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Everything posted by Barelycuda

  1. I've had the PS-3000 out in the clownhouse since May and I have been happy with it. The PS-2000 is pretty much the exact same design just a little smaller. Dave
  2. The only downside to pasting the link in the body os that you have to click on the link to view it. The other way shows the picture in the post to look at. Dave
  3. Create an account in photobucket. Upload you photo's to photobucket. Your photo's will have links below them. Copy the direct link tag. Then you click the insert image icon shown in the picture. Paste the link in the box and there you go. Dave
  4. Nice pics Miles. We did the same zip line tour 2 years ago. It was the highlight of our trip also. Did you get to do any snorkeling on kaui? There are some cool spots. Dave
  5. Barelycuda

    ABS pipe

    You may want to double check the label on the can of glue. I have seen abs glue in the past that specificall said that it was not for potable water meaning that it can realease toxins. Dave
  6. Give me a day or two and I'll round up some of the recipes from my breeding books. Dave
  7. I have been happy with the via-aqua titanium heaters. I have 3 of them on my different systems. I belive that I have a 250w or 300w on my 75g tank in the living room. Dave
  8. I am an electrician. Send me a PM with your contact info & I'll give you a call. Dave
  9. I am definately going next year. I couldn't pull together the money this year with building the clownhouse. With the speakers this year it would have been really cool to go. Can't wait to meet you Rob and welcome to the site. When are you coming to town? Dave
  10. Should look like this. http://www.pacificcoastimports.com/product.cfm?sid=89576095H90709010908002C1220285229125G71R222R90R197H49892936A289&p=50&cs=products%2Ecfm%3Fsid%3D89576095H90709010908002C1220285229125G71R222R90R197H49892936A289%26c%3D24%26kys%3D%26pg%3D1 Hope that helps Roy. I know that you can buy the replacement pumps from PCI that is the match to the ones supplied with the skimmer. Dave
  11. Very impressive. I like all the baffling in the sump. Now I just have to stare at it a while to figure out where all the water is going . Welcome to the club and can't wait to meet you. Dave
  12. I don't know if you saw these but I was looking thru their site this morning & saw a 2 pack of the same bulbs for less money. Here's the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/2-250-watt-12K-mogul-base-MH-Reef-Both-SHIP-FREE_W0QQitemZ170248934349QQihZ007QQcategoryZ46314QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 .Saves like $6 on the pair. Dave
  13. Call Vance & see if he can get you in contact with someone at PCI. They are local & you should be able to get the part. Dave
  14. I have some in my tank but I am in Vancouver so it is a little bit of a drive. There were quite a few the other evening. Dave
  15. I am open to almost anything. I do kind of like the home meet & greet though. Give people a chance to see other tanks. We have some beautiful tanks in the club & it is a shame that very few people get to see them. Dave
  16. what kind of milwaukie monitor is in the third set of pictures? Thanks, Dave
  17. Sounds good to me. Let me know as this progresses. One idea would be depening on the number of people involved would be to meet at a members house. If not I'm sure we could meet somewhere. Dave
  18. I run my actinics from 11am to 9pm, my flourescents from noon to 8pm, and my halides from 1pm to 7:30ish. It gives me the full daylight effect. Granted it takes 3 timers but I like it. Dave
  19. Doran, I am sure we can work something out to get the tanks drilled. I have to work on Saturday but after that looks pretty good. Dave
  20. Yes you can drill the sides & bottom of a 10g tank. We (Brian & I) have sucessfully drilled over 40 tanks for our systems. A 1-3/4" hole saw is the standard size for a 1" bulkhead. The glass is thin and will crack if the bit binds but all in all not ver difficult. We found it the best to make a jig out of a pice of 1/4" acrylic to hold the bit in place when making multiple cuts that require repetition. The jig also helps hold the bit in place so that it doesn't walk around and scratch the tank. Dave
  21. Very nice photo's. So you're one of those bare bottome guys huh :) Dave
  22. Very cool. Can't wait to see some pics. Dave
  23. The Tricinctus are doing great. They eat everything I put in front of them . They have been in the tank for about 6 weeks now so I am hoping that they would start spawning in another month or two. Dave
  24. I spoke with Randy Reed today from Reed Mariculture today as I needed to order some Otohime food for the clowns & Randy asked if we would like hime to come back up this fall or sometime. I was thinking that if there was some interest we could piggyback his visit in October when I host the clownhouse or November at a LFS. Anyone have any thoughts??? Dave
  25. I have at least 6 of these and have come up with the same results. Two of them are within 0.2 degrees of each other and within 0.2 of my controller so I am comfortable with the readins. I use the 2 accurate ones in my two sumps to monitor temp. Then as I need to add others to my larval tanks I insert them into my sumps for comparison readings & adjust/monitor accordingly. I had lost a couple of batches of clowns in the early days just relying on the readings so now I am a little more careful :P Dave
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