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Everything posted by kilmca

  1. kilmca


    I would recommend a Red Sea Sailfin Tang too but I would be concerned that the Yellow and Sailfin may have problems as they grow. I believe these fish are both in the same family and sometimes similar shaped tangs don't get along well. Not saying it can't be done but it might be difficult. So I would recommend a Tang from the bristletooth family(Kole or Tomini) since you already have a Blue Tang. JMO Reef safe wrasse would also be a great addition. I have a male Melanurus wrasse that has been great and has awesome colors.
  2. Look what I caught! Well I had another Angel misbehaving, this time a Flame Angel. So I put the fish trap I made and used to catch an Eibli Angel a few months back in the tank again. I left the trap in the tank for about a week and then added some bait. The Flame took a liking to Acans so I put a frag in there and waited. It took a couple days but finally the Flame Angel started going in the trap and nipping the frag. As you can see below I caught it. SO I'm left with a Potters Angel that is still in the tank and I have not seen it nip any corals, yet. I've had the Potters going on 3 years now and hopefully it doesn't get a taste for corals. I've already got plans on using the trap to try and catch the Sixline Wrasse I have cause it's a bully and I would like to get a Leopard or some other Wrasse.
  3. the one mostly covered by the tang is a monti danae, i think? are you talking about the coral in the pic below, if so i also have some frags of that one?
  4. the yellow coral directly behind the clown tang that is like a scroll/cup coral is a turbinaria, i believe? I actually just cut some frags off of it that were low and not getting much light. I haven't posted them for sale but i was going to eventually.
  5. I have a Flame Angel for sale, asking $30. NOT REEF SAFE! I've had it for about a year and for the first 9 months it was great but it really likes the Acans now. SOLD
  6. First time at the Clownhouse for me and it was great, I learned a lot. Also, thanks for the rotifers.
  7. I've seen his tank, he has lots of very nice corals. I got the large green efflo in my tank from Mike(snorkelwasp).
  8. kilmca

    leopard wrasse

    I've got a Melanurus Wrasse too and it's a great fish. Mine looks just like Snowpunk's. I would like a Leopard wrasse too but don't know if I want to take the chance cause i've heard they can be delicate.
  9. I agree, my Blue Tang still gets ich on occasion and i've had it for about 3 years. It easily gets stressed if i have my hand in the tank too much or the Clown Tang chases it too much i'll notice a few white spots but they are usually gone in a few days.
  10. Thanks, glad I could be of assistance and encourage you to get a bigger tank without even trying. My only question for you is did you just price it out or did you order the tank?
  11. Sorry, don't have any advice about fishing from a boat but i still have to share. I have fished below the bonneville dam a few times and it really is a blast. Here is a pic of the biggest one i caught with some buddies. measured just over 77" so it had to be released. Plan on going again this year.
  12. Only reason i use baked baking soda is it's less expensive. that seachem reef builder is fine, just know when you run out you can use baking soda.
  13. What salt are you using? I assume no calcium reactor? I use baked baking soda to raise ALK and keep PH up. See following link for additional info. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-02/rhf/index.php
  14. Nice work on the stand and hood. Sounds like you have plenty of light and flow for a 75. Thanks for sharing. Is that tile on the ledge in front of the tank?
  15. I might be interested in seeing the color or the 14k hamilton bulb. the radium is too blue for my liking.
  16. I have a 400w SE Radium bulb with about 3 months of use on it. I would like to trade it for a 15k bulb with comparable use or newer. Thanks
  17. Looking good, you made a lot of progress in a week.
  18. I do a 25 to 30 gallon water change every other week and i have to dose for ALK. I have a total water volume of around 625 gallons minus live rock. I use baked baking soda to raise ALK. I use baked baking soda cause i believe regular baking soda will depress ph and i don't want to do that. i'm using seachem marine salt and like i said i have to dose for ALK. i would start with 5 gallons a week and if you have to dose a lot bump it to 10 gallons a week. like gawf3fun said it's different for every tank.
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