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Posts posted by Smann

  1. They are great grills but more along the line of a convection oven/smoker oven. I have one but i'm more into the quick steak and small cut grilling so i use my old gas bbq. Tragers are great for roast, pulled pork, long slow cooking

  2. Are you using baking soda right out of the box, I'd like to try this with my dosing only because i get less of the fine algae on my viewing panels when my Ph runs closer to 8-8.1 would like to get back to cleaning every 3-4 days instead 2-3

  3. When I started with the Phos test I was a little frustrated also, I found a video showing how to use the test. Tap the packet down to one corner, cut two sides with scissors, pull apart and crease one side to pour, seems to work. I found a conversion chart for the reading, printed it and taped it inside the lid of the box also found I need to shake and spin the max amount of time (1.5 min) to get a accurate reading.


    Wait until you buy the Calcium test!

  4. My PM reactor instructions say to use a siphon to feed the reactor so that's what I always did. My magic number was 6.4 to keep the Alk where I wanted it and a pretty good stream. I switched to the coarse media so never had the gunk in the bottom like I did with sand.


    I recently switched to the two part and so far I really like it, already had the Litermeter III so no big investment to try it out

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