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I think this might be some kind of pest algae/micro algae. I have been having a difficult time identifying it. It started out as one small piece and exploded with exposure to natural light. That being said it isn't an intensely rapid overgrown monster YET. BUT does anyone know what it is and what creature might enjoy eating it? 

Thank you!!!! 



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The previous mentioned methods listed by Ninjabeaver will help just make sure not to raise the mag more than 100ppm a day and stop at 1,500. The peroxide is a remedy that I have not pursued but have several friends who have used it with success. I know some urchins are hit and miss with the stuff.

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I'm about to start my battle with this stuff, i was thinking on trying Kent tech M but worried about parameters and corals.

The most affected areas are home to Anemones so spot treating might be hard. Both rocks are softball sized and easily removable so i also considered dipping the affected areas in peroxide but with the nems attached makes it a real pain, one of the rocks has 2 nems on it.


I had a small two bar rabbitfish that was making a dent in it but lost him and need to acquire another  :sad:

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I'm fighting off patches of the same thing. Peroxide hasn't done much long term. I did a few really aggressive dips of a few rocks. Like 75% peroxide, 25% water. It melted away, then came back after a few weeks.


I have a couple of lettuce nudis that eat it, but they always seem to leave a few strands behind that end up regrowing in no time.


I think raising the mg is the best solution. It was working great for me. The only problem is that I didn't buy a big enough bottle to keep it elevated long enough, so now it's back.

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