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Everything posted by aqua-ed

  1. I'm in need of a new return pump for my 10g sump to 25g tank. My current one is getting kind of iffy right now. The center bar is only being held in by the side of the tank. If anyone has one they want to let go fairly cheap (I'm on a freshly graduated-loans are due soon budget) I'm your man. Thanks! -Lee
  2. So my protein skimmer stopped working the other day. Nothing "happened" to it that I noticed, it simply doesn't run at all anymore. I took out the impeller, cleaned it off, and still nothing. It's less than a year old, I got it from Liquid Sunshine in September. I assume the pump is shot one way or another. Anybody have any ideas what happened? Is it a better idea to try and fix it or just buy a new one?
  3. Hello again good folks! So as I am set to finish college, I will be moving out of C-town and am taking my tank with me. My plan is to move back to S-town and stay with my parents while I work on a farm for the summer, then I'm off to Dallas to start my teaching job in August. Any advice on moving my tank? It will need to come with me to Silverton in June after school gets out, hang out there, than over to Dallas with me when I get some digs there in August. I would appreciate any advice, cautions, experiences, or tips you may have! Tank specs: 25g+10g sump, wrasse, clown, goby, xenia, ric, zoos, sps, purple gorgonia.
  4. Yep, Margery is retiring and I'm taking over. It's a plum of a job in a great area. Looks like we will be 5A rivals now, Dennis. None-the-less, I won't hesitate to ask you questions, an offer you may regret! Hehehe... Yea, I'm hoping to help out with the Tanks-for-Teachers for sure. I'd love to help lay down some killer lesson plans and activities for teachers to go along with the tanks.
  5. Dallas High School, home of the dragons.
  6. Well, I'm set to finally graduate from my Science Masters program here in three weeks and I signed on for my first job! I'll be teaching chemistry and physics at a High School west of Salem. I'm pretty psyched and already planning ways to fit marine chemistry into my curriculum, thus making an excuse to have a tank in my classroom! If anyone has any advice, I'd love to hear it! I'm really looking forward to the years coming! Who knows? Maybe I'll have some of your kids... (scary)
  7. Yea, orange/yellow, tomato/tomato. not sure what the "right" name is. Here ya go: [ATTACH]2451[/ATTACH]
  8. Still here, still cool, so bump.
  9. I've got two frags of some orange sun polyps (tubastrea) that I would like to trade off. Grad school is winding down and I'll be moving soon, so I would like to trade them for something less demanding. Any kind of softie would be cool. I would be most interested in some vertically growing softies or ricordeas, but I'm open to anything. Make me an offer, I probably won't refuse unless it is something I already have. Both frags are from an LFS rescue and have grown out quite nicely. One is 6 heads and the other is 30+ or so. I'm really busy right now, so I can only do local deliveries or pick-ups.
  10. aqua-ed

    Painting a Tank

    I have an empty tank that I plan to make not empty this summer. In the meantime, I'd like to paint the back of it so I don't have to deal with those stupid sheet ones. Anybody have any recommendations on color? Blue seems to be popular, black sometimes, and I have heard of dark green. Anyone have pictures of something other than blue? Most important question though: What kind of paint works best?
  11. Meh, not to much. About 5-8 leaves (does macro have leaves??) maybe? It's in my sump so it is hard to tell. The stuff grows fast, though. I just trimmed it down a month or two ago.
  12. I've got a bunch of blade calurepa in my tank that I am going to clean out soon. Anybody want some?
  13. What are the dimensions? What does the stand look like? I'm looking to upgrade this summer, so I might be interested...
  14. [ATTACH]2358[/ATTACH] Chillin'
  15. Does anyone have a mogul socket and possibly a bracket lying around they want to sell me? I've got a 250W ballast and would like to get some MHs going on my tank. Thanks!
  16. I can vouch for cra is saying. I got one of those cheapy 2.5g tanks from walmart, threw out the hardware and slapped an aqueon filter on it and the tubatreas I have are excelling! It makes a great desk setup, I just threw some bristles, a hermit, and nass in there to clean up. Sorry slip in on the thread, just thought I'd offer a plug!
  17. Is that what it's like? Maybe I will stay in college...
  18. Boy, he looks like all of those and none of those (except the coris). He is a juvenile, so I guess their colors change?
  19. Ok, I got a "clown wrasse" (I'm a sucker for cheap) but now I can't find any info about them online. Are they known by another name? Does anyone have any info on them? Did I get rookered?
  20. What kind of fish are 6 liners abusive to?
  21. So, what is a good consensus on wrasse breeds? As far as being good pod predators, are they all the same? I tend to see 6-liners every where, are they good guys to get? Any other suggestions?
  22. Nah, that sounds like more than enough. I've got about the same with no troubles.
  23. Nobody does as good a job at keeping sand looking sparkly clean like a diamond goby. I had one and my only qualm with him was that he stirred the sand too much. My rocks were perpetually covered in sand and my water was often cloudy. I only have a 30g tank, though, so it shows a lot easier. Back to the topic, I have a prawn goby, and they are cool, but don't sift as heavy as a diamond. I have a bunch of hermits and nass snails that do a a great job keeping my sand white. Just the hermits walking around dragging their shells keeps the sand nice. Blennys, to my knowledge, are herbivores are just "walk" along the rocks and trim algae. They won't do much about your sand. Good Luck!
  24. Yea, those zoa pics are exactly what mine look like, even the same kind of zoa! I have a bunch of zoas, so QTing would be hard, especially since most are attached to my live rock. Plus, it would only solve a short problem. Let me know what you come up with in your predator research, I have room for more fish anyway. I'm going to look into this interceptor you speak of too...
  25. Uh-oh I was going to post about some of my zoa slowly dissolving, but it appears I found my answer. Let me know what you find out impur. I have a lot of zoa colonies, and two of them are starting to show symptoms. Cursed aquarium fauna.
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