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So I've been in this hobby for about 10 months now..Love it...


Where do fish go..

In the past 5 days..

Blue Tang ,,, Big Yellow eye tang and a little yellow goby..

have disappeared.. Cant find them anywhere..


Have lids on top and a slotted cover on my overflow...


Do I have to pull all the rock out of my 75g tank????


If dead somewhere in the tank,,Will all other fish and coral die???


What do I need to do so my tank wont CRASH...


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Well the first place I'd be looking is all around the floor. I don't think tangs are notorious jumpers, but you know. I know you said you have covers, but that doesn't prevent things entirely.


Losing three fish is quite an anomaly. Have you tested parameters lately? An ammonia spike could (at this point) be both the cause and the result of dying fish. If it's the cause, obviously you'll want to find out what triggered that in the first place.


How big are the fish? When were they added?


Blue tangs tend to jam themselves in between rocks to hideout. When they're comfortable, they'll come out. No other ideas at the moment. Hope you figure it out though. Don't get discouraged!

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Had the blue tang for about 2 month the yellow eye tang and the yellow goby for about 1 month..There were all eating  and swimming around..

First to be gone was the blue tang... Then a few days later I notice that the 2 others were gone..

The corals ,, Big RBT ,2 clowns and a PJ card..doing fine for now..

PH, Phos, are fine..


Cant fine any sign of the fish.. Pieces ,,nothing...


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Wow that many fish to disappear is wierd. I've had fish jump but never tangs, and when they die they'll disappear fast being eaten by hermit crabs etc. But then again I've also had fish I thought were long gone only to find them alive and well months later (while moving rocks or they decide to come out) but checking your floor is a good idea. Look good too, once they dry out they no longer resemble a fish. Good luck


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Personally I have never had a fish just die without showing signs of illness first. The ones that have looked good and then disappeared either jumped and some I didn't find until the tank was moved because they were in the back. Others ended up in the overflow or even the filter sock. It is also possible that they could be lost to an unknown predator.


What size is your tank?

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When my clowns were babies one of them went down the overflow into the sump, found it in the morning calmly swimming in the sump.   That is a lot of fish to dissapear though,  when I first started my chromis would hide and I kept thinking I lost them, even moving rocks around to look, they were very good at hiding.

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