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Everything posted by Chief

  1. Reefhut, I sent the webmaster a PM to give you access. Jay
  2. Ah ha, that makes sense. I used to have mine above the water, but now it is in the water. It does make a difference in your PH. I'll take it back out of the water and see how much it affects my PH. With it in the water I run from 8.05 to 8.20. Jay
  3. I took my carbon off of my RO/DI unit to avoid this. My water tastes just fine even though I am not using the last stage of carbon. For what it is worth, I even took off the DI chamber. I was getting 0 TDS after the RO membrane, and after over a year, I am still getting a 0 TDS reading. My water starts out as only a 27 TDS so I guess I am just lucky. Jay
  4. Reefhut and rong666, Sent you a PM. Jay
  5. Reefhut, Sent you a PM. Jay
  6. http://www.pnwmas.org/newsite/join.html
  7. Chief

    tank stand

    I smell a school fundraiser. Could be good for everyone. They might be able to get the materials donated, make some rock and have a huge rock sale. I'm in. (icon) Jay
  8. Salifert. I started with the Hagen Master test kit, but it is hard to read. I've seen many polls on test kits and they always come out the same way. IMO you get what you pay for. Jay
  9. Where's PETA when you need them. torch Jay
  10. I just bought Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter and would love to let you what an awesome game it is... but that darned Oblivion game is always in the console. She needs a 12 step program. Somebody get her some help. Jay
  11. I'd be more that happy to frag my frogspawn for you. Here is a PIC. I also have a bunch of Xenia on a rock that is about 12 inches across. It is covered in Xenia. I have lots of purple mushrooms, 2 large colts that I could frag, GSP's, and some Zoos. I am all the way down in Creswell, which is 5 miles south of Eugene, but I get up to Portland at least once a month. Let me know if you would like some pics. Jay
  12. Chief

    DIY pendant hanger

    Nice work. That turned out pretty good... and no holes in the ceiling or wall. I like it. Jay
  13. Sqeeeellling. :eek: Just a thought. I am hoping a better person will step up to the plate. As I have said before, I would really like to see this club head in a positive direction. I am happy to just be on the board, but someone will have to be the Prez. For now I will stand by my position as Secretary. Who knows what the future holds though. Jay
  14. Chief

    Flash Chat

    Are we going to have a stat box that shows who is in the chat? Like on the old site. Jay
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