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Best Montipora


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Are you a collector of rare and exotic montipora corals? Or maybe just beginning your path towards Monti Nirvana? Please list your favorite montipora corals here! If you are an expert, we want to hear from you. If you have a pulse, we want to hear from you!


Please include name of coral at minimum, photos, care regiment(lighting, current, magic monti potion etc.)


Inquiring minds would love to see some cool different coloration patterns and secrets to success.

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I do love my montis but I am unable to make one my one personal favorite. I really like the encrusting rainbow monti, the green purple rim cap, and maybe the superman digitata. Purple haze s nice too. Are you not one of the resident Montipora collectors yourself? Any favorites or tips from you?

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I think if I had to pick, it'd be the M. Undata.



If you are having trouble id'ing anything(like most people! oh yeah thats a montipora humunumunumunumulaish), garret's acropolis has a decent guide for at least a general reference.



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I like the poker star, rainbow, sunset, and jedi mind trick.  Medium flow and high PUR (430 peak) grows them quickly with good color.  Cut a dozen poker star frags a couple weeks ago, since their polyps are easy to see, I usually take the leftover single polyps and glue them down to something else in case they make it.



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  • 1 month later...

All the ones you guys mentioned are beauties.


Wish I had pics but have not busted out the camera just yet.  Here are a few in addition I really like so far.


Pink panther monti 


There must be another name for it.  Red with purple polyps.  Google images couldn't find me anything similar.


No pic handy, but I will have some pics and small frags for the charity auction.


Mystic Sunset 


Beautiful I am liking it.  I have a small frag growing out.



Tyree Blue Flower Petal Monti


I really love this one too.  Green with blue polyps.  Lineage to @ReefNJunkie


No pic handy, but I will have some pics and small frags for the charity auction.


Good thread!

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I think if I had to pick, it'd be the M. Undata.



If you are having trouble id'ing anything(like most people! oh yeah thats a montipora humunumunumunumulaish), garret's acropolis has a decent guide for at least a general reference.






Great link, I am so bad at id'ing them, this helps.  Pic is pretty darn nice too

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I've found that with digis the faster the flow, the thinner the branches grow...usually lol.


Also, when I frag digitata, I usually lay it down in the glue instead of standing up. 1 branch quickly encrusts and grows into two...though at first it's quite ugly:)

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Monti-Mandinga with his fragging tips,


I will say that keeping my magnesium higher, or should I say proper, I see better colors particularly purples. When I used to slack on dosing I would know my mag was low when the purple monti was looking faded so I would get out the test kits and that was generally the culprit.

Edited by badxgillen
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It would appear many people confuse M. digitata with M. samarensis. Myself included. Reading this article by Advanced Aquarist(thanks Junkie) was eye opening. After seeing alot of different specimens of montipora lately its exciting to see new species being propagated more frequently...because there are some really colorful Samarensis out there:) I suppose both forest fire and superman are both available in the samarensis...because i have them for close study lol.

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   I have become quite the Montipora whore, as of late..  I love them all and would love to talk to anyone in the Eug./Spfld. area that is interested in swapping.  I will post some of mine as soon as I can.

Finally got some pics uploaded.  Any help I.D.ing these guys would be helpful...20150304_123908.jpg20150304_123830.jpg20150304_124153.jpg20150304_123935.jpg20150304_123914.jpg

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Here are some common pests for Montipora and possible solutions. Caps seem to be the most threatened, and then digitata's.


Montipora eating nudibranchs:


*Photo courtesy of Melev's Reef

Cure: must treat in separate quarantine/dip tank.

Medication: Potassium Permanganate is reported to kill eggs and nudis LINK to article by Eric Borneman

  Other dips like Bayer, CoralRx work too, but have little to no effect on the eggs.

Possible natural predator: WRASSES are your friend. yellow coris wrasse, six line wrasse, melanarus, +other possible wrasses - wild collected...fed minimally:)

"butterflyfish of the Chaetodon genus(not completely reef safe, likely will eat coral polyps and possibly inverts), wrasse of the genus Thalassoma(not really reef safe, loves inverts) and Coris. Two species of Butterflyfish fish in particular that have been noted as being efficient predators are: Chaetodon semilarvatus, the Red Sea Butterfly and Chaetodon auriga, the Thread Fin Butterfly. Be advised that these fish will also consume worms, such as feather dusters and those that inhabit live sand beds in the reef aquarium."


Black Bugs - similar to red bugs for acropora



Cure: Must dip in separate treatment tank.

Medication(s): Bayer Advanced Dip, Revive, Interceptor

Possible natural predators: Not sure here, but pipefish would be a likely candidate.


If anyone has any to add to the list, or tips on eradication, please speak up!


Dip, quarantine, dip, predate!

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BeAsTlY Monti's there Goathead!


Please share your methods...do you frag? I love big Monti colonies, yet mine never have reached such massive sizes. It must be partially because I'm more of a farmer than coll

No methods,Mandinga, although Monti's are one of very few SPS corals that I am able to grow normally.  Don't know why, but whatever.  I'm not going to complain.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are a couple recent photos from my collection.

German Blue.morning shot.

Specs on coral: mid tank height, medium flow. Frag-not often:(




and a forest fire.

Flow Medium/High

Tank position: top 2" of water

fragged often :)


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