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Everything posted by reefboy

  1. you'll be missed bro but I wish you the best in whatever you decide.
  2. some can be hi end and some low end but they all can be amazingly beautiful and thats what I enjoy give me some salt creep a Coraline;)
  3. not only zoa/paly's but look out for leather corals I had a tiny cut and I mean tiny almost superficial and handled a toad stool and it burned so I washed right away but next day finger was swollen and had a red line going up my hand so gloves for me as well.
  4. too cute to bad they have to grow up lol
  5. welcome if you cant find what you want localy please feel free to check my listings and will be adding another 30-40 new zoa/paly frags by the weekend and welcome to the site.
  6. I can get more just need to raise some funds before next week lol, Im jeolous bro good work mine died as you know lol but my fault.
  7. curious as well would be intrested if Ryan is not
  8. naw he relized what he was giving up probly around a 100.00 or more in free wood, any type of fruit tree is great for smoking or cooking with and is great hardwood for fire's so he just relized he better step up lol or lose his bonus.
  9. I wish I was closer that be great wood and great for a smoking BBQ as well.
  10. yep did great and the melon is sweet a great addition to my collection.
  11. did a buy to add to my growing stock and cant be happier Westside Melon(rock2) Assorted sps
  12. well *** you know I have never been accused of having a full deck and its for a good cause
  13. lol no problem thanks again for the sale and thanks Kim and Beth for being the great folks you are.
  14. I would say limit it to vendor and customer only or remove completely.
  15. no one should be above a feedback thread but what I do believe is only the two involved should comment otherwise take it to Pm's.But everyone has a right to voice there concerns or complaints and then have a chance to rebuttal but the rest need to stay out of it.
  16. when dealing with life its always best to be patient but if using precured rock a couple weeks should be adequate as long as your testing during this period to make sure nothing spike's
  17. the acro would probably win but just a guess as some BN can pack a wallop as well.
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