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Everything posted by aqua-ed

  1. Just the tank, or the whole thing? I'm asking $500 for the whole setup.
  2. Bump. I updated the CL ad. I'm willing to piece this sucker out or take offers, too. No live stock, other than a large tube worm and some random paly's and xenia and other hitchhikers. But 75lbs of LR and mucho lbs of LS.
  3. http://salem.craigslist.org/for/1415823230.html Problem solved. I used the link from my account page.
  4. Try it again. I posted this right after I created the ad and sometimes it takes 15 minutes or so to go live.
  5. Bittersweet- A big tank was so much fun in college- but now it's time to focus on real life. Funny how money doesn't bring marine happiness I'm not totally giving up on marine aquaria, I'm just going to focus my time and money on my classroom tank since that one has the most eye traffic anyway. All the details can be found here: http://salem.craigslist.org/for/1415823230.html If interested, you can direct questions here, too.
  6. I don't believe they are VHOs...they are power compacts. they are 65W each and i believe they are 22" long. I think 65W PCs are a standard length.
  7. bump! Surely someone has something to say...
  8. I am looking for new bulbs for my 55 and need some advice. I have a 260W overhead pc fixture (four 65W straight pins). What combination of bulb spectrums would be best? I have mostly softies, with a few low maintenance LPS. Also, what is the best place to purchase bulbs? Thanks!
  9. Check out this website put together by one of my tank maintance students dlanxon.freehostia.com Unfourtanetly, none of the pics are actually from my tank, but she did a pretty good job. It was for her extended applications [senior] project.
  10. Thanks for all the feedback, guys. That's why I came here first. I'll probably sit this one out then and keep hunting for another way to pass time. I had considered the frag tank route, but that requires buying all the gear, setting it up, getting it established...and by the end of the summer i may be ready to sell one
  11. Good point on the long term commitment thing. My idea was to offer smaller easily manageable tanks. The aqua-pod I have in my classroom or similar tanks would great ones to offer. They are self contained (no external filters, sumps, or pumps) which means less room for accident. They are still attractive tanks and would be a nice addition to any lobby. Also, a small tank like that I can "teach" the clients how to maintain them, and hopefully either completely wean them off of visits or make monthly checkups.
  12. So my main hobby is teaching high school. This is my first year and it is drawing to a close. As a bachelor and a perpetual tinkerer, I couldn't possibly spend the whole summer sitting around, and I don't have the funds to "play" all summer. With the economy the way it is, I haven't been able to find a summer job not geared toward college or high school students (I really don't want to go back to $8/hr burger flippin' or house paintin'). Then, I had an epiphany. Set up a service of installing and planning saltwater aquariums for businesses. Waiting rooms and lobbies are great places for a tank, and doctor offices and hospitals aren't necessarily are hard hit by the economy and might be willing to splurge on a nice piece of living decor. I know this isn't an original idea, and that's why I came here. Any tips/opinions/warnings? My biggest thing is that I don't have to have the money. I'm on a salary and can go the summer cruising on savings, but it'd be nice to earn so extra dough. Point is, if I put out so ads, and no one bites, I don't care. My world won't end and I won't go bankrupt if it flops. Anyway, kind of a long post, but I was trying to predict all the first round responses. Tell me what you think!
  13. Hello Folks! Just thought I'd drop word on how things are going with my tank. Sorry I couldn't make it to Newport the other weekend. Had a family emergency that took me out of state on short notice. As the year draws to the close, I'm excited to say I haven't had any major problems to speak of. I have several students (as well as teachers) who like to come in and just watch the flora and fauna in my tank. It's fun to answer questions and point out different things (no, that isn't seaweed, it's xenia...) This term I have a new student in charge of the tank and tank maintenance. She is also doing this through her "careers" class. Part of that class is creating a project around what they are working on. She is hoping to create a pamplet on marine aquariums and how to start one up. She wants to learn for herself so she can set up her one aquarium when she is off to college. I will try my darnedest to take some pictures of the tank and post them online for all to enjoy! Thanks again to everyone!
  14. I'm having a fierce outbreak of those tiny little shelled critters that form on glass, rocks, over slows, pumps... it's those tiny curled shell shaped things that look like large pieces of sand until you get closer. they are spreading really fast and scrubbing them off scratches the glass. What are they? what encourages there growth? what gets rid of them? they are almost worse than algae in my book! algae at least wipes off and goes away with water changes.
  15. I'm going (under the teacher clause) and might have my younger brother for the weekend, so I'll buy his way in as well.
  16. Sweet...Do you rake or dig them?
  17. Any fellow clammers out there? I usually go up to Astoria and get razors, but I am looking for a spot closer to me. I live in Dallas, so I'd like to find a spot somewhere in the vicinity of Lincoln city (or closer than Astoria!). Any body willing to share a hot spot tip? I'd prefer to go for hard shell clams that don't require a huge minus tide. Thanks!
  18. It got my tax rebate, so I'm ready to through it into the economy. I need about 30lbs of live rock to fill in the gaps in my 55g. I live in Dallas, and would rather not drive any farther than Salem (sorry, no Portland trips!). Let me know what ya got!
  19. Protein Skimmer $75 (one of the connector tubes to the pump has a chunk knocked out. Easily repaired or replaced) (pic below) CPR Bak Pak 2 Skimmer with pump $100 24" 2x65W PC Lighting setup with 2 dual LED moonlights. $100 (pic below) 130W retrofit lighting setup. 2 straight pin sockets, wiring, and ballast. Just needs to be mounted. $100 I will take offers on any and all of the above. I'm also looking to trade for LR, a dosing pump, and a surface skimmer. PM with questions or offers! [ATTACH]3652[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3653[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3654[/ATTACH]
  20. I'm back! I haven't been on much and certainly haven't been keeping you all posted on my TFT status. My apologies! First, the snow shut down school, then I had to replan lessons, then finals came along... Things are going great with the tank! I got two clowns from dave, set up the variety of corals I got from Kris and Dennis, and have had a couple of students who manage the water changes and such. The tank is a huge hit with students and staff alike. For those last few moments before the bell rings, students like to gather around the tank and argue over names for everything (who the heck actually names a hermit crab or snail?!?!). One of the students who has been working on the tank for his careers project did a presentation on it for a panel of adults as part of his credit. Twas' a proud moment! I have a bad habit of leaving my camera at school full of tank pictures. My school "computer" doesn't recognize modern technology such as photographs, so I need to bring it home to share some pictures of how it all looks. Thanks again!
  21. So I was just gazing into my tank when I spotted something odd. There was a shell sitting next to my xenia and it had reached out a leg and had suckered onto the shell. It hadn't split off unto the shell yet, just got a good foot hold. I was chuckling to myself when I noticed that inside this shell was one of my new scarlet hermits! The little bugger most have stopped next to the xenia a rest or to munch on something and got himself hooked. I just reached in their and liberated him from the siren's clunches and he is now happily crawling around a free man once more. The other thing is, I noticed the xenia attached to that shell a couple of days ago, in passing. So that hermit has been chilling there feeding in the same spot for a few days now... Anyway, just thought I'd share that little tale of aquarium adventures
  22. Yes! sorry I forgot to mention that here! A big dose of kudos to Nick at RCA for the nice chunks of LR. They look great! Once we get them aquascaped, I will post some pictures. Thanks again!
  23. Take a peak at the TFT wiki site for some pictures... We are going to set up the rock and substrate tomorrow, so I'll post more then
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