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Everything posted by snowpunk

  1. A zoe eating crab would starve in my tank for sure. If I ever had one it is dead now thats for sure. I have a grand total of about 15 heads total.
  2. that looks like instructions for making a pipe bomb, not an overflow;)
  3. thanks for the pic of a bad crab, and double thanks to CCR for not showing a pic of his bad crabs!!!!:eek::eek::eek:DOH!
  4. Good deal, thanks... Just found it on google too... He looks really cool. Said he is actually the cleaner of the coral, kinda cool...
  5. No pic but it is just chillin' on my new sps and I want to make sure it is good before I release him into the tank. He is all white with one black strip across his eyes. Very tiny, and actually quite cute if I may say so. Good crab, bad crab???
  6. Ich goes through stages so you will need to treat the tank for a while. I would call seahorse, they have a 2 part treatment that works great. I forget the name of it but here is the number 503-283-4788. Isaac is great, he will get you what you need. Many on here go to him. The goby thing, I was thinking more the ones like the watchman not the nano goby type. Never had one of those.
  7. I may be able to make it to this one. I work that day but we'll see. GF gets back from Hawaii saturday so it may be a no-go because of that too.
  8. On the other end of this, it would probably help if the seller listed in the thread if he would like only hobbyists to buy and not shops, or if shops and all are ok to buy. Leaving it up to the seller would not allow others to be upset over a sale.
  9. I was running a 29 also when I started. Thats where my watchman still resides although not mine any more. The one thing I always had to tell myself is that the tank is very small so things are gonna change very fast. One fish in a 125 will have a very small effect on the bio-load if any, compared to the 29, where one fish could throw it just over the edge. There is less give room with a 29. Anyone with a nano will tell you that too. I kept working at mine to make it run perfect, and it did for about 3 years until I upgraded. Now my friend is running the 29 under my watchful eye. Doing it well I might add too. I only had sand in mine so my watchman could sift it through his gills to clean it. Don't know if you knew they did that or not. My tank now has both and as the coral comes to the top I try to take it out a little at a time. I've always thought of it as a good fish only tank bottom. I have no clue really though. You may want to switch to sand just for the fact that it is fun to watch the watchman(no pun intended) sift it. He will help keep it clean like this also. As much as a 2" fish can do anyway. Another note, maybe not fact but IMO it seems that gobys are less effected by ich then other fish.
  10. I see both sides of this, and it make s me think of craigslist stuff. Maybe if we had a way for the seller to choose if he wanted all possible buyers to contact them about the stuff, or just people that want the stuff for there own personal tanks to be the buyers. I know at times there are people that are desperate to get the stuff gone in a hurry for one reason or another. I would love to get first grab at some of the nice stuff for sale too. Sometimes it makes more sense for the seller to take a small loss and sell in one large transaction then to hassle with many people at all hours trying to come pick up one piece out of a large sale. You must remember that although they own a shop, they are reefers just like us. I bet everyone that has a shop has an amazing tank at home that actually got them to the point they are now. To take the next step into opening up shop. I think the only way to remedy this is to let the seller choose, when posting if he wants to be contacted by shops also. We (reefers) are buyers but at a small scale, and I think it is unfair to the seller to make it only available to small buyers. If it has to be gone it has to be gone. Stores can help that by buying large setups. We may not like it a lot but thats how life goes. It should be up to the seller to make that choice... Just my 2cents, don't hate me for it...;)
  11. I'll take both ricordia. I'm not off till Wednesday though. I'll pm you my number...
  12. snowpunk

    blue tang

    (laugh)(laugh)(laugh) Yes he would, with a stern face about it too. Don't ever think he is dead either unless you have proof. I didn't see the little guy for about 4 months once. I couldn't tell you what he was up to or where he went but he was MIA. Then one day, he was back as normal. Great fish overall though. You should look into getting a shrimp for him to pair up with. I forget the type but they are a riot to watch...
  13. Finally giving up the snowflake.:( He is about 24" long. Very thick and full for a snowflake. Not at all underfed.(hungry) He is on a schedule of 7 to 10 silversides once every week or so. He feeds very well and I have never been mistaken for food. The smallest fish that has been housed with him is a mandarin, but he is currently with a clown and little cardinal and a potters angel. He did good with a pair of coral banded shrimp also before they passed. I really like him but it is hard to run a full on reef with him in there. Most places want $60ish for a 12" snowflake so I think $65 for a 24" is pretty fair... I'm a little outside of NW portland... Sorry no pic as he just ate and is not coming out right now. You know what they look like though.
  14. snowpunk

    blue tang

    well I'm glad I could help. It is a funny little fish, they get more daring as time goes on. At times it has even been seen at the top of the tank swimming. This is not at all normal for a watchman.
  15. My top is not open but I only have a hood no real cover. Escape is not an issue with him. I am not in a rush to get rid of him either, he is fine for now.
  16. Yep, talked about it a little today and I think now that he has got the taste it may continue, so it may be time to take him out(sad). He is so cool, totally nice but to risky now. anyone know the best way to round up an eel. About 24" snowflake may be up for grabs. I think as far as snowflakes go this would be considered a large specimen...
  17. My tank still has a small amount of hair algae left in it so I went to buy a tang as a workhorse. Picked up a medium size blue eyed tang for $10 because it had some major scrapes and such on his skin. It was something that had been there for a few months and didn't show any signs of going away. Either way, not really the point, just some background on the fish. I get him home and get him in my tank and right away my eel is after him. This is really weird since the tang is much bigger then all of my fish already. This went on for a hour or so and I thought that would be the end of it. I got up at about 2:00 briefly and couldn't find him.(scratch) Probably in a hole somewhere or something. Got up this morning to find it headless:eek:, in the hole where the eel stays most of the time. Now I am kinda leery of putting anything else in but I am sure it was due to the fishes skin. I have had many fish put in the tank with the eel in there. Even a potters angel which is much smaller by far. The eel has never acted like that towards a new tank mate. My blue tang and him used to almost play together. The whole thing is just a little fishy if you ask me...(no pun intended) I guess I just had to vent a little and see what everyone had as thoughts to this. It is just a snowflake eel and he was just fed too. I just didn't expect this at all DOH!DOH!
  18. My tank still has a small amount of hair algae left in it so I went to buy a tang as a workhorse. Picked up a medium size blue eyed tang for $10 because it had some major scrapes and such on his skin. It was something that had been there for a few months and didn't show any signs of going away. Either way, not really the point, just some background on the fish. I get him home and get him in my tank and right away my eel is after him. This is really weird since the tang is much bigger then all of my fish already. This went on for a hour or so and I thought that would be the end of it. I got up at about 2:00 briefly and couldn't find him.(scratch) Probably in a hole somewhere or something. Got up this morning to find it headless:eek:, in the hole where the eel stays most of the time. Now I am kinda leery of putting anything else in but I am sure it was due to the fishes skin. I have had many fish put in the tank with the eel in there. Even a potters angel which is much smaller by far. The eel has never acted like that towards a new tank mate. My blue tang and him used to almost play together. The whole thing is just a little fishy if you ask me...(no pun intended) I guess I just had to vent a little and see what everyone had as thoughts to this. It is just a snowflake eel and he was just fed too. I just didn't expect this at all DOH!DOH!
  19. This picture^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs to be entered in the photo contest thing, good shot(clap)(clap)(clap)
  20. sold, I'll take the mh's and the actinic. I can swing up there maybe tomorrow night if that works for you... Send me a pm, or email with your address and if that works or not.
  21. If they are mogul MH I will take the other two 400W halides. What length are the others. I run 4 blues right now and am thinking of putting in one white for some color balance. I am just down in Scappoose so I can come up there no problem some night to grab them.
  22. Seahorse does consignment stuff sometimes. usually just tanks and fish I think though. You could call them and see if they could help you out if you can't sell it outright.
  23. Found this site while looking around trying to choose which level(10k, 14k, 20k)bulb was best for me with my newly purchased 400w PFO ballast. Thanks again CCR, I posted this mostly because we were talking about bulb testing and such. Pretty neat to see the results, hope it interests all of ya. It still has not helped me to choose what I am going to get so while your here help me out in choosing. I am running a 175w now so anything is gonna be a shock for the tank at first. What do you think... http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/feb2004/feature2.htm
  24. I have 3 that are almost double that size, moves my powerheads(80) all the time.
  25. snowpunk

    Anemone ID

    I had one that looked identical to that long ago, I was told it was a purple tipped seabae, don't seem to live long for some reason.
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