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Question about clown fish hosting.


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Hey everyone thanks for taking the time to read through this and respond .

I have 2 true purcs 1 I have had for several mths and the other I recently added it was instant love ... LOL

ok anyway, I added hammer coral and frog spawn into my tank and the smaller of the two clowns I believe wants to host in the hammer coral.

Ok here is the beginner/ impatient question.

It swims just a breath over it, dips its face close to it and sort of touches it with its belly most of the time. How long before it just gets in there and rolls around and stuff or am I crazy?


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Not sure what to tell you.


They may bury themselves in it or just gentle rub their bellies on it. Time will tell.


P.S. We've had great success with Jakarta Xenia for clown hosting, and the snuggly clownfish effect your looking for.



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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It is funny that you were the one to reply I was just talking to my husband about really wanting to come in and check out your store from what I have seen I am really impressed by the coral selection you have.

I have a small piece that I got from a guy and he said he got it from you. But didn't remember what it was I posted it in general discussion asking if any one knew.. Take a look and let me know what you think ...

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It is funny that you were the one to reply I was just talking to my husband about really wanting to come in and check out your store from what I have seen I am really impressed by the coral selection you have.

I have a small piece that I got from a guy and he said he got it from you. But didn't remember what it was I posted it in general discussion asking if any one knew.. Take a look and let me know what you think ...




If you come in you won't be disappointed. :)


I'll make sure to go check it out right now.



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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It took my clowns almost two years before they decided to start hosting my frogspawn. Now I can't get them out of it.


It sounds like they are starting the process with hovering and touching with their face. Coral stings are different than anemone stings, and it takes a little bit for the clown to become used to the difference. Give them some time and they may just be hosting before you know it. :)



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I've read about people putting a picture of a clownfish on the outside of the tank near the coral they are wanting them to host. Might be worth a shot. My female clown took a few months to host her frogspawn, but when i added the male he took right to it. Just give them time. And after they do begin to host it you may see some black spots appear on the fish. Its a normal reaction to the different type of stings from the corals. Goes away after awhile.

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I tried the picture of the clown for about 6 months... it must have been a bad picture because my clowns didn't care.


I should have tried the clownfish centerfold of the month... but I don't get those kinds of magazines.


Really. Don't stress whether they will or won't host. It will either happen or not. I used to watch for it daily, and when it didn't happen was really dissapointed. Then I gave up caring. A few months later they started hosting on their own.


If you want another solution. I have heard that domino damsels will host just about anything. I know I have a pair of dominoes in my anemone tank and they host the RBTAs that I have. I read on NR.com that one guy will throw in a domino, it will start hosting, then the clowns will gang up on it and chase it out. Then the clowns will start hosting to keep the domino out.


Like I said many tmies clowns are dumb. I would like to add that they are mean too.



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Mine aren't mean at all. I can reach in and pickup their frogspawn with bare hands and they won't do a thing. Even when they had eggs on the PVC support i put the FS in i could reach in and move it without any troubles. I got lucky!


Here is a pic of my female after she started hosting her frogspawn to give you an idea of the spots you might see. Check out her lips! (laugh)





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Wow thats alot of great input thanks everyone and the pics of what I can expect with the spots is nice then I won't go into a panic when I see them...

My fish are really gentle and loving as well never acting aggressive and i really enjoy there funny personalities.

I might try a centerfold pic though and see if it helps ..LOL

Thanks again

Hey have any of you heard of a meet and greet in Tigard this Sunday ?

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