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June 2009 PNWMAS Meeting - Guest Speaker Scott Fellman!


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I am sorry i didn't make it. it was perfect for me too. but yesterday evening i got that old familiar feeling. i tried to fight it but i am flat on my back now with a summer cold. i am very suceptable to them during allergy season. oh well. i guess i will have to make it some other time. hope it went well.

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Thank you so much for such a great meeting guys. This was my first one and I had a blast. I went home with some fantastic corals from Roy, Dennis, and Garrett. Guys, thank you SO much. They are all beautiful! I'll have pictures soon. Unfortunately I also released a diamond goby into the tank when I put the new corals in and he has made a royal sand storm of the place. When he settles down and the cloud clears I'll break out the camera.


Scott, thank you for a great presentation! I am now committed to re-working my aquascaping instead of just saying "well, I guess it'll have to do." With some of your tips (cable ties and PVC) I know that I can make this work. What a great experience. I am thoroughly looking forward to the next one!

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Argh! That figures... I would love a piece of that monti but am committed to going to a reunion with my SO instead of the meeting. (sad) One of these days...


I've got you covered. I'm picking up a heavy bag at Bob's store later this week, maybe we can meet up.

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It was a great meeting at the Tualatin Hills Nature Interpretive Center in Beaverton, Oregon. Scott Fellman gave some awesome presentations on Aquascaping and Biotope Aquariums. Video of the talks should be available soon!

We also would like to thank all of our PNWMAS Sponsors for all the donations for our raffle and frag auction!






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I had a blast as well. Scott was a great guy! And I finally won big at the raffle! The corals love the DT's! And I can't wait to cash in that GC from TEC! As for the video...its an hour long and I will have to edit it...I will then upload it to Youtube and place a link here on the site. It will also be burned to DVD for our library.



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