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Seneye Reef Monitor Experience Anyone?


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So I received my Seneye yesterday..  Biggest setup issue I had was getting the suction cup on...I was trying to put it on the wrong side.

So today I decided to do some PAR testing and wow what a shock.

My tank is 18" deep and my light is about 8" above, but the top of my rocks is probably 6" below the surface.  I was really surprised that they settings I was using on my AI Prime HD was way too low.  I have mostly LPS and Zoas but I have 2 BTAs and now the Crocea clam.  I really wanted to be sure i had adequate lighting for those.  I ended up turning up my violet, Royal and Blue way up over 100% to get 200ish PAR and 80% PUR where I was putting the clam.  The nemes are sitting at about 175 PAR and 79% PUR.  I was amazed at how fast the PAR drops as you move away from the center.  So l placed the clam where it will get the best PAR/PUR of the tank and will wait and see how things go.  

So far I am glad I bought the Seneye, if only for the PAR meter.  I have to wait 48hrs to get the slide it comes with soaked, then I can monitor the pH and Ammonia.  It does give a calculated value for dissolved O2, which is cool.

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Can you post a chart showing your ai settings? I have been trying to slowly dial mine in over the last few months, slowly increasing the intensity. All my coarls seem happy so far but im a little nervous to turn it up any higher. I have a Red Sea e170 with a hudra 26 hd sitting about 10 inches above water. 


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This is what I posted on the PNW facebook page a few minutes ago.

After checking PAR with my new Seneye I set my single AI Prime HD for my Crocea Clam and 2 BTAs. I was really surprised at how quickly the PAR drops off. My light is 8" above my tank and clam is about 6" below the surface. I just made this change so I have no results thus far, but this gives my clam about 220 PAR and the Anemones about 175.




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It was just brought to my attention that I should have turned off my powerheads and flow before taking the readings.  That seems so obvious after the fact.  I am going to redo them in a bit.  I'll post if ti changes how I set my lights


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Well I redid it with the powerheads off.  Made quite a difference.  I ended up raising my light to 10" and changing my settings.  Being a noob can be such a drag sometimes...I did, after I dropped something behind the tank and have to move things solve the mystery of my little disappearing clown.  Found him, dried out on the floor.  There is about a 1" gap in the back of the tank around the screen...sigh...Well at least I know the other one is not a killer.



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