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Everything posted by JasonH

  1. With respect, I have to disagree. 1) Oregon wastes far too much money to claim that additional taxes are needed to pay for basic services. Before Oregon asks for more of my money, they need to spend what they already have responsibly. Voting for additional taxes just rewards them for poor management of what they have already taken. 2) Oregon has the second highest unemployment rate in the country. Second to Michigan. Michigan has an excuse - they car industry has imploded. Why is the unemployment rate in Oregon so high? Because of the anti-business climate in the legislature. Short-sighted people always think that taxing business and "rich" people is the answer, but that's how you end up with the second highest unemployment rate in the country. Every tax raised on business is another unemployed worker. You call "stop job killing taxes" propaganda. I say the proof of the truth of these signs is evidenced in the unemployment rate. Last year - after the recession started, the State of Oregon paid $600K to put artwork in prisons (yes, you read that correctly - art in prisons) and spent hundreds of thousands on statues to put next to Max lines. Some of this type of spending is fine ($600K art in prisons is never okay) - in times of plenty. When you continue to spend like this during a recession - it's just irresponsible and arrogant. Clearly, the State of Oregon has enough of my money. I will vote no on any and every new tax until Oregon is managed with some fiscal integrity and responsibility.
  2. Oh yeah, that's a huge improvement. Like it a lot.
  3. I was simply trying to make the point that it wasn't untrue simply because Fox said it - and that there were several other sources (included the FBI) for the same information - Fox was not the only one saying it. Although, clearly you are aware of that given your last post. And, as I mentioned in my last post, I wasn't saying that made him a terrorist - I'm still not sure I would consider him as such. But his communications with known terrorists was in fact true, and being reported by other sources. So that's a valid point to consider for people trying to reconcile his action in their own mind. If a white man were to shoot a black man, I wouldn't automatically assume the crime was a racist act. But if I found out the white man attended Klan meetings, I would probably assume that racism was involved. So, hopefully that helps clarify my comments. No offense was intended, but if any was taken, than I am honestly sorry. I almost just didn't read this thread because I knew it would be a passionate issue - and I'm just not the kind of person that can keep my yap shut.
  4. Actually, that's not at all true. The military spokespeople and govt sources have confirmed that this individual has had email correspondence with known terrorists. You appear to be so biased that you reject anything that Fox says, just because they have said it. Fortunately, we have the completely neutral and un-biased folks over at MSNBC to inform us: "Separately, another U.S. official said the person Hasan was communicating with was Anwar al-Awlaki" People keep setting up straw-men arguments that we wouldn't be asking the question is this were a white person with a Christian name. But that has been proven untrue many times over. As I mentioned earlier, The Oklahoma bombing was called terrorism. The uni-bomber was called a terrorist. I agree that people are quicker, in a post Sept 11 environment to question a terrorist connection when there is a muslin connection. But let's at least be intellectually honest about other actions - committed by white christians - being attributed to terrorism. As I have mentioned, I'm not sure whether this was terrorism or something more akin to a hate-crime, similar to the attack at the Holocaust museum. The facts remains that the underlying motivation was religious - as made clear by Hasan's own writings (and powerpoint presentations). The fact remains that this person was in contact with known terrorists overseas. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on how to label it - except apparently for those evil bastards over at Fox.
  5. I have to disagree with you on that point. The Oklahoma bombing was clearly labeled as terrorism - domestic terrorism. It wasn't associated with race or religion, because that was not the motivation of the attacker. But it was clearly terrorism, and we had the courage to call it such. The original WTC bombing, the Cole, the African Embassy (whoops, can't remember which country), Sept 11 - these were terrorist attacks. In this case, they were motivated by religion. And it is fair to label it as such. The fear of calling a spade a spade is exactly what prevented the military from dealing with this known ticking time-bomb. Fear of being accused of racism or religious discrimination. And 13 people are dead. Hollow consolation for their families that no one was offended. I honestly am not sure if this was "terrorism" or a single nut job. He was clearly motivated by his religious beliefs. He was affiliated with terrorists overseas. Those things point towards terrorism. However, this was not an organized group with an agenda to push. The fact that this individual was motivated by religion does not necessarily make his actions terrorism, in my opinion. Mass murder or terrorism - I'm honestly not sure. I hope that many members of the military command who overlooked this person's irrational behavior are held to account - either criminally or civilly. This was avoidable.
  6. Wow - that defies logic. There was no 2x4-ish support built into the stand? It was just the particle board walls? That can't be right. Even without the level of rot in the second picture, I can't imagine that holding the ~1,000 pounds of a 100 gal tank. You must be been very very close to waking up one night to the sound of a loud crash... followed by the sound of water... followed by the sound of a grown man crying.
  7. looks like a Cyphastrea
  8. Reef safe, yes. crab/shrimp safe... no. You have to dose the whole tank with interceptor, which is perfectly safe for all corals and fish, but will kill most shrimp, crabs, and most of your pod population.
  9. You should be. It's just pathetic. I'm embarrassed for you. really.(laugh) PM'd ya back.
  10. Yeah, the new pic definitely looks like red bugs - and a ton. You can kind of make out the yellow body with red head - even in that terrible picture. Treat the whole tank. There is no way you have that many on a single coral and not have some on other corals - even if they look okay now. Shane, I have a pill you can have. I treat everything before it goes in my tank as a precaution, so I have interceptor. You can also get it from 1-800-petmeds without a prescription.
  11. BTW, my advice is to treat the whole tank. If you have them on one coral, you have them on multiple corals.
  12. Yeah, tough to tell from the pic. Should be easy to tell flat worms from red bugs. Flat worms are much larger, move slowly... and are flat. Red bugs are very small, tough to see at first, and move around quickly on the acro - think of them as tiny fleas.
  13. I thought the one Curtis (Downhillbiker) had was really pretty - white with an orange tail. I think it was a Sargassum (I'm not up on triggers, so I could be very wrong on the name)? I'll go back and see if I can find the pick.
  14. I respect you sticking up for your friend. I believe that you can defend one without insulting the other, and that it would be a more persuasive approach. I truly meant no offense to you or Snorkel. I hope he sticks around. He asked for people not to hide in corners, but to say what they wanted to say. That's what I did. I think Snorkel is wrong on this issue. I think it would be best at this point to drop it and move forward.
  15. No, this thread started because you wanted to make the argument that advanced knowledge justifies boorish behavior.
  16. Snorkel, I really don't think you are doing yourself any favors in continuing to pursue this issue. You had profanity in your signature - it's a simple rule. A Mod asked you to change it. The person that has made this into an issue is you. You seem to be looking for a fight. You mentioned other signatures. Ignoring for a minute the obvious two wrongs don't make right, argument... While I agree the signature you're referencing is a bit juvenile, I find it really odd that someone as well educated as you can't understand the difference between juvenile and flat out profanity. A Mod asked you to change your signature. You changed your signature. Now step down off the cross and let's all move on. P.S. No, I didn't ding you any rep points, that's not my game. You asked for flat out, to your face comments, so that what I gave you. P.P.S. Badguitarist, in the future, in a post attempting to engender reconciliation, I would avoid calling people "num-nuts".
  17. Okay, have gotten several inquiries about selling. I'd rather trade if I can find something. If I can't find a trade, I'll look at selling. I hate trying to put a price on things. Also, A lot of people asking what it is I'm actually looking for - a fair question, which I have to admit I hadn't fully thought out. One thing I'm really looking for, and have been for a while, is the ORA German green with blue polyp acro (that long name is one good argument for naming corals). My Oregon Tort recently RTN'd, so that's a good option, too - and I know there are a ton of those out there. I'd also like to pick up an ORA Pearlberry or Red Planet. Not really looking for acans unless they are drop dead or chalices, except the Oregon Mummy Eye and Miami Hurricane (would trade 2x1 for either of those, since they are both very expensive). Or, here's an odd alternative... acro crabs. I have no idea how that might work, but I want acro crabs so I'm tossing it out there. Anyway, hopefully that gets the ball rolling. Thanks very much to those that have contacted me already.
  18. Yeah, the red skirt is awesome. See I don't hate zoos.
  19. (laugh) good eye... but this is the softie forum, so I cropped that one out (whistle)
  20. Sorry all - I think I may have caused some confusion. The only things I have fragged, or can frag right now, are the two listed. The other post was just intended as a response to Eric's question on other corals I have. Unfortunately, most others are still growing out. I'm hoping to frag some others soon (including the PM, which is a very slow grower), but none yet. I will definitely get back to those that have inquired when other corals grow out a bit. Very sorry to have given the wrong impression.
  21. Yeah, hate is probably the wrong word. I appreciate that they are very pretty and I fully get why people collect them. But I'd rather eat barbed wire than put any more in my tank.
  22. What else do I have fragged, or just in general? Nothing else fragged. In generall... let's see... Monti's (Superman, Sunset, Sand dollar, sad brown Pokerstar) Acros (Ice Fire Echinata, Pink Lemonade, Purple Monster, 20K Lokani, GARF Purple Bonzai, GH Aqua Delight, Rommel's Rainbow, Hawkins Blue) Birdsnest (BOP) Chalice (Pink Watermelon, Bubble Gum Monster)
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