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Solana cube for sale


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I'm saving up to get an 80 gallon and my husband is putting his foot down at having 3 tanks in the house. I can't understand why ;)  So I'm sadly going to sell my beloved Solana.I had the back chamber removed and the tank drilled.The back is painted black and looks great.it comes with an Eshopps RS 75 sump and a Bak Pak SR 2 skimmer. The stand was repainted and the tank comes with the frame for the cover which matches the stand.I removed the glass to install mesh but didn't get to it. Selling the lot for $380 OBO.I also have an LED unit used for a week while I was waiting for a replacement part for my other unit.It was $100 but I'll throw it in for 70. I can post pictures on the Facebook site if anyone is interested.



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