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Everything posted by andy

  1. Once spent, talent points can only be returned by 're-speccing' your character. You pay your class trainer a fee (starts cheap, gets more xpensive the more you do it -- though it will start to drop if you go a while without re-speccing) to get all your talent points returned so you can rebuild. A lot of people plan their talents ahead of time. Check out the Blizzard Talent Calculator
  2. Might also consider eBay, at least for the killer cards. A store will only give you a fraction of the card value, since they have to make a profit and can't sell it for more than book.
  3. Might want to leave him in there and give him a chance to reproduce. A self-moonlit tank would be a very cool thing indeed
  4. I put a little note about moneymaking in WoW on my blog a while ago. Might be useful.. It is right here.
  5. I know you tried, but... (worthless) A bioluminecsent worm sounds very cool, wonder what his 'angle' is -- I would have thought that being a glowing worm would attract predators. Maybe he tastes real bad and the glowing is a warning, like the red/black color combo in the surface world. (drinking)
  6. Welcome! I agree, I think the Pistol Shrimp/Goby combo would make for a very interesting nano.
  7. Okay, when wiring a small AC panel is it better to use solid core or stranded wire? I've been using solid since it is easier to fit into the little holes on the back of the sockets and switches, but recently heard that stranded is better since it will compress and give a larger contact area -- decreasing the heat created during load. True?
  8. Saw it this afternoon -- looks very cool. I want the pick of the litter!
  9. Maybe a single airline, without airstone, bubbling once a second or so to keep the water moving a bit. Back in my freshwater days, we were careful to keep some water movement in hatchery tanks to help against fungal infections and prevent a thin film of proteins forming on the surface (barrier to oxygen/co2 transfers). I imagine somethign similar would be good in marine environments.
  10. Welcome! You've signed in with a great group of people here, all the experience and expertise of the mega-sites but without the jerks, egos and one-true-way-people.
  11. Understood and agreed, Reefboy -- however (isn't there always a 'but' ), I took about 110lbs of Ahbrits rock so am absolutely dirty with 'pods and related microfauna. Now, my substrate is still a bit bare so I'm completely avoiding any sandsifters but otherwise the tank is a lot more mature than one would think given it's calendar age. That being said, I'm still not looking to add any more fish right now. I'm happy with the current vertibrate population (though if any Rainfordii Gobies show up I'll have problems ), and am looking to buff up the invert population like you suggest. Thanks!
  12. Keith, your rock just keeps on delivering.
  13. I just looked up Sarcophyton sp. in Borneman's book. Definitely a good call, there's a picture on p.131 that looks almost identical. Thanks!
  14. I don't have shot of it retracted, but it looks slightly... fleshy. I'll tick it off when I get home then snap a pic.
  15. Any idea what this guy is? At first I thought maybe a branching Monipora but now I'm not even sure he's stony. There's about 2 weeks difference between the two shots, whatever he is he's growing like a weed.
  16. andy

    Euphyllia Neighbors

    Here's how he looked at lunchtime today.
  17. This morning was my tank's once-a-week all-you-can-eat Mysis buffet. Each head on my Torch and Hammer gets a squirt, and Scooter the Blenny clears up the left-overs. YellowFred, the Yellow Tang (one kid wanted to name him 'Yellow' and the other 'Fred' so....) hid in the rock like he usually does when anything even remotely scary is happening within 25 feet of the tank (scary) As soon as the corals seemed finished, I turned the circulation back on and a few remaining leftovers were swirled up into the water column -- no problem, a weekly treat for the Hermits. Once Fred got a glimps of the Mysis, he was out of the rockwork in a hot second... chowing down on the smaller bits of shrimp. He couldn't manage the larger/whole ones, but anything smaller than half was scarfed. I was really surprised. I thought that Yellow Tangs were herbivores. Do they normally like a protein snack, or is Fred a heretic? Maybe it is time to toss some Nori into the tank? He's been cleaning the GHA off the live rock for the past couple of days and while it is getting kind'a sparse, there's still a meal or two there for him. Maybe he's just a vegetarian when there are other vegetarians there watching (laugh)
  18. andy

    Euphyllia Neighbors

    Understood. If and when I start neighboring up color morphs, I'll stay within subspecies.
  19. andy

    Euphyllia Neighbors

    Here's an older one, I'll get a new one for you tomorrow. Now that we've cooled off, the halides are back in the rotation so I can catch up on my photography.
  20. I was planning on adding the Angel last. As I understand it, they are the most teritorial critter on my list and should be added last because of it. I also want an anemone for the clowns, so they'll wait until the tank is mature enough for the anemone -- a few months from now, minimum. I'l like to get a bit more motion in the tank, so I think the Rainfordii is next. Once he's in, I'll focus on corals for a bit. Thanks for all the advice everyone, nice to know I'm on the right track.
  21. There's also that new Vor-tech magnetic drive thing-a-ma-jig. Pretty spendy, but it has some advantages.
  22. andy

    OK. AC is needed

    1900 sq. ft. split-level. Heat pump plus high velocity system, then the man-hours to put it all together right (the high velocity stuff really needs installation by contractors who are experienced with it). It might not get all the way to $20k, but it'd go well over $15k I'm certain.
  23. Looks good, but I'm surprised by the suggestion to drop your tank temp to the low 70s overnight in preparation. It must work for you, or you wouldn't have suggested it... it just looks extreme.
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