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Bubbles In Corner Seam (Acrylic Tank) - Should I Worry


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It is from the building of the tank- should you be worried, not yet but time will tell.


You could always drain and put a bead of Weldon 42 in the corner. It's a 2 part polymer ( I think polymer) that basically fuses and is used for joining pieces of acrylic. If you did that you wouldn't have any reason to worry.


Not saying you should be worried now, you've a long way to go before it's even a potential issue, but you'll be watching that area and it'll be in your head-

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I've seen plenty of bubbles in seams but that's a lot. Just keep comparing the picture to what it looks like in the future. If here's any change I'd say you need to seal it up. A dynamic seam is going to fail eventually. But I've never had a bubble cause a problem.


It's acrylic? If so there are other signs you will see to worry about. Like crazing. Imo if that seam started to fail you would see crazing along the stress points.

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I've seen plenty of bubbles in seams but that's a lot. Just keep comparing the picture to what it looks like in the future. If here's any change I'd say you need to seal it up. A dynamic seam is going to fail eventually. But I've never had a bubble cause a problem.


It's acrylic? If so there are other signs you will see to worry about. Like crazing. Imo if that seam started to fail you would see crazing along the stress points.


Thank you.  Yes, it is acyrlic.  I will take another picture in a week or so and compare, good idea.  Will watch for crazing.

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