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Moving thursday and setup a 100 gallon rubbermaid...


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Howdy Frands,

Its been a while since I have posted anything and thursday we are moving from Hillsboro to Vancouver and I need the tank empty so the movers can haul it. I have a 100 gallon rubbermaid setup with an mp40 a heater and water. I have 3 tangs, 3 wrasse, 6 chromis, a cinnamon clown and a firefish and lawnmower.  I have some thoughts I am hoping to bounce off the group.

Live rock : I dont have a real plan for the live rock at this moment and the options are to put it in the rubbermaid with the fish or let it dry out. I really would love to keep it wet and I can reasonably put most of it in 5 gallons and put it on in the truck so it wont ever get air. 

I also have a large block of the Cerda(sp) media cubes that I have had in my sump for two years to act as biological filtration I can just put in the rubbermaid with all the fish. 

The idea would be to buy new sand and once it arrives, rescape and fill the tank back up with the live rock and just do water changes till it arrives. 


Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

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2 minutes ago, tenderfoot said:

Howdy Frands,

Its been a while since I have posted anything and thursday we are moving from Hillsboro to Vancouver and I need the tank empty so the movers can haul it. I have a 100 gallon rubbermaid setup with an mp40 a heater and water. I have 3 tangs, 3 wrasse, 6 chromis, a cinnamon clown and a firefish and lawnmower.  I have some thoughts I am hoping to bounce off the group.

Live rock : I dont have a real plan for the live rock at this moment and the options are to put it in the rubbermaid with the fish or let it dry out. I really would love to keep it wet and I can reasonably put most of it in 5 gallons and put it on in the truck so it wont ever get air. 

I also have a large block of the Cerda(sp) media cubes that I have had in my sump for two years to act as biological filtration I can just put in the rubbermaid with all the fish. 

The idea would be to buy new sand and once it arrives, rescape and fill the tank back up with the live rock and just do water changes till it arrives. 


Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

Sounds like you have everything under control, Key is that Rubbermaid you have running for the transition! Just a side note might want to keep a couple buckets of left over water change from the current setup to dump in the Rubbermaid. If you intend to keep the Live rock live, best to transport them up wet, and put them in the rubbermaid as well while the new tank is being setup and filled. That live rock will add to the beneficial bacteria in the meantime.

I as well would toss the sand, nothing worth keeping with it, Always start out with new sand and give your filtration the upper hand from the get go.

The last sentence is somewhat confusing to me "The idea would be to buy new sand and once it arrives, rescape and fill the tank back up with the live rock and just do water changes till it arrives." So I apologize if I'm misunderstanding something here, but I would start off by filling the tank first, match the parameters to the Rubbermaid, then when the sand arrives add it and make sure things are holding steady, When things match Add all the live rock over and then livestock. I would expect a 3 - 4 day transition from the Rubbermaid to the Tank.

Good Luck! Let me know if you want more suggestions, I have done this many of times :)

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Wow thanks a ton for offering. I just started taking the rock over to the new location and should be able to fit it all and the fish comfortable. I am lucky and I have a friend who is housing the rubbermaid till I get my tank up. Even though I have a ton of great liverock, it just doesnt feel right using that rock in a way that it was not designed for. I carefully sculpted the scape with the dry rock years ago and it was essentially just two pieces once I cemented and epoxied it all together. I cant see a way to do that now with live rock in a way that I will be satisfied with. I really am torn between setting up a new scape dry and getting it exactly how I want it and taking longer to get the tank filled back with livestock and corals after some dr tims, and jus tmaking the best of the liverock that has been in the tank for years. 


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tough call. aquascaping wet rock is a royal PIA. (ask me how I know) lol.

sounds like you have it under control. wet newspapers can keep rock wet long enough to prevent dying out of bacteria.

my only suggestion would be to check out prodibio biodigest in terms of bacteria in a bottle. I have used them all and I am blown away how well the prodibio works. I have cycled QT tanks in a day with it.

good luck on the move!!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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