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Everything posted by Holly

  1. Holly

    Copperband disease

    I was trying to medicate with the marine tetracycline but he won't eat of course... He's now half lying on the bottom gasping, so it's the final Death Knoll. Thank goodness.--I can't bear to watch it slowly devour him anymore. It actually looks much worse NOW, tonight, than in this pic I took this morning. The rot is quickly moving down his body breaking down flesh. It's unbelievable how aggressively this infection annihilated him--there's little pieces of loose flesh floating around in the tank now, and he's lost skin almost down to his eye now =0 I'd accepted two days ago that he was a goner; I'm freaking out about this super-infection, whatever it is. It took only a week to take this copperband from normal to Skeletor.
  2. Holly

    Copperband disease

    A quick freshwater bath or lowering the quarantine tank salinity for a longer period of time? What level salinity are you talking about? The quarantine is around 1.021 right now. I'm not even sure if the copper can take more stress at this point... I sent an email to wetweb. I haven't been on there before and it's HUGE so I don't even know how to ck to see if they've gotten or responded to my inquiry. I'll just keep checking and see if I can find it. Thanks
  3. Holly

    Copperband disease

    Thanks Nyles! Will do...
  4. Holly

    Copperband disease

    Hey guys - belated Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, and Happy New Year to everyone!!! My Copperband developed a bump on his dorsal fin. He's in the 10g quarantine (4th day) and I've got him in Organi-Cure (copper stuff) and the kick-fungas/ich stuff, but his flesh is literally disappearing. For future reference, I'd really like to know (1)what the H this is that's eating him alive and (2)what I can/could've done for him.... I figured it was fungal, based on how it looked, but I have no idea and can't find anything online. The quarantine meds don't seem to be helping AT ALL. Every morning more bone is exposed (sad) I know fish have a rudimentary nervous system and don't experience 'pain' the way we do, but I still feel horrible for the little guy. :( Thanks in advance for any info you can provide ...
  5. I don't think my bubble bees have bothered any of my other snails, but it's hard to be sure in 180g. My green brittle star ate a few of my sleeping chromis, so I tossed it in the sump, and it does well in there (but I'd never put one in a main tank!). My bristle stars do a great job and I LOVE my tigertail cuke. It's gotten very long now. Seems to prefer one side of my tank, but it's out every night vacuuming through the sand =)
  6. Sorry to hear about your loss! And welcome. (DSB is "deep sand bed")
  7. I already use carbon in the sump, so running the ozone water through it prob wouldn't be too big of an issue. I'm considering the UltraLife ozonizer, but I wasn't sure if this was the best option. Are UV or ozone gonna kill all the copepods in my tank? I have a scooter and two mandarins.
  8. I'm looking for opinions here - should I get a sterlizier or an ozonizer? (scratch)
  9. Holly

    MIA and Eggs

    Last night when I checked before bed, they were all gone. The male "pecks" at the eggs constantly. Is that normal or is he eating them? I can't tell if it's HIM or some sneaky predator...
  10. Holly

    MIA and Eggs

    This morning I noticed a new batch, and this time it's in a much more visible locale...(clap)
  11. I think most any LFS can order a specific fish for you if you want it:)
  12. Please post a pic when you get your fish!!
  13. Holly


    I've been unsuccessful in my attempts to catch him but I plan to keep trying... Don't think my fish trap will work since he doesn't seem interested in non-pod foods right now...
  14. Holly


    I put the new guy in, and the "big female" made a bee-line for him and out came "her" display fin. It's a MALE!!!DOH! He's never displayed the big fin before, and I've been LOOKING FOR IT for two weeks (to make sure I had a female).(booboo) ..So now I have two males...and I'm worried that the smaller one might get hurt by the larger one..?(scary) Is that possible?..
  15. Holly

    MIA and Eggs

    Thank you! Wow, that's so nice! I doubt I'm advanced enough to try to embark on that, but I'll see what happens with the pair They haven't laid anymore eggs yet but they've moved to the higher-up sebae in the past couple of days and seem to be spending quite a lot of time checking out a new spot on a different rock. I've got my eyes peeled for eggs ... Thanks!
  16. Here are a few that're relatively hardy, smallish, not excessively expensive, and considered peaceful: http://www.marinedepotlive.com/carpenters-fairy-wrasse---paracheilinus-carpenteri-fish--wrasses.html http://www.marinedepotlive.com/green-wrasse---halichoeres-chloropterus-fish--wrasses.html http://www.marinedepotlive.com/painted-fairy-wrasse---cirrhilabrus-solarensis-fish--wrasses.html http://www.marinedepotlive.com/red-parrot-fairy-wrasse---cirrhilabrus-rubripinnis-fish--wrasses.html Good luck!
  17. Holly


    **making mental note that Impur is the person to hit up for pods**(whistle) I got a male mandarin from WAVES this afternoon. YAY! Thanks Joel!!(clap) The new male's quite a bit smaller than my female (half her size, I'd guess). I hope that won't be a problemoooo. She's shown zero signs of aggression up to now but I haven't put him in yet--he's drip acclimating. Another 5min to go!! 'Guess I'll soon see! (fish)
  18. Hello and welcome!!! It looks great! PS I agree with Chewie. The 6line is a pugnacious bugger. I wouldn't do it!
  19. Holly


    We've got a small yellow gobi and a 6line, but they both eat mysid daily as their primary food source, so I'm not sure if they make much of a difference..? I've never seen the gobi sifting sand, but the wrasse pecks opportunistically at the rocks during the daytime. I've had all my stock for a long time except the mandarin which I added several weeks ago. She's plumped up, and the scooter still looks good, so I thought maybe the tank could support just one more pod eater....
  20. Holly


    Do you think an established 180g can support a red scooter blenny and two mandarinfish? My scooter and female mandarin are both fat and happy, doing great, and the tank's been up a-year-and-a-half. The female seems to be doing so well that I'm thinking of getting a male for her. 'Just thought I'd get a concensus before I tried it. THANKS!
  21. Holly

    MIA and Eggs

    The eggs got that shiny-looking white-ish spot to them on Sunday (I guess those were the eyes). They (the eggs) lasted until Tuesday, when I got up to find them all gone but just a few. The male was frantically aerating the last four or five, but now they're gone too... 'Guess someone found them too enticing a treat not to eat... It's a night predator that's eating them cuz they disappear over night each time. I seriously doubt I could catch the wrasse. He seems like the smartest fish in the tank...
  22. Holly

    MIA and Eggs

    THANKS! I'll keep an eye on them Sat and Sun for a color change =)
  23. Mine never bothered anything but it died just before my crash last Fall... Pretty fish!
  24. Holly

    MIA and Eggs

    They've already got a second clutch of eggs!!! YAY!! The eggs weren't there on Sunday (I didn't ck yesterday) but today they're on the same exact location on the same rock. This is NOT a rock I can move. I wish I could stick a temporary rock or piece of plastic in that location so I could remove the eggs to the 12g nano when they're ready to hatch (I have no fish in the nano). ..Not that I'd know how to take care of clown fry...or even how to grow rotifers... It's a lost cause all around, I guess... I hate that all of the fry--IF they ever hatch--will become food in the big tank.:( Seems like such a waste. I know it's weird, but my clarks seem like THE BEST parents. They play together in the anemone all day, and the male hardly leaves the eggs alone for a minute (he's always pecking and fanning them). It's so sweet to watch! He seems more attentive this time than last. A lot of people think fish are brainless animals, but I think there's something more there...at least to me....(fish)
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