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OIAB Group Buy

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Last Saturday while at Ocean In A Box we all got to look around the shop, I had not been in for a couple years ow, very clean and well stocked I must say. 



While looking into the SPS tank I saw a few maricultured acros that looked mighty fine but far too costly for myself, not to mention I am running pretty short on room nowadays. I passed on by and bought myself a few other corals. After checking out at the register I hear a bit of talk in the back room about going in on one of the said mariculture pieces. I am listening, as my head pops back around the corner... If we get 5 of us together we can break it up and only have to pay $55 each and get a nice chunk, RoBert likes corals lets ask him...They are right, RoBert Loves corals. Alrighty then, Lets do this!



All of us went in and bought the acro.


looks pretty much like a type shortcake to me with its slightly green base and light pinkish hue but time will tell, obviously no lineage as of yet.


The thing is mariculture are notorious for bleaching,RTN, and parasites.

Wouldn't want to just slice this one up and take our chances rolling the dice that way so I got nominated for the job of quarantine and dismantling the specimen.I took it home, slowly acclimated it, dipped the colony and set it in one of my more colorful systems. I have waited a few days to make sure it is not too stressed from the transport and dip and will now perform another preventative dip. Would hate to see people getting more than they bargained for. Once it is looking good from this second dip I will make the cuts and mount the frags for everyone.


Just thought I would update everyone who went in on the coral, so far so good.

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Here we are getting ready for a nice bath, or dip is what some people call it.




A picture of the colony with flash on. I see happy polyps.




Picture with no flash, looking pretty stable so far, kinda washed out still but I am confident it will gain some color over time.

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I knew it would be in good hands with you Robert. It was a nice looking piece and looked to be a maricultured strawberry shortcake to me too. I would have been all over this if I was into sps.You are wise to be gentle with it and dip it twice. Looking forward to seeing how this little gem colors up!????

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So isn't Holly, Salty P, Karen, and I going? Does anyone know if Matt is coming to the December Meet?

This would be a really convenient time to get them to there final homes.

Salty Pickle (James) and Matt are good friends.  I'll PM him and ask if either Matt is coming or if he can take it with him.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So how is everyone's doing? I am trying to get a good picture of mine but it's to far back in the tank. I need to get look down. This is the best I can get. It went through a browning period. It's finally starting to get its pink back and it's starting to get some green color around the skeleton. It's starting to look better than when I bought it.




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