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Everything posted by kriswaters

  1. (sad) My family lost our 13 year old female lab today. I know this is off topic, but just wanted to share with my fishy community. She was with us from 8 weeks on. Lacey will be dearly missed. I put together a little something...not much, but help me rejoice in her life, and feel sorrow in her death. Kris (Speakers on please) http://s176.photobucket.com/albums/w163/kwaters_photos/Lacey%20Dog/?action=view&current=39e7a859.pbr
  2. Can I get in on this??? I would love to have some Cheato as well...Newberg area here, but willing to travel and willing to compensate! Kris
  3. OH---the color came out grey...after a week in the tank, it is already changing color. Did have a small algae bloom....perhaps some extended soaking in RO/DI water or even used salt water (from a water change) could help eliminate that. As for the type...it was just general use Quick-rete. Kris
  4. Hey all... I picked up the Quick-rete at my local hardware store. Cost about $6 for 40lbs. I picked up a bag of "water softener salt" (MORTONS) and mixed it one to one. It did set up alot faster then with plain cement. The cure time will probably be the same no matter what...that stuff is HIGH in ALK. PH ran above the charts for 2 months. I will post some pics when I get more rock in and fix my aquascape. Right now things are just hodge podge. Kris
  5. I used "Quick-crete". I didn't measure exacts, but it was at least one to one on the cement and the salt. I took a long time for the salt to leach out... I also used some left over portland cement and sand mix....from my shower install. I mixed it one to one as well. It is still soaking. All in all...about 65 lbs of "base rock" to add to the 60 lbs of "live rock" It was pretty easy...used dirt molds so I didn't get flat bottoms!! (LOL) Kris
  6. Fitting..."Evil Damsel" Can I keep it??? Kris
  7. Oh yeah....let's see what I am!
  8. Even a better way...plus you can share with everyone else who is not on this forum (that you want to at least) www.Photobucket.com Simply upload photos, and then copy and paste the "img code". I usually "resize" to fit the page. Super easy.... Here is a pic of my goby And "Lucky-Grumpy" after his carpet surfing episode Good luck Kris
  9. Jeez....I said PH alot! Tried to edit the post (to make it a little more "grammatically" correct), but it wouldn't take! Kris
  10. After some time, maybe 2-3 months, I finally got some of my DIY rock in the tank. I finally put it in the tank of the toilet, and the running water cured it of it's toxic nature. Once satisfied that the PH wasn't to high (it ran in the 10+ range before the toilet tank), I put it in a bucket of RO/DI water and let it soak another two days. The PH remained constant, so I put it into the sump. I checked the paramaters every 4 hours, mainly the PH. I did notice a slight drop in PH, so I did a 10% change (7 gallons). My PH has since then stabilized, and now I have two new rocks in my tank! Two more just went into the toilet tank again...my improved aquascape is on it's way! Kris (clap)
  11. Thanks Jeff...boy, with all the excitment with Grumpy, I nearly forgot about this! Kris
  12. Grumpy update: The fish is fine! He was out swimming around the rocks today and even ate. I purchased some egg crate for the top of the tank. This will hopefully prevent any further carpet surfing episodes! Kris
  13. Grumpy may just fine after all. He was hiding in the rock in the fuge and when I moved it he promptly shot off and jumped into the baffle section. I turned off the return...didn't want sushi, and managed to corral him into a corner of the fuge again. As I pulled him out, he jumped straight up out of my hand! Some how, I managed to catch him in mid air! He went back into the display and down in the rocks for cover. Last night, his little frown lines on his eyes were no longer white...today those were back! This story hopefully will turn to "The survival of Grumpy"! Thanks, Kris and Rylie
  14. Several hours later, and Grumpy seems ok. He is swimming around the fuge area in the sump. Only time will tell.
  15. Update, We fished him out of the main tank and put him in the sump. This way, if death becomes him, I can find him before he contaminates the tank. Poor Grump...I feel really bad. I was cleaning, and God only knows how long that fish was out of water. Kris and Rylie
  16. The Waters' reef tank suffered its first tragedy tonight. We found Grumpy, the sixline wrasse on the floor in front of the tank about ten minutes ago. I picked him up and thought instantly that he was dead. I quickly stuck him in the sump, washed all the dog hair off of him, then was amazed as his little gills started moving. With in a few minutes his fins were moving and he was swimming in my hand. i returned him to the main tank and a few moments later he swam out of my hand. He now sits on the bottom, not moving much except to keep himself upright. I'm crushed....but hope that Grumpy will survive. I will keep you updated and i will make a grate to ensure that none of the other fish jump out. If i lose Grumpy he will certainly be replaced with Grumpy Jr. He is, and hopefully, remains to be a cool fish. Kris and Rylie
  17. I would like to get ahold of some cheato. Is there a place to purchase it here in the Portland area? Kris
  18. Ok, so I went out and bought two pairs of cheapy knee high nylons. I rinsed them well in RO water then attached one to each end of my overflow pipe that leads to the fuge. The pipe has a "T" on it, thus both nylons were used. I used the power head to blow off the rocks and the sand, and as usually, junky water. This time however, it cleared up quite rapidly then with just the skimmer working and the crud going straight into the fuge then the return then back to the tank. The little knee highs trapped all of that crap! I bought white, just so I could see when they were dirty. I think that I will use them only when I power off the rocks and sand. I still like the floss idea of Rico's. I am trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my sump! Kris
  19. Very nice Rico! You obviously put a lot of time, thought and effort! Kris
  20. I hear you with the evap....I have been filling a little over to compensate. Even still, I will have enough room in the sump should (pray it doesn't) the power fail. Haven't checked the weather lately, but today was muggy, but cooler. We'll see what tomorrow brings. The window AC's seem to keep everything just fine for now. So far, so good. (Famous last words) Kris
  21. Sorry impur...Budweiser does suck...too sweet for me! I would hope that any tank wouldn't get over 84 arrggg...who knows, I would never try to find the danger zone! (At least not with my tank). Weather seems weird today...Thundershowers perhaps??? Hope the power holds out! Kris
  22. Hard to say what the danger zone is...I have heard 90 from my LFS guy...he has his tank in an apartment on the third floor...yikes! Anyway...as for the cool desk job...not. That would be boring...I myself am on my feet running all day (but a least it is cool in my store). Stay cool y'all. Kris
  23. Remember though, silicone will not adhere (completely) to acrylic. Make sure you bead both sides of the acrylic.
  24. So far, 100 degrees here in good ol' Newberg. Room temp 79.2, tank temp 80. Turned on the two window AC's at 6:30 am today and have all of the ceiling fans going. Glad I didn't spend $350+ on a chiller. No daylights, just actinics burning! Kris PS...my beer is colder! GOOOO Silver Bullet
  25. Did I fail to mention the Red Tailed Boa and the Snowflake Corn Snake??? The chameleon was on the list, right??? Oh, how 'bout the 700 gallon pond in the back yard, or the FW tank....LOL. I usually take the dogs, send the ferrets out and feed the snakes before I go. I have a few people that are capable of misting and feeding crixs to the cham. The other fish are easy and the horse is retired on 20 acres....where, thank God, someone else takes care of him!!!! The tank is pretty easy right now too....just some snails, rock, and a few fish! I would like to go to Hawaii next year though...HINT HINT HINT!!! Kris
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