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More citizens carrying guns, stop lost lives?


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I grew up with kids that were proud to bring their guns to 'show and tell' in elementary school. If I had said what if a kid starts shooting people, even the parents and teachers would have looked at me as if I were a crackpot. It never occurred to us it could happen because it didn't.


Kids in my shop that witness livebearing fish go through their sexual activities get all excited and crazed when from town. Those from a farm in the country simply explain what is going on. I do not belive farm kids cause more problems with rape and so on. I think they know the facts and that is all.


We don't here of farmhouses being broken into as much as in the city. Possibly that is because most homes in the country have guns with people that are proefficient with their use. Excepting hunters that so often mix drinking and hunting, guns in the country seem relatively safe. If every attendant at 7-11 and Circle K had a gun, there might be fewer robberies. There would also be many more accidents with guns. It would possibly become a nightmare.


If you ever had a gun pointed at you by an excited drunken or drug crazed perpetrator, I know how helpless you felt. It is not the same as well trained Police pointing a firearm. I believe guns in more well trained hands would be a deterant. But never in untrained or out-of-control hands.

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Yes this is a fish site, and yes this is out of bounds. This thread would be gone long ago on some other forums because of the nature of the subject. the one rule we need to follow NO FLAMING :D


I am on both sides of this thing and yes i can see it going both ways. in the end there are responsible folks and morons and i have met both. I think Mr. nugent had a good track on things with his comment but i also agree that if everyone had a gun in a large riot you would have a lot of dead people.


Usually people who have a gun will stay and fight and that is noble, people who are unarmed will usually run, and that is wise. in the end you need a little of both or we would have a lot more dead people. I plan on getting my CWP eventually.


Take a look at the statistics for the average police office (who is trained) to hit a moving target at close range... only 1 bullet in 9 will hit the target. you get further away and it gets much worse. now get some normal citizens and that could be a lot of stray bullets.


I support the ownership of guns as long as it is by responsible people who keep them secure and keep themselves trained. I won't even discuss the stats of people who have their weapons used against them.


I prefer a knife anyways, but then again that takes training too.

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I grew up with kids that were proud to bring their guns to 'show and tell' in elementary school. If I had said what if a kid starts shooting people, even the parents and teachers would have looked at me as if I were a crackpot. It never occurred to us it could happen because it didn't.


Kids in my shop that witness livebearing fish go through their sexual activities get all excited and crazed when from town. Those from a farm in the country simply explain what is going on. I do not belive farm kids cause more problems with rape and so on. I think they know the facts and that is all.


We don't here of farmhouses being broken into as much as in the city. Possibly that is because most homes in the country have guns with people that are proefficient with their use. Excepting hunters that so often mix drinking and hunting, guns in the country seem relatively safe. If every attendant at 7-11 and Circle K had a gun, there might be fewer robberies. There would also be many more accidents with guns. It would possibly become a nightmare.


If you ever had a gun pointed at you by an excited drunken or drug crazed perpetrator, I know how helpless you felt. It is not the same as well trained Police pointing a firearm. I believe guns in more well trained hands would be a deterant. But never in untrained or out-of-control hands.


Your more right than anyone else could possibly be, but kids these days are tough about guns in the movies, and 50% of video games depict killing, amazing what our kids are tough these day. The fortunate ones are still tough in hunting but its getting more rare. It simply shows you where video games come into play and also even more is all the sheltering that is done to kids, but yet they can shoot people in a video game..... go figure.

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Well I have many thoughts on all his. Just a few. First I have A CWP. Have for countless years. Also took classes to teach it. But didn’t want to. OK caring a gun is very different for me. I really don’t like to and don’t most of the time. I always do camping, fishing, and hunting. (Hand gun). There s NO glimmer at all in caring one. I will if I’m going to the mall, coast, Portland, and of course fish meetings!!! (Just kidding). I find that I have added stress when I am caring. The “what if” scenario plays in your mind. My ONLY reason I carry is for the immediate protection of my family. I don’t want any part of a confrontation. I still think it is too easy to get a permit.


Now as far as 3 people beating someone as a buss stop, or where ever. I do have the highest respect for the citizens that help. I have to wonder at the same time why there isn’t more vigilantes’. I have to say I like Charles Bronson.


I have had a 38 special stuck in my face.


The side of the coin, is always the opposite.

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I wouldn't normally reply to a thread like this, as it is too political, but the discussion really hit home.


When I was 13 years old, my older brother (15) was shot and killed by a 7mm rifle. My brothers and sisters were well trained on the handling of guns. We went through the hunters safety courses, had years of training from our father, and had loaded guns in the house. We had a certain respect for guns.


What happened was a mistake. A lapse in judgment. My brother probably thought that his best friend's family had the same respect for guns. He was at his friends house. His friend was handing him the gun and it went off.


All I am saying is that any 15 year old can make a mistake that will cost them their lives. The gun was not supposed to be loaded. That was the rule of his friends house. Someone broke that rule.


I am not for gun control, I am for gun education. Other than a background check, anybody can get a gun. You have to get a license to drive. You don't have to show any kind of aptitude or mastery to shoot a gun. Would you really want someone that could not hit the broad side of a barn trying to protect you in a situation with their gun? Even if their intentions were good, this is not a good scenario. I believe that to own a gun, you should have to go through a training program much like law enforcement or the military.


Guns are designed for one purpose. Let's not forget what that purpose is and be responsible.


That will have been 24 years ago on the 19th of this month. Time flies by doesn't it.



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Since cars and alcohol kill more people every year than guns ever thought of, lets get rid of them. Then we can live in a safer community. I have pulled more deceased kids and adults out of a crushed cars because of speed and alcohol than any gun shootings. The only difference is, the media doesn't report all the fatal crashes that involve alcohol or speed because only one or two people die. With guns, it happens alot less but when it does, more people are killed. Then the media puts labels on the story like, "mall massacre". I am a gun owner, a police officer, and a hunter. I am all for gun control that makes sense, gun education, and I am not talking education from a Play Station or an Xbox. Accidents do happen to even the people who are trained or educated. Thats part of life. But to say "Guns kill people" is crazy. Guns need some kind of force to pull the trigger, they just don't go off by them selves.

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My whole point about making the comparison between gun deaths and car crash/alcohol deaths, is to let people realize that when "Crazy" people use guns, it is a tragedy. But, when you look at the shear number of deaths US wide, the major cause is car crashes, not guns. There again, deaths that are not caused by illnesses. I have just pulled to many dead people from mangled cars, mainly kids, because of peolpe making bad decisions to drive to fast or mix driving and drinking. The outcome of the bad decision ultimately is death, whether it was from a person holding a gun, or a person driving a car.

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I agree the comparison between guns and cars in general is not valid, but a comparison to sports cars might be more valid. Why do we need cars with 400 hp that get 5 mpg. The only real purpose of these cars are to exceed the speed limit and accelerate at unsafe rates. Should these be outlawed?

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You mean sports cars that are allowed on the regular roads, or race cars relegated to racing tracks?


IMO, by all means, get rid of them on the roads! Considering the way the environment is going, they are ridiculous anyhow.

Get rid of things like Hummers, too! :D

If people want to kill themselves on race tracks, and other people pay to watch them, that's fine by me as long as the general public who isn't into that kind of stuff is not endangered.

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I was not comparing guns versus cars. The two are tools that when used in a reckless manner can and do kill people. I am not saying get rid of cars nor am I saying get rid of guns. What I am saying is when a reckless or crazy person uses either one, the result is the same. It's not the tool that is the problem, its the person behind it. Thats the problem that needs to be delt with. I guess I was digressing a bit becuase of the fact of seeing what reckless drivers do with their cars and the innocent people they affect with them on a daily basis. Cars are used for transportation where guns are used for killing or sport if you refer them to target competitions. There again, I was just talking about their is a much more need to deal with drunken drivers than saying we need less guns, IMO.

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Correct Nyles. The first 6, no one under 20 yoa, who is not immediate family. The second 6, no more than 3 passengers, under 20 yoa, who is not the immediate family. Then till 18 yoa, they have a curfew. They cannot drive from midnight till 5 am with some exceptions. Like work or school event. This has helped and mostly the speed crashes are not as bad now but the alcohol related ones are. I don't mean to sound like I am trying to argue, I just think before people blame a tool for hurting someone, they need to really look at what the problem is.

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Nope Nice data to have.... I can agree with the car related deaths, I lost two people very close to me driving right in front of me. However the topic is more "What if more (how many??) citizens carried handguns."


Im just imagining lots of people 50% or 25% of the masses running around with guns.... I think that there would be a lot more accidents involving guns. There is too many variables that go sky high. It takes a responsible person to handle a gun, those people I don't worry about, its the others I do. That goes for cars and other things as well.

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You mean sports cars that are allowed on the regular roads, or race cars relegated to racing tracks?


IMO, by all means, get rid of them on the roads! Considering the way the environment is going, they are ridiculous anyhow.

Get rid of things like Hummers, too! :D

If people want to kill themselves on race tracks, and other people pay to watch them, that's fine by me as long as the general public who isn't into that kind of stuff is not endangered.


I mean't sports cars on public highways.

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Nope Nice data to have.... I can agree with the car related deaths, I lost two people very close to me driving right in front of me. However the topic is more "What if more (how many??) citizens carried handguns."


Im just imagining lots of people 50% or 25% of the masses running around with guns.... I think that there would be a lot more accidents involving guns. There is too many variables that go sky high. It takes a responsible person to handle a gun, those people I don't worry about, its the others I do. That goes for cars and other things as well.


I can imagine that the world would be a much safer place if we had the majority of people running around bearing arms, just as our forefather intended. Kentucky long rifles were hard to conceal and slow to reload.

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