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Help me pick my clean up crew?


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Ok, so I got a little money and I really need to get a good clean up crew.

So please list your suggestions of what I should get and how many of each...

Its a 50 gal tank, I have two astreas, they are not doing much (but there is alot of ground to cover) and two conchs...so what else do i need?


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this is a largly debated topic so youll probly get alot of diff opinuons but all usally work lol but heres mine i do 25 astrea's for every fifty gallons same go's for hermits and or nassirus snails some like the snails better because hermits can crawl on your corals but ive never had a prob with that as of yet but you dont want to mix the two hermits will eat nassarius and will eat some of your astreas as well but i think the benifits of both is worth the loss of a few astreas but they will wipe out nassrius evently i like the conches as well but u need alot of sand for them to clean and as they get bigger two may be to many so keep a eye u may want to trade to a friend one day i also use cuc's too i like tiger tails the best do a good job keeping sand stired but with the conches may not be needed.Now ive tried lots of diffrent critters and the ones mentioned have always gave me the best bang for my buck but its always good to try your own recipe per say because every tank is diffrent this is just what has worked for me and my clients.

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I just added a few Nassarius snails to my tank, they're doing a great job keeping the substrate clean and stirred up. Plus, they're cool -- I love it when they rise up out of the sand en masse. Gotta go buy some more...


EDIT: Didn't know my Hermits will go after the Nassarius snails. Oh well, Natural Selection and all that...

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EDIT: Didn't know my Hermits will go after the Nassarius snails. Oh well, Natural Selection and all that...



They probably want the nass's shell. :( I like astreas, nass's, and of course, nerites which have really pretty shells. I have all of them and find that they do a good job.

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IMO nassarious are not likly to be eatten by hermits,,, they are too dang fast, out only typically at night (unless food is around) and hide in the sand the rest of the time. When and how would a hermit catch them?


I also believe hermits are the best at keeping the rock clean (with the exception of Turbos) and snails are best at keeping the glass and sand clean.


Hence I think Hermits and Nassarius are the perfect match.


Brandon, NOTHING can touch a seahare for hair algae irradication,,,

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IMO nassarious are not likly to be eatten by hermits,,, they are too dang fast, out only typically at night (unless food is around) and hide in the sand the rest of the time. When and how would a hermit catch them?


I also believe hermits are the best at keeping the rock clean (with the exception of Turbos) and snails are best at keeping the glass and sand clean.


Hence I think Hermits and Nassarius are the perfect match.


Brandon, NOTHING can touch a seahare for hair algae irradication,,,


My big tank does not have hair algae, just some stuff on the rocks and the prodibio is not touching it right now...So I need something to take care of that...phosphates are undetectable. so I am really trying to get rid of that.

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If your going to use hermits at all, only use the blue legged ones. IME the stay smaller than most hermits, and seem to be a little less destructive. I think astrea snails are some of the best cleaners around, just you have to flip a few back over from time to time. I also really like bumble bee snails for cleaning detritus outta little crevices in rock.



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I like the kupang snails, the red striped ones, they eat more algae than most snails. I don't keep many hermits. I have 3 cucumbers that sift the sand, a red bubble star to eat detritus. I have 2 tuxedo urchins and a lawnmower for hair algae. Now if I could only find a fish to eat those darn manjanos

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IMO nassarious are not likly to be eatten by hermits,,, they are too dang fast, out only typically at night (unless food is around) and hide in the sand the rest of the time. When and how would a hermit catch them?


I also believe hermits are the best at keeping the rock clean (with the exception of Turbos) and snails are best at keeping the glass and sand clean.


Hence I think Hermits and Nassarius are the perfect match.


Brandon, NOTHING can touch a seahare for hair algae irradication,,,


I agree here, i have tiny nass snails and a few large hermits and they haven't touched my nass snails in almost 2 years. When they start to fight, the nass snails whip their shell around and smack the hermits. Its pretty cool to watch.

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I try to keep a wide variety of critters for my clean-up crew. For snails I like stomatella, margharita and ceriths- I also keep a couple each of nassarius and bumblebees. I do have a few hermits; both the small red legged and blue legged variety. IMO, you can keep both hermits and snails as long as the snails out-number the hermits. And you're prepared to add more snails. I also have always had an emerald mithrax crab for bubble algae (a battle I'm currently losing).

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I've had quite a few hermits walking around with nassarious snail shells on, it was quite a suprise the first time that I saw it. If you want to stop that from happening just throw in some different size empty shells for the hermits to use.


Some of my favorite snails are the Banded Trochus Snail, they are complete pigs and they go all over the rocks and glass. And the best thing about them is they can turn themselves back over after falling off something. The only store that I've seen them at locally is Fanta Seas...

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