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Glass tank sale !!!


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I just wanted to mention this for anyone that is looking to purchase a new glass tank.

Animal House in Oregon city is having there 25th anv. sale for one day only (oct 6th sat)

. They are having sales on a few things but I was told by there fish manager that they

are bringing a truckload of tanks & stands just for that day.He said the prices that day

are below what they buy them from( you will be buying direct from manufacturer ). I don't remember

all the prices but 120's were like $199 w/overflow $250 . 210's were normaly $799 but are on sale

for $450. I don't know how good of deal's these are but I wanted to throw it out to anybody that might be looking. Stand's were half price also and they had all sizes tanks between 75-210.


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I got an AGA from animal house in Oregon City a couple of months ago (75g for $99). Now I may be able to afford to get a stand if they are half price or less (normally $250).


I wonder if I can fit my 45g long in the bottom of the stand for a sump... I may need to wait for the next petco sale to get a 40b. That is unless Animal House is going to have the 40b on sale also. I may need to look into this. :)



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They are AGA. If they don't have it in the store, ask to order one at the listed price and you can pick it up later. I was just in the store talking to the manager, and the fish "expert." I was scouting out the deals. I am going to be picking up a pine stand from AGA to fit the 75g that I got there a little more than a month ago. The price on the stand is normally $250, and it will be $159.99 for one day October 6.



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R-3 I don't know if it is ONLY AGA, but it is for many large (over 75g) tanks and stands.


the phone number for animal house is (503) 657-0307 (from DEXonline.com). Call them for prices.


jayR- I don't know if they are including reef ready tanks. The tank I got from them (and the ones that I saw stacked up in the store) are 75g glass boxes. I was able to drill holes in the back (the bottom is tempered on the 75g). All it takes is a glass hole saw. Many people in this club have them (and will loan them). It was a piece of cake to cut the holes myself.



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They open at 10:00, I am going to be there for a stand at 9:45.


Be warned that if they don't have it in stock, you may need to order it at the sale price and pick it up another day when it arrives. They have three stands that would work for me (two painted black and one natural pine) in the store right now, and the manager said that he could let me take it home at purchase (if there is still one left at that time).



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Here is the Info for the sale on Sat. SATURDAY OCT. 6th ANIMAl HOUSE Oregon City


Gallon $SalePrice reg


75 89.99 -- 159.99 All these tanks have the black trim and no overflow

90 149.99 -- 259.99 If you want a overflow add $50 to the price.


125 199.99 -- 349.99

180 419.99 -- 699.99

210 450.00 -- 750.00


125 megaflow 249.99 -- 399.99

w/th overflow


There is going to only be one each of the big tanks and more of the smallers.

The reason is that they are worried if they bring in three 210 they will have to pay to ship

them back.I don't think there will be any custom orders for extra custom overflows but I don't know for sure.If you are the first person here you get to take the tank home with you, if not they will give you a rain chack and you can pick it up on the next thursday from their store. I was told if you want a overflow it was going to be about $50 more and you would have to pick it up on the thursday.

Most of the Stands will also have to be ordered. He showed me the pics and they were very nice

They gave two price examples on stands

18x48 Black pine stand $sale 159.99 Reg 299.99

24x48 black pine $sale 199.99 Reg 399.99


All of the tanks will be AGA they are not sure if they will carry the new brand name or not.


Again this is what I was told and i'm just trying to help everyone out.Don't yell at me if there is some mistake or the tank you wanted is sold.


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I think for an extra $50 for megaflows is a good deal.

Does anyone know what size bulkheads are needed for the megaflows (210gallon size)?


I think i read somewhere it was 1" drain & 3/4" return for each mega flow.

Can someone confirm?

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