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Anyone up for helping move a 72 gallon bowfront soon?


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I am moving from 83rd and Tolman SE to 101st and Henry (1 block north of Foster very close to I-205) and am stalled out on the heavy stuff. My back was already bad, and is hosed from moving a few 20 longs so know I can't push it any further. Don't suppose a couple strong folks would be willing to huck my glass 72 bowfront to the new place? I would remove the animals to a rubbermaid bin before you guys arrive and put the substrate in buckets, mainly need help with the glass, sump, and sand. The rest I will probably take slowly as assuming the substrate move will spike the ammonia. I work next saturday and sunday but that is it. Also need help with a tank and stand I have dry in the garage, tank weighs like 20 lbs (acrylic) but the stand is heavy. If I can get that into the basement first I can use it to mix saltwater for the bowfront. A bunch of my non fishy friends and family members have offered to help with this job but I had one give up after getting a 20 in his car and the others won't understand about not scratching acrylic or needing to hustle with the sand so it doesn't crash. There is a van I can borrow. Anyone up for this kind of work? I will give you frags if you want... also have a mature healthy male melanurus wrasse who needs a new home as I have 3. 

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I have to work next weekend so might have to do it mid week, but hopefully I won't need help for very long as can get everything into the stock tub and buckets. If my bed hasn't been moved yet would be awesome to get that done too. Am planning on giving frags but having some dieoff. Think it's due to lack of water changes, skimmer wasn't functional and temperature spikes. Doesn't look like RTN or anything, but you might want to wait on sps frags.


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Well I should also mention that the neighbors at both the old place and the new one are tweakers, so I have to watch my back especially at the old place. Will try and line up a couple extra dudes to guard the truck. August is not bringing out the best in the local addicts


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well had a panic yesterday when guys helping with another job said no way the tanks will fit down the basement stairs but the 72 definitely will go. They might be right about the stand for the other tank but I think it will go if on it's end. The window for moving this week has passed, next week? I dont' want to move them in high heat anyhow, hard enough keeping the tanks oxygenated running. The stand for the other tank is really heavy, I feel guilty asking for help with it. Going to see if I can get the straps pro's use to move appliances.

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