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montipora nudi


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DOH!So today i was moving some corals around and in the process, i droped my frag of orange cap and when i picked it up i happend to notice a nudi on the bottom.There was only one fairly large one and i did not see eggs unless theye are extremely small.I know it is a monti nudi based on threads i have read. I just put this monti in the tank about 5 days ago so my question is, do these stay pretty localized or are they everywhere by now? (scary)I do have 2 other montis one is a purple cap frag which is about 6" away and a reddish purple encrusting that is across the tank.

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Sorry to hear, these are a real pain to get rid of. I would expect them to pop up on your other montis within a week or so. KMnO4 has been shown to kill both the eggs and adults, but is very hard on the coral. And its not 100% effective. When i went thru this i dipped all my montis in KMnO4 3 times and it still did not kill all the nudis. In the end i threw away all my montis - roughly 40 frags and colonies i had spent years collecting. I kept a piece of superman monti the size of a pinhead, and a purple digi frag about 1/8" long. Those are both doing great now.


Good luck and sorry to hear.

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I have a slighty different opinion and experience with them. I had them show up the same way that you did on a colony that I bought. I didn't notice it until probably a week or so after I added the colony. I could visibly see at least 50 of the things on the colony and I threw it away to be safe rather than try to remove them. In the last 6 months I have only seen another one pop up twice in my tank and both times there were just a couple and I was able to remove them by sucking them into a turkey baster and throwing them away without throwing the colony away. I have spoken with a few other knowledgeable forum members and they have had the same experience and success in controlling their populations and keeping their montis safe by manual removal. My suggestion if you only see a few is to get them out with a turkey baster and watch your montis very closely in the next week, especially at night when the lights are out. If you see more, remove them. Adding a six line wrasse would likely help as well. I think you have an excellent chance of keeping your corals safe without having to remove everything from your tank.

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I have the potassium permanganate if you want some for free (you just need to pick it up in Oregon City), and had really good success with it. I did need to dip repeatedly (once a week for several weeks), and I used a slightly higher concentration than is in the literature.


Let me know if you want to arrange to get some KMnO4.



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Well Good News.I have been diligently checking my corals and i have not seen any more of these guys sence that first one i found.Its been several weeks now and the little white spot that was on my monty is starting to come back which has made me believe they or it is now gone.Thank you to every one for all your input.

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