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Too much rock?


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The desire to fill a tank with too much rock is ever present. 

Remember you want flow to keep the tank healthy. That much rock will create dead spots for debris to accumulate and spike nutrient levels. Less is more with rock. If you remove some and think it feels empty you have the right amount. Keep in mind the tank will be full of coral at some point, let the coral fill the dead space. 

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I'd look for different rock. What you have is awesome base rock in a larger tank but fills up a small tank quickly. However, if only this is available I'd remove the far left and raise the middle rock. You'll have flow above and below. Something like that is my suggestion. 



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Yeah the rock thing is always a tough question to ask. It's like asking what kind of salt is best. Everyone has an opinion and there are varying pros and cons with different routes. Opinions change throughout time. For example, BRS has been pushing this whole "negative space aquascape" thing lately and now everyone has been jumping on that bandwagon like it's the coolest thing since sliced bread. Personally, I don't care for it. 

It all depends on what you want. The bulkier base rock does present different issues with flow, but it also offers ample room for coral placement and more places to hide. Additionally, the larger amount of surface area provides more denitrification. 

As long as you like it, run with it!

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