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My first fry!


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Yesterday, I was talking on the phone and glanced at my tank, and saw something orange behind the rocks in the corner. I looked down for a closer look, and sure enough, BABY CICHLID!


I've had a tank for the better part of 10 years, and never once had anything reproduce. I have the most fish of one breed that I've ever had, and I guess the odds worked in my favor. Like my friend told me, the new fish is nothing but profit. He's already eating solid pellets and everything.(rock2)

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Congrats! It's always sweet when something in your tank reproduces... well, except aptasia that is :D I have a poor neglected FW tank with a collection of assorted tetra, barbs, and blue platys and every time I check it lately there is a new generation of Platys in there - I think we are at number 6 or 7 at this point. Even though these guys are supposed to be easy to rear as live bearers, I have never had a batch be so long lived and prolific. It's a whole different level with the cichlids though so definitely something to celebrate (clap)

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These are African Malawi cichlids. I'm a little worried because its mom/dad, no idea which one, has been looking unhealthy. Its tail doesn't seem to be doing too much. Matter of fact, I thought it was a goner a good month or so ago.

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Lamprologus sp. are actually Tanganyika Cichlids.


I feel like such a newbie at this reef stuff......finally the topic of African Cichlids comes up. Something I actually know something about! (laugh)


yeah, I know. It's just looking at the pic, that's the name that popped into my head.

The whole jargon is quite a bit to deal with. Mbuna referring to Lake Malawi fishes. At the same time some newbie keepers of African Cichlids just refer to them all as Cichlids. When I first carried African Cichids years back, all of the Rift Lake Cichlids tended to be called Nyasa Cichlids. DOH!


aside from all that... what does his fish look like to you, wobble?

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