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Citric Acid Bucket Question

John Vinson

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I've been keeping some mixed RO water and citric acid in a bucket and today I went to soak some equipment and found there was a weird film on top (It's been several weeks since I cleaned anything in it).  It was clear and seemed almost like a jelly fish and was easy enough to remove.  Is it anything to be concerned about?  Some sort of chemical reaction with the organic matter that came off the equipment? 

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Exactly, that's probably just the stuff that came off of the equipment.  It gets stirred into solution, then settles out on the top.  Depending on how cheap I'm feeling, sometimes I just dump the whole bucket and start over. :)  But if you're wanting to save it, just pour off the scum and keep on using it.   I will say that the more you use it, the less the cleaning reaction will be, since most of the cleaning properties involve it being an acid and any acidic reaction neutralizes the acid a bit. 

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