'm running a bag of Chemi Pure Elite since I started this tank in february. I just replaced the bag one month ago....
  6. Also, I should mention that the pink one does have quite a few barnacles on it... or at least from my research that's what I've determined they are - little holes/tubes with two tiny tentacles coming out. I've read that they're nothing more than an irritant, but is it possible they are the cause??
  7. I would like to move the Pink one, but I'm afraid that if the problem is a pest I don't want to put it in another tank. The sad thing was, it was regrowing so well and had tentacles out so much that it was practically inside out (lost the original polyps to the heat wave) After checking this morning, everything looks the same as yesterday. Tonight I'm going to dip both and try to catch the shrimp.. It's the skeleton thing that bothers me the most!
  8. well he was unusually aggressive during feeding last night and especially by the acans... Did you see him doing the damage?
  9. we do have one but would it be able to eat all the way through the skeleton? The hole goes completely through the other side
  10. My rainbow acan has a polyp with a hole in the center that goes all the way through the skeleton!!! This wasn't there last night when I fed, and strangely even that polyp was still mostly inflated. What can put a hole all the way through in a single night???? :eek: Also pink acan that wasn't looking happy and when I looked at it with my magnifying glass I saw that it's skeleton was all exposed in the center... This one had some major recession about a month ago and I was able to save it with a Melafix and then Lugol's dip.. Everything else in the tank is fine so far What should I do? I'm trying not to freak out
  11. grassi

    RTN sucks =(

    +1 reefboy I think iodine can play a big role in RTN. Just a feeling. I started dosing some iodine everytime I introduce a new coral or after I frag and it seems to work well. I just pour some purple up which contains some iodine in the critical moments. About fragging, I think it is a good practice to let the new frags sit in a saltwater solution rich of iodine for a few minutes. Alex
  12. Well you can always put on some shorts and tube socks and beat up a tired runner for their bib... then it's free pasta and beer time! (clap)
  13. Rick, It's Alex this time I think I will go for Scott's CPR. I'm gonna use the overflow on a 55 I want to setup as fish only on top of the 100g rubbermaid. I don't have the tank yet, so in case I will decide to drill I can always easily sell the crp I think. I'm looking for a 55g because they are so common and cheap. It is not a good size for a reef, but I think it will work well for a FO. Thanks to all of you guys
  14. Have fun tomorrow! And post some pics :-) Alex
  15. Really? No one? Come on people - sun, running, pasta, and BEER! lol
  16. Something that can fit a 55 gallon...
  17. Thanks Benny, it was nice to meet you. You forgot the macros.. I will keep them for you :-)
  18. Anyone else doing the Pints to Pasta run on Sunday??
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