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Naso Tang Hunger Strike - Going on 3 Days


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Hey All,


Just curious if any of you have experienced this.  


We have a very beloved Naso tang that has been in captivity for at least 3 years, maybe 5.  I am the second owner.


He usually eats like a pig, but the last three days he hasn't been himself.


I have tried special treats (garlic soaked nori), all his favorite and not favorite foods.


All other fish and coral are healthy.


There have been no new fish additions for months.


I don't see any bullying thankfully, as I can tell his strength is not at 100%.


No signs of heavy breathing, no external blemishes or parasites I can detect with the naked eye.


His stomach is starting to get emaciated.


Checked for stray voltage.


This happened once before and I treated the entire system successfully with Prazi pro, it seemed to snap him out of it.  Probably will give that a shot again.


One thing that changed in the last two weeks.  I added an auto feeder and filled it with new life spectrum pellets (color enhancing type).  He always spit them out doesn't seem to care for them.  Maybe they are upsetting his stomach?  The other fish are gorging down on them..  Seems like a long shot but it was a recent change.  Seems the root of all problems are recent changes in this hobby! :)



Interested in your experience / advice.



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The emaciated stomach and lack of eating would make me guess internal parasite. Do you QT? I can't imagine NLS pellets upsetting its stomach, especially if it's spitting them out. What else do you feed it? If there's nothing obvious you can think of I would treat it sooner rather than later.

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Really doubt it's the pellets and agree with the previous comment on internal parasite. I would go two rounds of Prazi on the whole tank, 5-7 days apart. If you only did one round of Prazi before, some eggs may not have been killed. White poop would be an indicator, of course, so watch for that.


To get him eating, you could try flying fish roe, aka sushi eggs. It's a rare fish who doesn't gobble them up, sick or not. You should be able to get them in an Asian grocery store. No additives would be best, but you're unlikely to find that, so just go for the crazy colored ones you find and feed them till he's interested in nori and other normal foods again.

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Hey All,


Just curious if any of you have experienced this.


We have a very beloved Naso tang that has been in captivity for at least 3 years, maybe 5. I am the second owner.


He usually eats like a pig, but the last three days he hasn't been himself.


I have tried special treats (garlic soaked nori), all his favorite and not favorite foods.


All other fish and coral are healthy.


There have been no new fish additions for months.


I don't see any bullying thankfully, as I can tell his strength is not at 100%.


No signs of heavy breathing, no external blemishes or parasites I can detect with the naked eye.


His stomach is starting to get emaciated.


Checked for stray voltage.


This happened once before and I treated the entire system successfully with Prazi pro, it seemed to snap him out of it. Probably will give that a shot again.


One thing that changed in the last two weeks. I added an auto feeder and filled it with new life spectrum pellets (color enhancing type). He always spit them out doesn't seem to care for them. Maybe they are upsetting his stomach? The other fish are gorging down on them.. Seems like a long shot but it was a recent change. Seems the root of all problems are recent changes in this hobby! :)



Interested in your experience / advice.



this happened to me with my wrasse it did it for a month and eventually died Wish I would of known about prazz back then



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I never treated tank and idk the other fish are doing fine should I dose prazz?

If you're committed to QT'ing future fish additions and want to be sure the display is free of worms and flukes, then yes. (Prazi is only anecdotally reported to be helpful against other types of internal parasites.) Follow instructions on the bottle and do not overdose, especially if you have wrasses. Do two rounds 5-7 days apart to kill any eggs.

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If you're committed to QT'ing future fish additions and want to be sure the display is free of worms and flukes, then yes. (Prazi is only anecdotally reported to be helpful against other types of internal parasites.) Follow instructions on the bottle and do not overdose, especially if you have wrasses. Do two rounds 5-7 days apart to kill any eggs.

do you have to do a lot of wcs?



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do you have to do a lot of wcs?



A few, but I don't find it difficult. I QT in a 10g tank and follow this schedule:


Day 1: large water change (40 to 50%), initial dose of Prazi

Day 7: moderate water change (20 to 30%), run carbon to remove any leftover medication and avoid overdosing

Day 8: remove carbon from tank, add second dose of Prazi

Day 14: moderate water change (20 to 30%), run carbon to remove any leftover medication


That's not my entire QT process, but for fish showing no symptoms of disease, that's the only part that involves medication.


Btw, when I say Day 1, I mean the first day of treatment, not the first day I have the fish. I give them a couple of weeks to rest up and eat up while I watch for diseases like velvet, which would be far more urgent and require different treatment.

Edited by Flashy Fins
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The emaciated stomach and lack of eating would make me guess internal parasite. Do you QT? I can't imagine NLS pellets upsetting its stomach, especially if it's spitting them out. What else do you feed it? If there's nothing obvious you can think of I would treat it sooner rather than later.


Hey Dragon,


Yes I do QT now, just refuse to add a fish without doing it anymore.  Nine times out of ten it is fine, but that one time it is not.  This guy has been in this tank for a long time and the last additions a while back were QTd.  That is why I am so stumped but I suppose there are diseases all the time in the system and any weakness in the fish can bring them on.


The NLS really seems like a long shot too, just threw it out there in case there was something I am missing!



Really doubt it's the pellets and agree with the previous comment on internal parasite. I would go two rounds of Prazi on the whole tank, 5-7 days apart. If you only did one round of Prazi before, some eggs may not have been killed. White poop would be an indicator, of course, so watch for that.


To get him eating, you could try flying fish roe, aka sushi eggs. It's a rare fish who doesn't gobble them up, sick or not. You should be able to get them in an Asian grocery store. No additives would be best, but you're unlikely to find that, so just go for the crazy colored ones you find and feed them till he's interested in nori and other normal foods again.


Good advice!  I am on it, did the first round last night.


Now I need to go gourmet shopping for some food, also a great tip thank you!



I find spirulina brine shrimp works well for picky eaters.


Appreciate it, will see if I have any of that left or get a fresh batch.


Thanks all for the ideas.  This fish is a special one around here so we will be trying hard to turn it around.

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Keep us posted on how things go. I have a new naso in QT now that's got a fat body with a pinched stomach and will be going through two rounds of Prazi starting this weekend. Mine is eating very well, but it seems pretty clear that it's dealing with an internal parasite. Your naso is basically the mascot around here, so here's to hoping things turn around!  :fingerscrossed:

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Hey good news!!  He is already eating this morning a little.  Seems like after eating he sulks in the corner for a few minutes, maybe the stomach is still unsettled.  Still this is a huge step in the right direction.  


That Prazi Pro is miraculous stuff...


Thanks all for the advice, this is great!


Will hit it again in 5-7 days as suggested.


Current dose was at 66% of the recommendation just to be on the safe side.  This is the third time of using prazi right in the reef tank with no visible issues.  Bottom line is we would have risked it all for the naso.

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Hey good news!! He is already eating this morning a little. Seems like after eating he sulks in the corner for a few minutes, maybe the stomach is still unsettled. Still this is a huge step in the right direction.


That Prazi Pro is miraculous stuff...


Thanks all for the advice, this is great!


Will hit it again in 5-7 days as suggested.


Current dose was at 66% of the recommendation just to be on the safe side. This is the third time of using prazi right in the reef tank with no visible issues. Bottom line is we would have risked it all for the naso.


Glad he's doing better. I know that naso is special to you. He is a potm star after all!


Just as a side note, our fearless leader John is working on Dr. Tim coming in October to do a talk about common diseases in fish and treatment. I definitely want to make that one! So much to learn about helping out little wet pets!

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I do hope he/she pulls through. My naso was one of my all time favorite fish. I was really upset when she passed. They are seriously like having a dog.


Thanks, I think we are back on track, eating like a hog tonight and acting normal  :clap: .  Maybe by sharing this info prazi will save one for someone else out there...


So true, he is like a pet to the family like an aqua dog. 

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