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Clean Up Crew with Puffer


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Just curious what clean up crew people use when there is a puffer in the tank.  I'm doing okay with babylon and conch snails, but not great.  They can't get into the crevices and on the rocks too well, and I'm still getting more algae on the sand and glass than I would like.  Normal go-tos like smaller snails (especially nerite and astraea), hermits, emerald crabs (no bubble algae yet, knock on wood), shrimp, and sifting sand stars are out.  Other ideas?

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what kind of algea?  Normally lack of flow or water is not cleaned.  For green hair algea, tang or chevron tang ( more friendly).  For red algea, I like conch and tongan, and bunch of trochus.  


I used to have a puffer and just got another but it stays with other predators that no snails or even big crab, algea, apatasia or any kind of softies can't survive :-).

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No hair algae, and the tank is only 40 gallons (it's a Valentini puffer) so no tangs possible anyway.  When I've tried some of the smaller snails, I find empty shells shortly thereafter, so I know the puffer has eaten them.  The algae isn't really bad, a little cyano on the rocks and them regular brown algae on the glass.  I have to clean the glass in that tank twice as often as any of the other tanks.  I'm now feeding the puffer smaller amounts once a day rather than a larger amount every other day, so maybe that will make him less interested in snails.  I'll give it another try.  Thanks, Tom.

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I had a buddy that had a porcupine puffer and maintained some sort of cleanup crew.  I think he bought the 100 pack of blue legged hermits on sale for some crazy low price around 20 bucks?  Anyways the puffer ate some in theory but many stuck around.

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That reminds me of that old joke:  What do you do if you want to own a small business in this economic climate?  Open a large business and wait.  So what do I do if I want a small clean up crew to house with my puffer?  Buy a large clean up crew and wait!   :doh:


I actually think that is what I'm going to do--buy a larger clean up crew.  With the daily feedings maybe the puffer will leave them alone.

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