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Mr S

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Everything posted by Mr S

  1. Yeah, you can bring all of your test kits and check out my water!!!!!!! It would be just like my chemistry classses!!
  2. No place for a BBQ or the liquid drink you hinted at!!!!! Remember it is a school. I personally have never turned down cold chicken. (actually any food for that matter) Let me know what others are bringing. Let' s get fired up
  3. Here is the group for the par tee. Reefin Lowman Mr. S Chief Niles Impur Ringwurm R3 Joelackey Ladiebuggy Most of you have paid. Thanks in advance. If you are not going to make it let me know asap. Order coming in. It should be a great time. Bring clippers, glue, rubble or rock that you want to attach frags to, a cooler, and baggies or water containers. Do we want to do a pot luck???? Post on this thread if you are interested. Also if you have anything you want to let people frag up bring it along. Remember it is important to suck up to me so that I will do this again!!!!!!! LETS PAR TEEEE
  4. I thought it was agreed that Impur would demonstrate the maxi power at the frag meeting. Reefin if you are interested pm me and I will get you my address. I need to know asap.
  5. Yes, Miles said he is bringing it to the party. We have 9 total people signed up to participate. I have money from the following people: Greg (ringworm) Jay (and Stacy) Bob (Lowman) Miles (Impur) Mr. S (he is really good about paying on time LOL)
  6. Yeah, if I ran for governor would I get elected. Oh wait, I have the common sense factor!!!
  7. I would like to thank Steve and the boys for the super deal on a 1/2 hp chiller for the school tanks. Also R2 at Advanced for the plumbing and pump to make it work. I will get Stacey to take pics of the tanks and equipment at the frag party. I have now reached the point with the school tanks that everything is running incredibly smooth. The only real drag is bringing water from home to school 2 times a week. Tried a RO unit but it plugs up within 2 months because of all the clay and bad nasties in the water. Students are doing invertebrate projects in class this week. It is funny because I have students rushing to my class before school begins and the tank lites come on so that they can see the cucumbers cruising around the tank. It is a funny site seeing kids pumped up over sea cucumbers!!!!
  8. Dude I just saw this. If I would of know earlier I could have hooked you up with one of the curators there. We are going to the Newport aquarium on Tuesday of next week. We will be taking 190 6th graders. They are very excited about going.
  9. There are now 8 people involved in this activity. I will close it off on Sunday of this week. As of May 21st. For signed up people we will meet at noon on JUne 3rd. R3 make sure you read this a coulple of times!!!!! I will keep you posted as we get nearer to the party time.
  10. Ladiebuggy you are on the list. It will be at my school. PM me and I will send you the address so you can send me the check. Found out last nite that if you go away from the par tee disappointed I would be completely amazed. There are some awesome sps on the way!!!! whooo hoooo
  11. no pay pal for you!!! I am leaning towards noon on Saturday. No offense but I don't want my whole world revolving around you guys on a day off. (sorry Stacy and Jay) heh heh heh
  12. I will pm school address to interested paying partiers!!!
  13. Okay, school still thinks this site is evil so I can only access when I get home. This is what I have so far: SPS frags only. People will bring stuff to frag if they want. The more the better. If you have frag plugs or rubble bring them along. I will supply frag glue unless you are partial to something weird!!! Bring your own lunch and drinks. PM me what time you want to meet and I will go with the majority rule. Bring a good attitude (heh heh heh) Bring a camera so we can post pics although polyp extension will probably not happen after we hack on them for a while I would bet. Bring Baggies for your frags. I am sure I am forgetting something so chime in if you think of anything. These are the people committed so far. If you wish to be added or deleted please let me know. The cut off date will be soon. It may be as early as this Friday. The problem will be if they will ship over Memorial weekend so watch this post and please notify me. I don't want to be the bad guy and say you can't come because you did not notify me in time. Okay here is the list. Lowman Mr. S Jay/Stacey (Stacey is the camera girl and other things!) Nyles Impur Ringwurm R3 (you apparently don't reply to my pm's you knucklehead!!!) Let me know if anyone wants to be added or deleted.
  14. Bob, you are special and don't let people think different of you. Remember self esteem flows from the inside and makes you feel warm and squishy!!!
  15. Only SPS. I figure Stacey will have zoo frags that will end up being a bonus swap and I am also hoping if people feel nutty and have frags we can also swap them. I figure as the day gets closer I will have more details. So far I have several people interested and have contacted me. Make sure you pm me if you are committing to the par tee.
  16. Oh yeah, I have a self portrait. Most of you will think I am pretty hot!!!! Bob I know you will! I am a cumputer geenyus!
  17. Okay I think I fixed it
  18. Hey Keith how do I switch my avatar to that nerdy professor cartoon on Stacey's photo bucket. On page 2. I promise that I won't bother you anymore after this. (that is about avatars!!!) And Bob and R3, it is nice that you aren't calling me anymore about my old avatar! It kind of creeped me out.
  19. Sorry I have not responded sooner. School server decided to block this site for the last few days. Bummer. Travis and Joel thanks for the generous offer. I already have plans for the corals. I have done my homework way in advance. I will let you know if I plan on doing another in the near future. You two have done much to support the school tanks. My plan is to get some surprise stuff in. I believe it will be some stuff you would not normally see. I do not want paypal. I would prefer checks sent to my school address asap if possible. PM me for the address and if you have any additional questions. Thanks for the support of what I think should be a fun, nerdy thing to do on a Saturday.
  20. Frag party on June 3rd at my school. The plan is to pay $50 each, ahead of time to me, and then meet at my school and frag up all the colonies that we purchase. I figure each person will walk away with large frags, (probably about 5 different ones) and each person would also get one chopped up colony. We would draw numbers for the order of picking the frags so that each person would be guaranteed of getting one top pick of a coral frag. I also think that we could bring in stuff of our own to throw into the pot. This could be decided as the frag party gets closer. I would want money paid to me (no IOU's). Checks sent to me by snail mail. I see this as a fun opportunity so I expect fun easy going people to be involved. PM me if you are interested. Reply to this site if you have any comments or general questions.
  21. Excellent. Thanks a bunch and keep the sites acoming!!!
  22. If anyone knows good sites where my students can gather information off the internet please reply to this post. They are doing reports on all of the tank inhabitants except the fish. It is an invertebrate project. Thanks.
  23. If anyone knows good sites where my students can gather information off the internet please reply to this post. They are doing reports on all of the tank inhabitants except the fish. It is an invertebrate project.
  24. someone send me some sights that I can choose from for new avatars
  25. hey here is the first chance I have seen my new avatar
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