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Miniwhinny's Deep Sea Adventure


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Well I've toyed with getting a new tank for long enough. After searching sizes and styles for a while now I finally took the plunge (no aquatic pun intended) and picked up my new tank today. YAHOOOOO.


It's a perfecto column tank. 20 inches wide, 18 inches deep and 30 (ish) inches high with a total of 47 gallons. I think having such a deep tank will allow me to house my low light lovers near the bottom and light lovers near the top. I'm planning on having a very shallow sand bed - perhaps just 1/2 to an inch. I've seen Oceanic 30's with a similar footprint and love how they are 'scaped.


I have a 30" sunpod 150 HQI that will fit. Well okay, it will hang over the sides a little, but at least it will fit lol. I plan on adding a 20 inch Sunpod 250 as well and running my lights as follows...


1 set (6) of blue LED's 24/7

2nd set (12 total) of blue LED's on timers on at 5 am off at 11pm.


Both sets (12 total) of white LED's on at 6am and off at 10pm


150 HQI on at 9am and off at 7pm (the hours I have running at the moment) and finally the


250 HQI on at 11.30am and off at 2.30pm to simulate the midday sun.


I think I can get away with 400 watts with the tank being 30 inches deep and I don't think heat will be an issue with running it only 3 hours a day.


I'm planning on moving my softies down low and concentrating on SPS middle and high.


I'm going to be slowly moving things from one tank to the other as I empty the 29 into the new 47 and will share pics as things progress.


Thanks for letting me share and feel free to add any suggestions...I'm still such a learner at all of this.


Here's some pics for the start of my thread.







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nice tank..... should make for some good aquascaping ideas. u going to drill it? i like a tank I saw like that with a pvc center post and the LR drilled and slipped over it to create a column and other LR ziptied or epoxied off it in bridges and such.


on a side note.... U live in redmond? I lived there with my wife for two years and she grew up there. Her Brother runs the Motorsports shop called ACE discount motorsports on the main drag across from the DQ. small world. lol

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Sorry Dsoz..that was taken yesterday. Don't worry, Rose Parade is over...you'll have lovely weather now :D


Mister Crabs..."small world" is exactly what it is ! We know your wifes brother Josh really well. My son Andrew has ridden dirt bikes for years. We've bought bikes from Josh, he's sold bikes for us and Drew 's been to Josh's house to ride his pit bike with Josh and friends on their track. ACE is the best place in CO for the sport.


Also, I love the idea you gave me about the pvc center post I'm going to go with that. I think that would look way better than just a back wall of rock - thanks (clap)


I'm not going to drill. There's a note on the bottom of the tank that says that all pieces of glass are tempered and not to drill. I'm going to use my remora and a small HOB fuge.


Looks like it will be a summer project but I'm looking forward to getting going.

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Emptied the 29 enough to quickly and carefully move it out of the corner where the 47 will go and then refilled it with the same water. 3 hours later and everyone looks happy.


Set the 47 up in the corner where it's going to stay :D


I'm having fun (clap)



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Started my tower. I'll customize the arms as I start to get the rocks attached. So far so good. I have a few rocks placed (not attached) and the rest are drying off after being power washed (they are old dried live rock that's been sitting for years. I've used some before and it's really clean already). Thx mister crabs I never would have thought about doing a tower and I'm loving it already.




I'm going to keep the rocks fairly close to the center so they won't create too many shaded areas and below I'll put a large rocky area for my softies.





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Are you attaching the rock to the tower using epoxy? That is a great idea. You can also drill holes in the rock and use zip ties for a less permanent solution.


It is starting to look great!


You were right about the weather over here, the grand floral parade is over, and we have blue sky and sunshine all day today. No wonder I dislike rose festival time... rain, crowds, grading all that work from the end of the year... The only reason I went to the grand floral parade this year is because my son was marching in the Oregon City marching band, which was invited to the grand floral parade for the first time this year.



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Oh that's cool about your son...those are moments to treasure. I bet he was so proud of himself. My first born graduated HS on Friday and I'm mourning his growing up already lol.


I'm going to use epoxy once I have all my pieces in place. I'm trying to decide on one center pillar or one tall pillar to the left and a shorter one to the right with one small bridge between. Both would look good...just can't decide (anyone???)

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Okay here are a few more pics :D


While building a second tower a few moments ago- which if I decide on having will be about 1/2 the size of the large one - I was cutting a joint and realized what a great thing it would be to "plant" SPS frag posts on the tower or for the part of the tower under the sand I can stick my froggie stalks into the holes so I'm going to add them to each end piece. I'm going to drill holes along the pieces that will go under the sand bed so they don't get blocked and cause problems.








I think that's it for today. No peace for the momma - I have hungry kids here letting me know it lol.

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Does anyone chemically inclined (Dsoz? Lol) or anyone else lol know if I'd be better sealing all the ends or allowing free movement of water through the pillars? I don't want wastes building up inside which they could easily do...hey maybe I could leave the very top open (but out of view) and just blast it clean every week at water change time? Any ideas?

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Thanks Mister crabs. I wrote that without thinking first ;) What I meant was..would I be better leaving it open (including frag holes) or seal everything - with no frag holes. Maybe if it's all open and I use my turkey blaster once a week I won't get too much of a problem.

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I personally dont think its going to be a problem especially ifc you have good critters in your sandbed. Everyone hates bristleworms but I think they would be perfect CUC to get into the pipes and keep em clean. If you are transfering your existing sandbed you should have a good CUC established. Some people are anal about thier tanks and swear by semi-sterile environments. I am not one of those. I say leave em open as a good bonus place for pods to breed.


You might also think about extending the base PVC supports all the way to the end of the tank on all 4 sides to make the structure as stable as possible. just a thought. your sand should hide them.

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If you hook up a PH on one of the open ends, you could always have water flow through the pipe, then there would be no worry about detritus build up. Just a thought.


Other than that, I have no opinion which would be better.



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Thanks guys for the suggestions.


I never thought about the inside of the pipes being like little fuges for pods and stuff...that would work.


I'll make sure I have a large base mr.C.


I'm running the 29 bb. I have loads of dry sand but nothing live. I'm hoping that I can find someone around CO who could spare me a cup full of theirs to get mine going.

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I like the powerhead idea...lots of random flow direction at no extra cost(naughty). Although Ive also heard of 'bad guys' living in the open pipes. They become well protected from predators and have plenty of room to grow before you ever notice them. I guess there are pros and cons to both sides... it depends on what you like to keep...?


Cool new tank, Congrats!! Looking forward to seeing progress pics.

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Today's projects.


I've finished making my tower. I've added half a dozen holes where I can place frag posts or glue frags if they come on the round plugs. For the ones at the bottom I'll put my candy and froggie stalks into them.






I'm letting the cement dry just now and later today I'll start attaching rocks. I've decided to run a powerhead into the tubes to keep them clean and to get a really cool water flow (not enough to launch my frags mister crabs lol ;))

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Thanks Gnome (and everyone) I'm really having a blast and am very pleased with things so far. I've also learned that a 49 year old momma really can use power tools HAHAHAHAHHA (whistle);)


Started attaching my rocks using glue and zip ties. I'm keeping the rocks as close to the tower as possible so the SPS have room to grow.


Half way down the tower on the right side you can see a hole jutting straight out. I'm really tempted to stick my electric green froggie in there and let him grow out - wayyyy out - into the tank. Whadda you think?








Next chore is to wash my sand really well. I plan on laying down about an inch and then placing the tower on that base and then covering with another inch or whatever it takes to bury the tubes. Gonna mask off the frag holes with clingfilm and rubber bands until I'm ready to uncover them to place LPS frags in them.


I'll then be building a small reef area at the base of the tower for all of my zoas, 'shrooms etc. I bet the fish will love circling up and down the rocks.


Can't thank mister crabs enough for the idea (icon) of using PVC pipes.

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I'm also really loving this tank. It has a tiny footprint (20 inches by 18 inches) as most of the water volume is in the height. But that ( I hope) will allow me to have low light lovers thrive with light lovers and allow me to blast water in the top area while not blasting the lower areas as much.


This afternoon I'm planning to fill the tank with water to check that there are no problems.


(hope I'm not boring anyone)

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Very cool build. Can't wait until it's done! I had a very similar idea for my future tank, it was to drill the middle of the bottom and have the overflow pipes come up from there. Then I was going to build the landscape around it, having everything hidden. Even the return would be undetectable. No pumps, or if there was, it would blend right in.

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thats the exact idea I had vanz and is why i suggested the LR on the PVC tower...lol


I wouldnt put sand under the pvc. just put the tower directly on the glass and then cover with sand. If you had a goby or other sand sifting critter they would eventually undermine the stability of the structure. sand shifts too much. but looking really good so far!

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