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Epic Propagation System...Well Compactly Epic!


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I thought I would be able to last a bit longer than this...


I have been searching all over my apartment for a place where I could put together a system. Problem is that my apartment managers don't allow pets of any kind including fish tanks! I figured oh well I will just not worry about setting up a tank for a while. LOLOLOLOLOLOL right. A few people suggested building a system in a closet. Cool idea but I still just can't take the risk, especially when they clearly know that I am interested in saltwater tanks since I asked about them when we got the keys.


So after much debate, hardcore planning, persuasively sly conversations with the wife, and many many days of boredom, I have decided to set up a "small" system. Of course the biggest issue was coming up with a spot. Well I have decided and gotten pre approval to set up my system in my parents garage!! My parents always loved coming over and looking at my tanks, so it hopefully will work out well for all of us. My dad seems to be pretty pumped while my mom is still just acceptant at the moment. SO in order to get her completely pumped, I am going to build a pretty sweet, yet cost effective setup.


So here is the basic plan of attack:


I am going to build a 6ft long 3 tier setup. The depth of the tanks will be 10" or so and width will be 18-20". I would like a system that is divided to allow for separation of species, etc. I am going for an easy to view, easy to clean, and flow friendly design. The system will be built of drilled glass tanks for this reason. All tanks will be plumbed into a single sump to provide easy access to cleaning and equipment.


What I plan on keeping/growing/trading/selling:


- I plan on bringing in several dozen kinds reef friendly invertebrates including various hermits, snails, shrimp, crabs, stars, anemones, etc.

- I plan on fragging and growing several kinds of corals including SPS, LPS, softies, etc.

- I will house several small reef friendly fish that some of which will eventually end up in a display of either my own of one of my reef buddies.

- Macro algae of various kinds will fill a decent part of the system to both provide added stability through nutrient reduction and oxygenation as well as to provide a breeding ground for micro fauna. I will probably have mangroves as well as I love their look and they seem to add a little something to nutrient export.


I will be using a combination of VHO and Metal halide lighting for the system. Macro algae's/mangroves will either be grown using VHO's or Compact Fluorescent screw in type bulbs depending on the species and light demands. Corals will be grown under either metal halide or VHO's dependent upon there needs and desired growth/color.

All tanks with the exception of the macro algae tanks will have about 1 inch of live sand of various grain size for substrate. I may use one partition as a deep sand bed depending on the systems need. I am guessing that I will use approximately 100lbs of live rock that will be added to the system once initially running.


The system as of this point is nearing the end of panning and will be entering early stages of construction this next week. I hope to have everything ready for livestock to be slowly introduced with in a couple of weeks. I will be updating this thread with many pictures of the entire build as well as the maturing of the system.


I am learned allot over the years and from many reef tanks that I have had and helped to build. Many of you have helped to establish what reef keeping is for me and for that I cannot thank you all enough. This build will certainly confirm that reef keeping is definitely a wonderfully addicting hobby that I cannot escape from. Hopefully This system will help to tide me over for a while until the wife and I are able to buy a home and my dream display can once more become a reality.


Please feel free to add any comments, criticisms, suggestions, etc. along the way. I am excited to get another system up and running and will update as often as possible.






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Ha ha I knew you couldn't stay away for long!!


Sounds like a nice setup Garrett. Are you gonna use the same type of racks? I just got done repainting all your old ones and they are looking pretty snazzy :) I look forward to seeing this.

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Welcome back Garrett - seems like you never left! Sounds like a great plan. It will be interesting to see how it will go without having a "display" tank in the traditional sense of the word. You may end up with a lot of "mini" displays instead which, when you think about it, could allow you to do a lot of things you couldn't otherwise in terms of incompatible species, custom lightning conditions etc. Other than not having room for really large specimens of fish, it could work our really well. I often wish I had the room for a series of smaller tanks plumbed together in that manner so will be curious to hear how it works out.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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Why by the end of the year Blaine??


Huge tax credit to first time home owners under the new Obama stimulus. But only for first time buyers (I think).


garrett- welcome back, it didn't take you long to fall back off the wagon. :)



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Ahh I was wondering if there was gonna be a bigger drop in rates. I have kept my construction loan since summer waiting for the rates to bottom out and it has dropped from 6.25% to 4.75% in that time. I didnt know if it was gonna go lower. Im waiting for Obamas 4% :)

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LOL np. I definately find all of that interesting and it is good info to know. I heard about the tax credits and such. I just don't know whether or not we will be ready to purchase at that point. Crossing my fingers though.


Ordered 22 1 inch bulkheads! There went the first hundred buck lol.




Just remember, it's like putting money IN your pocket. You k now how to find me when your ready.

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Thanks Ryan! I am really excited as well. I have not set in stone what I will be using yet as far as equipment goes, but I know it will include much of the equipment that I used on my old system such as the chiller, heaters, skimmers, some of the lighting, etc. I think I may be getting a pump that provides quite a bit more flow capability than what I had on the old system and I may try a differnt style for the sump not too sure yet. This week I will be puchasing most of the tanks, stand, plumbing, etc. and then hopefully next week I will have everything plumbed up and ready for water.


Still need to see how much space I have to work with. My parents garage is half full of junk that needs to be taken to goodwill or just recycled/thrown out. I imagine if I have about a 8' x 10' section I should be pretty well ready to rock and roll!


A few weeks from now, all of the local shops and suppliers will be having a hay day dealing with me. I will need to pick up sand, rock, and start on livestock before too long.




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Did some shopping today. Thanks Ben and Shaun(coralreefaquarist)!


The bulkheads have not yet arrived, but should be here shortly. I did get my glass holesaw in the mail yesterday though! Picked up a snapper from Ben and a dual 250w pfo ballast from Shaun. Picked up some sand and moguls today aswell.





More pick to come as I collect more goodies.






Bulkheads just got here!!!! Nice

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Finally, some pics! I love the snapper pump! I'll either have the snapper or dart on my next tank!!!


If you need a hole saw for 3/4" bulk heads, I have one you can use....


What size media reactors are you thinking about? I would love to be some sort of help in your build/project!

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The suspense is killing me too!!! I just picked up some white marble that I am going to cut into small 1" or 1.25" squares. I found the small precut and tumbled kind at lowes, but some of them had imperfects of granite or other minerals that I am not cofortable having long term in the system or in others reef tanks for that matter. Heavy metals or silicates just aren't worth the work saved by having precut squares. So a cheap tile saw will likely be one of my new "frag tools".

Tomorrow evening I hope to make some headway in cleaning up the garage space that this system is going to take up. My dad was kind enough to offer up one of his work benches as a frag/packaging table, so that will be nice. Problem is it is full of clutter and also needs a good cleaning. Goodwill and the local recycle/landfill center are going to love me over the next week!


I also may have to run a couple of 20 amp sockets over to the area of the garage that I am building the system. I am not sure if the garage only has 1 15 amp circuit or if it has a couple. I will have to do some plug experimenting and possible rerouting.





Cleaning garage.


Purchase rack.


Purchase sump.


Pick up tanks.


Drill tanks.


Paint back and sides of tanks.


Purchase plumbing and plumb tanks.


Mix water and get it into tanks.


Build frag racks.


Start the long process of stocking! FUN BEGINS!

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Finally, some picks! I love the snapper pump! I'll either have the snapper or dart on my next tank!!!


If you need a hole saw for 3/4" bulk heads, I have one you can use....


What size media reactors are you thinking about? I would love to be some sort of help in your build/project!




From what I have read the snapper and dart are the way to go! I got lucky as Ben was kind enough to help me out with one!


I think I am going to go with all 1 3/4 inch holes so that I can sort of standardize the system with 1 inch bulkheads. I purchased a new bit as I think I gave away my old one. Plus I needed a new one either way as I had drilled a ton of glass with the other one.


I am thinking 3 media reactors with a 4" diameter or so and about 14 to 16" tall. What do you think? I was thinking one for carbon, one for GFO, and the third as an extra reactor for future media not yet determined. I was kind of planning on running a single 600-800gph pump split with ball valves to each one or something similar. This would allow flow control independently to each reactor and would be set up so that each could be removed easily from the system with true unions, slip, or brush fittings. What do you think now that you have both built one and am sure have done some research and speant pleanty of time in thought about such devices?





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I think 3 would be a great plan! Do you want cell cast (expensive) or Extrude Hone (cheap) acrylic tube? Do you want 1/4" or 1/8" thick wall?


If you were going to go all out, 1/4" thick cast would be very nice, but extrude 1/8" will do the same thing.


For the larger size, I would also use 1/2" speed fittings instead of 3/8".


Where are you going to place the reactors? External, internal, hung from the side of a sump?


I'll be going over to Julias dads in the next few days to re-cut the top lid of my reactor. I am going to make the lid twist off (similar to how the GEO reactors are). I'll just have to loosen the nylon screws, twist the lid, and pull it off.


Once I get mine up and running, we'll finalize your design and build them!


What type of tanks are you going with?

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I think 3 would be a great plan! Do you want cell cast (expensive) or Extrude Hone (cheap) acrylic tube? Do you want 1/4" or 1/8" thick wall?


If you were going to go all out, 1/4" thick cast would be very nice, but extrude 1/8" will do the same thing.


For the larger size, I would also use 1/2" speed fittings instead of 3/8".


Where are you going to place the reactors? External, internal, hung from the side of a sump?


I'll be going over to Julias dads in the next few days to re-cut the top lid of my reactor. I am going to make the lid twist off (similar to how the GEO reactors are). I'll just have to loosen the nylon screws, twist the lid, and pull it off.


Once I get mine up and running, we'll finalize your design and build them!


What type of tanks are you going with?




I think the Extrude Hone in 1/8" for small media reactors should be sufficiant don't you think? If I were making a skimmer with alot of turbulance I could see where the cast in 1/4" would definately be worth the extra $$. I am thinking that the reactors will be external or at least externally hung from the sump. That being said, I would imagine that it would be nice to have a bracket of sorts so that I could just hang it on the sump though it would be nice if they could stand freely on a shelf if the setup called for it.


I really like the idea of going with a twist style cap like your plan. It sounds as if replacing media and doing maintanence would be way easy going this route. I am excited to see how yours turns out and really can't wait to build these guys. I am really glad you are down to help with them as you have done such a nice job on yours!


I think I am pretty determined to do 21 x 10g tanks. They will be arranged so that you look through on side of the 10g tank and see 20 inches of depth. There will be 7 of them lined up on each shelf and I will be painting the back of each black with rustoleum. I am not sure yet whether I will also paint the sides. It would look way cool and prevent much of the unwanted coraline growth all over the glass, but it would also prevent viewing from the sides. This has its positives and negatives. Fish won't try and fight with each other and are less likely to try and jump into their neighboring tanks. Corals would stand out agains the black back and sides! But I wouldn't be able to look from one side to another. What are everyones thoughts on this?



Are the ones that you have mostly white? I couldn't find the small ones in complete white sets. I found them with about 50% white and the other 50% in different shades of grey and beige. I wasn't sure that these color varieties would be a good idea but have never used them myself.

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the small ones that pop into the eggcrate are not pure white there kinda mix some will be more white than other i use the whitest ones for sps and the other for lps and softies. as for the bigger ones i got in pure white marble from hoedepot. only catch is they dont pop in the egcrate.ive seriously had no probs i suggest using them to everyone i come across. the price per plug cant be beat and theres no soak time.i will continue using them. just make sure not to glue the frag to the super smooth side or it will pop off in a few days.

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