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Everything posted by kriswaters

  1. (welcome)(To)(P)(N)(W)(M)(A)(S) Can't wait to see your tank! Kris
  2. (welcome)(To)(P)(N)(W)(M)(A)(S) Glad to see you are aboard one of the best sites in the Portland and NW area! Good luck with your lights and keep us posted on your new tank! Kris
  3. She is beautiful! Enjoy the time, if you blink, they graduate high school! Congrats to my own: Trevor Martin, Fowler High Class of 2006 Logan Diane, Fowler High Class of 2007 Rylie Brianne, Newberg High Class of 2011 (it'll be here before I know it!) PS...dang I feel old now.
  4. A whole year has past, and another great legend is still gone. I remember when Croc Hunter first came out and how people made fun of Steve. My daughter and I didn't care, we were glued to the TV for every episode and for all of the wonderful shows to follow. His holistic approach to educating millions of people on the various types of wild life was incredible. He led the way for many others like Jeff Corwin and such. I still pray for his family...God bless them and God bless Steve. Gone, but never forgotten. RIP STEVE IRWIN Kris and Rylie
  5. Good luck!! Hope all is well for the WHOLE family! Jeeze, my baby is starting high school in one week! Kris
  6. I suppose they don't make a patch or a piece of gum to solve this either!!! Oh well....REEF ON! Kris
  7. Understandable about Margarite snails. I happened upon them when I first started. They are out there, in LFS. They have been caught and will never return to there original habitat. Unfortunate as it may seem, there is nothing I can do about this. However, in the mean time (since I have them) I will enjoy there extrodinary cleaning powers that be. Kris
  8. Every since I got those frags from Holly, I am addicted to corals. I am sure this is the way it started for a lot of reef keepers. I love the softies, and the way they flow in the currents. I just picked up two more corals...a green brain (Favites spp.) and a Devil's Hand Leather Coral (Lobophytum sp.) WOW. Fun, fun, fun. Kris
  9. Margarite snails will tear that stuff up!!! I had a ton of it on my rocks and they mac it down the minute it comes up. So far, I have had those snails for 5 months and no problems. I love their little black and green stripped bodies, plus they are small and don't knock stuff over...love the zebras but man are they clumsy. Kris
  10. I have two Hydor K1's in my tank. I really like being able to move them and angle them at any given time. I like the oval shape as well, it seems to fit well in the scheme of the tank better than the square boxy type. Of course, I have only had hydors...so what do I know! Kris
  11. I am interested in the brain coral and possible the devils hand. Also some zoos. Tried to PM you...but didn't work. Kris
  12. Well, I am so new to this but what the heck... or Kris
  13. All for one and one for all when it comes to sarcasim....it's just hard to see in type! No worries, I am hard to offend...just thought I'd give a little shout out about it. I was going to say "no duh" but hey...that may be pushing the sarcastic bubble a little far! It's all gooooood. Kris
  14. Your answer to A) was taken slightly askew. I obviously was referring to those with salt tanks. As for the other comments, thanks. I myself have salt creep. I don't have a euro bracing system on the sump, perhaps that is the reason why. It also creeps up my overflows (from the sump) and down my power cords from the power heads. My water level is right to the top so I am sure this is why that happens. I suppose that one day I will tear things down to spring clean it and put a rim around my sump. Anyway, just wondering. Kris
  15. So.... Cynical the Tentacle (as was so named by my daughter Rylie) is now in the safe hands of my LFS. As I walked in with my zip lock bag full of graceful arms dotted with purple, Scott held out his hands and said "For me?". He stayed in one place while in the sump...I was so torn on giving him a home, but did not want to risk losing my fishy friends. I wonder now, will I ever be brave enough to put an anenome in my tank??? Time will tell. Kris
  16. A discussion to find out: A) If everyone battles this. B) How they remedy this lovey side effect of Reef keeping. C) If salt creep lowers your salinity in your tank. D) If you dispose of the salt creeping from your tank or allow it to re-enter the system. As always, I love the input. Kris
  17. Am waiting for a little extra fundage to come my way. If anyone knows of someone interested in a few snakes, let me know. The test kits are on my next "to buy" list. For now, I will have my LFS store test for me. Kris
  18. Thanks for the imput. I have someone with a big tank that will take him. I am glad that I saved his life. Kris
  19. As expected, this small hitch has disappeared. I ran carbon for 4 days, turned out the lights for 24 hours and re-directed the hydors-one nice thing about acrylic euro-bracing...I can attach these bad boys to the top of the tank and aim them directly down. The sand is white as white...no sign of any red slimy things any longer. Kris
  20. Free to a good home. I rescued this guy out of a tank in a small shop...will not say which one. It is living in my sump as of now. I am not to sure of there reef safeness...have heard they are fish eaters. Kris
  21. I just rescued this poor thing from anothers tank....I am worried about adding it to my tank...any input would be appreciated. kris
  22. keep me posted on your heat pump...i have looked into them and hear the are a much better choice then central air and heat....plus much cheaper. I am curious to see how it works in the winter! Kris
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