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Everything posted by Zoolander

  1. Thanks guys, I will as soon as the Crisis on Wingate St subsides, lol. And yes, I am real. People have even met me at the events.
  2. The water is still pretty cloudy but the aquascape looks pretty good. Unfortunately, the fish aren't. Might just be the consequence of having to fix the tank.
  3. Huge thanks to Curtis (downhill_biker) for his help. I have a totally different tank now.
  4. After 6 months of neglecting my tank, it's gotten pretty bad and I don't know how to fix it. I was hoping somebody on here would be willing to come over to my place and tell me what I can do to rid my tank of all the bad stuff growing in it. I am sure I am doing a couple things wrong that could take care of most of the issues. I'd even be willing to throw down a couple bucks, I just want the tank back to what it used to be. Thanks.
  5. I had surgery and have been out of it for a few weeks. In that time, my tank has started to fall victim to a lot of hair and bubble algae. Last I checked there were a couple of emerald crabs in there but they don't seem to touch any of it. How do I get rid of all of this?
  6. Great pics. The lookdown tank pic has one of the most alien looking fish I have seen in a while.
  7. Same as yours, false perc. I have heard they are the least picky fish, I don't know what his deal is.
  8. I have been feeding him frozen food but he doesn't eat a ton of it. He spits more out then he eats so I bought him flakes thinking maybe he would like them but he won't even touch those. What do your clowns like?
  9. After spending the day looking around it looks like the best thing to do will be to make my own. I found a type of acrylic that I mentioned in my original post so hopefully I will be able to start on it soon.
  10. I would be good with either. Right now, the box would need to be no larger than 21"w, 16"l and 12"h. If I made some cuts to the stand I could get more room but that would also require more of a custom box that I would need to build.
  11. My sump is too big to fit under my 55 and I would rather have it in the stand so it's time to redo it. Where is the best place to get generic acrylic boxes that don't cost an arm and a leg? Edit: 18x24x1/8" sheet of plastilite acrylic are $7 a sheet making it a good candidate for building a box. Has anybody used this before for building a box?
  12. You need to get Astrea snails. 2 per gallon is the rule I heard.
  13. It works now. I used the PVC cement suggested and it works great.
  14. You may want to wait a few weeks to let the tank settle before you put more livestock in. I don't remember if the tank was brand new or not but you should still have the typical algae blooms, etc either way.
  15. Definitely bring cameras. The highlight of my trip last time was capturing the fish in the tunnels. If you get the lighting right, the pics come out great. Tunnel: One of a few jelly tanks
  16. If you have been to larger aquariums then you wouldn't be too impressed but it is cool. I think the point of the OCA is to highlight what's in the PNW's ocean but there are a couple of smaller tanks with some cool things in them.
  17. That sounds like a lot of fun. We were just there but that is worth going back for.
  18. I will do that then. The silicone once again started to leak when I fired up the sump this morning so I am open to alternatives. The leaking occurs at the coupler at the box.
  19. It's to seal up the piping. The only portion of acrylic with silicone on it is where the piping meets the box.
  20. I am using standard household silicone to do the work. I am not sure if I completely trust it but I have no reason not to.
  21. Thanks, I appreciate it. The sump is done for the night, though. I just had to screw with it once more to make it that much more perfect and ended up creating a break in the silicone at the bottom of the box. That quickly grew and epic failure ensued. I'm wet and the whole [language filter] thing is being re-siliconed now. I just had to mess with it....
  22. Well I think I got it and the issue is an interesting one. I used an old siphon tube to start the box and left it in there after it started to go look at the sump. Once I pulled the tube out everything seemed to even out and run fine. Even the box draining is a lot quieter! I dunno, either. I will watch it for a while and post back up if I still have an issue. I have been doing fresh tank for about 15 years and this is my first large scale salt tank. I guess there is still time to be a noob for everybody, lol.
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